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6 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
The number one tool for editing your character, writing down the changes, and using a mod to edit for free anyway lmao
Posted 5 March.
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89.5 hrs on record (68.4 hrs at review time)
Poor Performance and Optimization aside, it's still Monster Hunter.

Played through the entire game at a nice stable 20-30 FPS and I've gotta say, it's STILL a highly enjoyable experience. Patches will come, I'm working on upgrading my PC anyway, and it's still fairly playable as long as you know how to work your settings.

Gameplay-wise, top notch. Everything that made World's combat fun and fluid is polished to a mirror sheen in Wilds. Focus mode alleviates the admittedly clunky movement based attack inputs by just letting you look towards the camera. it is 2025, and aiming where you're looking is considered a major development for Monster Hunter. Lol. Lmao, even.

Pacing is solid, the story is... there. It's the first Monster Hunter where I've genuinely been interested in the story, and the characters are great. Alma is helpful and supportive, both in-story AND in hunts, accompanying you along the way and reminding you to not forget to carve the tail as you're running away from it. Nata has a nice character arc, and while he's a bit annoying at first, they make it a point to showcase how he grows and matures over the course of the story. Gemma is the Blacksmith, and is attractive. I wish Gemma had more actual story related presence, but she never detracts from it in any way, mostly serving as a light-comic relief character that keeps everything from getting TOO serious when it doesn't need to be.

Now, the Cons. Of which there are a few.

One: Performance. Obviously. There's enough out there about this so I won't dwell, but hopefully they'll have optimized the game a lot more in the next few months or so. Games releasing with terrible performance seems to be a theme with a lot of new releases, but might i remind you that even Elden Ring released with atrocious performance, and it still pulled out a GotY award.

Two: Endgame. I'm pretty sure I'm finished with the main story, barring the absolute final boss in High Rank. There are... NO Elder Dragons? Which is odd. Either there's a whole other 30-40 hours I simply haven't discovered yet, or this is it. That said, there's plenty of Monsters to keep you occupied. Basegame World had 28 monsters in total, and 4 of them were Raths. Wilds has 29, and only 3 are Raths, with one having a pretty interesting gimmick. I do think there could've been more, definitely, but it's still a full experience. With Mizutsune around the corner, too.

Overall, if you're on the fence, that's fine. Stay there and observe. Just don't write it off yet. With some content updates/events, and some performance fixes and optimizations, this game will SHINE.
Posted 4 March.
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2.8 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Baba is You is Game and Good
Posted 10 February.
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4.8 hrs on record
Definitely more creepy than scary, but there are a few really good moments that had me freaking out a bit. Not for the faint of heart, but not quite the pinnacle of terror, either. Plus, apparently still being updated. Neat.
8/10, Well made, would recommend if you're looking to kill a day and want the possibility of chilling with a psycho ai girl down the line.
Posted 5 January.
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17.2 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The furries won. Their game is fun.

The character creator, while... OBJECTIVELY 100% condensed furry bait, is actually pretty well implemented. Sure, you CAN make a ridiculously proportioned short stack, but you can also omit the horny from your character, and make a wide array of anthro characters, from mice/rats, to Kobolds, to little fish demons, birds, and more traditional lagomorph/canine/feline characters. There are also options to disable more of the suggestive aspects of the game, like jiggle physics, limiting player proportions, etc. The Transmog system for armor also means you can use real armor/clothing over some of the more revealing sets. It also means peak fashion, so it's a win-win.

The Combat is actually quite solid, which is what attracted me to the game in the first place. 3 classes to choose from, and different niches within each class. You can also "Multi-Class" by changing the scaling on a weapon to match the scaling on your skills, so you can be a Rogue with a Dex Scaling Magical Staff, or a Mystic with a Mind scaling 4-ton Hammer. Movement is also quite nice. The Dash mechanic is well done. I've never felt like I've had to fight the movement to get to where I want to go, and in fact, the movement options available have made navigating levels and fights very enjoyable.

There is no Story. Not yet, anyway. This game IS in Early Access, and afaik, by a single developer. It's rudimentary, with you being called from the dead Dark Souls style to save a dying world somehow yadda yadda, who knows? There's little lore tidbits scattered around but I haven't dug too far into them.

The quests usually involve going to a place, attuning to a sigil, or clearing out a certain number of enemies. It's basic, but there are NO fetch quests, which is quite nice, and certain quests are infinitely repeatable, which tremendously cuts down on grinding. There are 2 major dungeons, and each time you enter, the layout of the dungeon changes to some extent. The actual rooms themselves are identical, but you enter from a different location, progress through rooms differently, and each room has a handful of different possible layouts. It's an ingenious use of space and resources, though there aren't enough variations to truly feel "random." I imagine there will be additional base layouts introduced as the game continues, or at the very least, there will be more dungeons to keep you occupied. Especially since you return to the first dungeon a least 3 times.

Overall, I give this game a solid 7.3/10 in its current state. It needs some polish here or there, and there's enough to keep you busy for a little while, but it won't consume your life. Yet. This game is under active development following its Early Access release back in November, but even in its current state it was worth the 10 bucks. There's signs of early attention to detail, and a few areas that seem to be unfinished. (A few transporters that are unused, and an area with no associated quests or enemies). Keep an eye on this one. The horny bait is optional, but the fun is mandatory.
Posted 8 December, 2024.
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63.7 hrs on record (55.3 hrs at review time)
Gameplay is very solid. Won't lie and say it's top tier, but def a healthy 7.5/10.
Survivors don't feel atrocious to play unless you get completely tunneled out of the game, and Killers are extremely diverse and fun, both to play as, and against. The Perks are great, and range from a minor buff to a specific action, to something that fundamentally changes your play style. Maps are, alright. Some are excellent and have a lot of love and care poured into them, and some are that one Swamp area.
The Licensed Characters are really fun. Having to pay for them outright instead of being able to earn them in-game is a letdown, but just having them as an option is pretty cool. As a Killer, sure, you might miss out on some of the cooler Killers, but as a Survivor, you can really go without them. Perks are sharable between Killers and Survivors, and a lot of the strongest Perks in the game are from non-Licensed Characters.

The core gameplay loop seems a little boring at first, but once you start getting the hang of it, you realize there's a surprising amount of depth to it. Doing Generators is LITERALLY holding M1 on a box and pressing Space occasionally, but knowing WHEN you have to do it and when you need to start running, move to a different Gen, look for items, unhook a teammate, etc. is a fun little mindgame.

The best way to enjoy the game, in my opinion, is as a Party Game. Don't go into it expecting to Win, go into it expecting to have fun! Play with friends, or play Killer with the intent of jumpscaring some kids. There are tournaments for this game, sure, but that's for only the sweatiest tryhards. If you're that kind of person, you might find some enjoyment. But for a casual experience? I can definitely recommend trying it when it goes on sale.
Posted 16 October, 2024.
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1,404.7 hrs on record (1,323.6 hrs at review time)
It's Monster Hunter. Come on.

Extremely diverse environments that never feel "samey" or boring. Though the exploration is limited, and there isn't an open world, the levels are still MASSIVE, and are designed with fighting the titular Monsters in mind.

Also the Monsters. Extremely diverse, though World has an issue with pretty much every Monster being some sort of Lizard/Lizard with Wings. There's still a broad variety of Monsters, some being based on real world creatures, and others based on more fantastical designs, like Bazelgeuse, the heavily armored bomber plane, bird, dragon, thing. Or Paolumu, a furry, bat-like wyvern with an air sac in its neck that it uses to spit air pressure attacks at you. The DLC ramps things up even further, with a lot of returning designs from previous games, like the badass Tail-Sword T-Rex Glavenus, or the 5 time heavyweight boxing champ, Brachydios.

The Armor you get from the monsters is awesome, as well. Early game, there isn't a lot of variety, and the skills you get will assist you on hunts, but never define your build, allowing you to learn your weapon more or less in a vacuum. Late game, however, they wind up being the most important part of your build, augmenting the way your weapon functions, how well you can survive, giving you damage boosts when performing specific actions, and so much more.

And of course... the weapons.
Switch Axe gang RISE UP!
14 unique different weapons that all play in very different ways.
Greatsword, a slow, heavy hitter that rewards hit-and-run playstyles while allowing you to deal MASSIVE damage during openings.
Longsword, a flowing, counter based weapon that allows you to dodge and punish within the same attacks.
Sword and Shield, a generalist, "Jack of All Trades" weapon that allows for slashing, bashing, and monster thrashing. You can NEVER go wrong with SnS.
Dual Blades, a nimble, rapid hitting weapon that can attack nigh constantly while remaining on the move.
Hammer, a heavy, charging weapon that can reliably knock monsters to the ground when hitting the head.
Hunting Horn, a specialized instrument that prioritizes support and unique buffs to augment every hunter in the group.
Switch Axe, my BABY, and a combination between a slow, but far reaching Axe, and a fast, high damage Sword form.
Charge Blade, a complex weapon, comprised of a Sword and Shield that can store energy, and transform into a long handled axe capable of dealing devastating strikes.
Lance, a defensive, counter based weapon that allows you to block nearly every attack in the game while countering with a long, heavy lance.
Gunlance, a Lance modified with a close range cannon that prioritizes shell attacks that ignore armor.
Insect Glaive, an aerial, mobile weapon that pairs up with a Kinsect that allows you to harvest extracts that enhance your abilities.
Bow, a mid-ranged weapon that fires a barrage of arrows with unique coatings from a safe distance.
Light Bowgun, a nimble, long ranged weapon that can fire a variety of ammo types to fit any situation.
Heavy Bowgun, a powerful, heavy weapon that can fire a variety of powerful ammo types to chunk down monsters, from range, or from up close.

Of course, if you've played this game before, you already know this. But if you're reading this review, not sure whether or not to get this game (especially with Wilds coming out next year, as of writing) I can assure you, it is WELL worth it. You will get a lot out of this game, and as a Monster Hunter game, all of that experience with your respective weapon will transfer over to some extent. When I started this game, I felt like the combat was slow, clunky, and unfun to play. But I gave it a chance, and I adjusted to the movement, and to my weapon of choice. I slammed through the game with Longsword, my then favorite weapon. Switch Axe, my least favorite weapon, was a weapon I couldn't stand at all. But I decided, on a whim, to give it a chance. I started a new playthrough, and went through the entire game using it. By the end, I came out a changed man. Give it a chance. Experiment. Learn new weapons. Everything has something to offer, so if you ever think this game has bad combat, chances are, you're the one missing something.

Also, try Rise! I recommend it after World. Rise has a lot of new systems compared to World, and is easily the more complex of the two. World is a great intro experience.

TL;DR - This game rocks, give every weapon a chance before deciding you don't like them, and if you like this one, try Rise.
Posted 22 September, 2024.
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92.4 hrs on record (70.3 hrs at review time)
An insanely fun, insanely replayable Roguelike experience that is simple to pick up, difficult to master, and surprisingly deep.

This game is Asteroids, the CLASSIC asteroid shooting game from the dawn of gaming, but modernized and turned into a Roguelike. This means you can wrap around the screen to the other side if you reach the edge, and your only controls (at first) are accelerate, fire, and turn.
This lasts for about 5 seconds.
Enemies will begin showing up, at which point destroying them will net you Experience Orbs. Collect enough, and you'll level up, and be allowed to choose an upgrade. Your first 3 upgrades are a Weapon, a Shield, and a Body. This is where the depth comes in. Each weapon has a GREATLY different feel, even though a few of them are genuinely just different flavors of forward projectile. From the simple yet reliable Spread Shot, to the unique Vortex weapon that drains your hull as you charge it to unleash a roving vortex that sucks enemies in and strikes them with lightning, to the robust and customizable Blade Drone that is launched forward and shreds enemies at a distance before returning to be thrown once more. Shields aren't boring bullet sponges, but potent modifiers to your playstyle that determine how you choose to defend from attackers. A Reflect shield that bounces enemy projectiles back at attackers, a Halo shield that burns enemies in close range around you, or even a physical Bastion shield that constantly regenerates and can be used to ram into enemies. Bodies are equally robust, ranging from a standard offense focused body that gives you bonus weapon stats and a chance to "crit", a Hullbreaker ship that gives you massive damage when you crash straight through enemies, the extremely interesting Leviathan ship that turns you into an ever growing serpent with high damage resistance and bonus damage the longer you grow, or the Engineer ship that gives you bonuses to your summoned constructs and allows for more at a time.
Oh yeah, and there are Constructs. If you like Engineer classes in games, there's something for you here.
After leveling up past Level 4, you will receive a variety of mods that affect your base stats for your weapon, shield, or the option to add Constructs to your arsenal, ranging from Drones that orbit your ship and fire lasers, stationary turrets that burn themselves out but deal high DPS, an Ally ship that skirmishes with other enemies, and even Mines that are deployed from the rear to detonate on unsuspecting ships that stray too close. After that, there are further upgrades. Turn your orbiting Drones into a defensive wall that automatically try to get inbetween you and nearby projectiles, or into enemy seeking swarms with boosted damage and fire rate. Turn your Ally ships into guardians that heal other constructs and draw fire, or into Interceptors that inherit your own weapon choice, in addition to their default spread shot. Make your mines explode into your weapon projectiles. Make your turrets shoot rockets and heal you. This is JUST the Construct side of things.
Teleport. Leave a trail of damaging fire as you fly. Turn into a comet that burns through the screen in a massive damaging aura. Become an unstoppable wall that can brawl with anything. Shoot 5000 projectiles that wrap across the screen the same way you can. Shoot 1 projectile that explodes and covers the entire screen. Take the Architect Ship that can only use one construct, take the Bastion Shield construct, make it explode, and ram into enemies at full speed before manually detonating your own shield. And likely dying right after, but who cares?
Loop your run after the final boss. Add difficulty modifiers that grant increased score and EXP. Find Super Mods that dramatically augment your build in unique ways. So many possibilities.

As far as roguelikes go, this is one of the best out there rn. You won't be disappointed.

(Also try Firefly, Thermal Lance, and Siege Weaponry for a fun time.)

((Also Also, there seems to be a lot of people complaining about the control scheme. May I introduce to you, the SETTINGS menu. Where you can change them. Or just... pick up your mouse. I tried the Keyboard controls for a few minutes, hated it, then tried the Mouse controls and immediately started loving it. Rebound a few things to my liking (side buttons on my mouse) and called it a day. Haven't changed them since and I've become VERY good at dodging shots and abusing the drifty momentum to strafe attacks while firing back. Like... the game suggests you do. TL;DR if you read the negative reviews for this game and decide controls are a deal breaker for you, don't worry. People simply can't read, and by reaching the end of this review, you're already a leg up.))
Posted 4 September, 2024. Last edited 4 September, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
I was extremely hype for this DLC, and I WAS beyond disappointed with the balance and design decisions that have been made, that used to actually RUIN the game for me.

Gearbox has stepped up in a big way, and I no longer have as many issues.

They recently released an update that changes practically EVERY item they added to make them more potent and less... paperweighty. The infamous War Bonds item now actually does something, weaker items are either giga-buffed or completely reworked, and problematic items like Warped Echo and Unstable Transmitter have been fixed to not be actively detrimental to your run.

On their roadmap, they have plans to update the False Son (the boss), as well as the balance of the new survivors. I am HOPING they will address some of the weaker survivors/abilities in the vanilla game, such as Acrid's Blight, or Huntress's Arrow Rain, but even if they just make Chef playable, Seeker's Special not as intrusive, and the False Son (the survivor) not horrifically overpowered, but still fun, it will be a massive win. Highly promising, and I have high hopes for the future. If you're unsure, remain on the fence for now, but keep up with the changes and make a decision later. It isn't a definite "no" anymore, and that's huge.
Posted 28 August, 2024. Last edited 10 December, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
333.6 hrs on record (330.6 hrs at review time)
Geometry Dash is a game engine with 22 official Demo levels that showcase how the various engine mechanics work.

No seriously, I've seen someone make Five Nights at Freddy's in this game. And... it's good??? Remember when this was the funny block jumping rage game? Yeah me neither. It's dirt cheap, and the most recent major update added a platformer mode that lets you control your own movement outside of jumping.
And again, people made FNaF in it. And Wordle, if you can believe it. And a million other fun levels. If you like it, it's a great thing to sink your time into. If you think it's alright, that's fine. It's still only 5 bucks. Very little to lose, and so, so, so much more to gain.
Posted 5 August, 2024.
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