fp   France
a very normal silly and danger....

angry pigeon noises
lol KK KK KK KK l'OL i'll l'OL kk lol kkk i'll kk i'll k Lolo ko i'll kk k ok i'll

etf2l [etf2l.org]

trade link

song [open.spotify.com]

TIER 4 JUMPER !!!!!! (beaten TWO t4)

(i can't remember my sens)
1.05 - 1600dpi / 24.74cm.360

missing birds :
-Grim Tweeter
-Sir Shootsalot

original pfp by my favourite furry TheUnmen
Ruhan 15 Mar @ 6:25am 
Pidgey (lv. 5) used Sand Attack!
Ngl. You seem kinda really insecure
Hello. You are a girl right? Like an actual woman? Because i cannot have these feelings for a man. It would be the end of me. It would mean my soul being cast down the deepest pits of Hell. Satan himself would be like "Dude.... seriously?" Now I cannot have that as a good Christian boy!
Clarence, Master on the mic 23 Feb @ 8:07pm 
Wizzle wazzle woozle 😮
Clarence, Master on the mic 23 Feb @ 6:33pm 
This killer is really a woman
DOGEGINEER 666 21 Feb @ 1:30pm