Nick Sumbles   United States
Just a nerd looking to serve. :celeste_strawberry:
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37 Hours played
This is the one of the best games I have played in years.

LISA is an extraordinarily raw RPG that can be compared to an adult, dark version of Earthbound. It doesn't hold back its amazingly bizarre humor, yet it equally takes its time with being relentlessly dark. I didnt think that pixels and text could ever make me feel such a wide range of emotions, but this RPG brought me to the ground. I had to lie down for a bit after playing it and just... think about life for a while. LISA's story is suprisingly rich, filled with hidden secrets and plot points that will have you playing a second run in search for them. Im off to play the first game and third game right now. This universe is incredibly compelling.

The sheer amount of brilliant quirkiness neatly stitched in this post-apocalyptic reality of perverted desperation and tear-jerking drama makes LISA one heck of an adventure. The story is absurd, violent, and it frequently feels like your heart is being sucker punched right to the face. What a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ roller coaster. I've never been on a ride quite like this before. Each decesion was harder than the last, and the lines between hero and villian spread thin.

The game always stays interesting, carrying a large array of strategy and challenge backed by simple WASD controls. There are over 30 characters to find, and each of them are unique, interesting, and userful in their own ways. There is rarely a specefic character more powerful than the rest; each of them are well balanced. Don't get too attached to them though... the game consistently finds ways of making them vanish forever. Perma deaths in an RPG? Check. Crying and depression as a status effect? You got it. A bald, shirtless dude whos signature mvoe is accidentally driving a truck through a crowd of enimies? Yep.

This is something everyone shoul try... it's left an impression on me I will never forget. 10/10

Crusttt 19 Apr, 2020 @ 11:41am 
Thanks for the enjoyable review content :VBCOOL: