Представленный профиль - автобиографическая ретроспектива.
Об играх, в которые играл, о которых мечтал и которые люблю.
От витрин PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS и Game Boy Advance к витринам самовыражения и цифрового киберпространства.
Favorite Game
Hours played
300 XP
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Видеоигровые зарисовки
- Что бы ты хотел на День Рождения?
- Приставку?..

Через год этот разговор повторился.

Благодаря Юлии Фёдоровне, журналу "Классный", скриншоту из Grand Theft Auto: Vice City с изображением консоли (приставки) там и моему уже состоявшемуся знакомству с геймбойной GTA Advance в 3-м классе - начался путь в мир чего-то истинно хорошего, невероятного, волшебного и приносящего неисчерпаемые потоки удовольствия и вдохновения.

Никита, играя со мной в Counter-Strike 1.6, научил меня стрелять не очередью, а размеренно, поштучно, чтобы не сбивался прицел.

- Посмотри пока свои весёлые видео.

Самые памятные и любимые мобильные игры (Siemens M65):

Turrican (2004)
Garfield 2: Royal Adventure
Asphalt: Urban GT 2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within / Prince of Persia 3
Playman Beach Volley

Первая запущенная видеоигра:

Gran Turismo 4 (японская игра на японской консоли)

Первая купленная видеоигра:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (PlayStation 2)

Мама ездила в дождь, в непогоду и в безденежье за катриджами для Nintendo DS - Spider-Man 3 и Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, - возвращаясь через 3 часа долгой дороги с первым или сообщая о втором, что "сегодня ещё не было", по итогу достав для меня, для нас и его.

Запомнилось, как Серёжа Мельников играл на своей GBA SP в Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.
И что Денис не прошёл Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, чему я удивился и о чём помню и по сей день.

- Ты мне ничего не хочешь вернуть?

Тёма снизу давал диски BioShock (залагавший и незапустившийся дальше кат-сцены с маяком) на компьютер и Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Need for Speed: Carbon и SoulCalibur III для PlayStation 2. А дома у них стоял магазиноподобный PS2-стенд на двоих...

- А давай сегодня пойдём телевизор посмотрим?

Любимые и определяющие (мою палитру вкусов) игры эпохи PlayStation 2:

1. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

2. Resident Evil 4

3. God of War II

+ Super Mario 64 DS

+ Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4

+ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (GBA)

+ LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
+ LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
+ LEGO Batman: The Videogame

+ Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Guitar Bundle)

Первый сыгранный и пройденный хоррор:


Любимые сюжетные DLC:

1. Separate Ways (и оригинал, и ремейк)

2. Lost in Nightmares (Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition)

3. The Lost and Damned (DLC байкеров из GTA IV)

4. BORN FROM A WISH (DLC Марии к SIlent Hill 2)

Любимые героини из видеоигр:

1. Ада Вонг (Resident Evil 4, обе версии)

" See you around. "

" Put your hands where I can see them. "

" Put them up. Now! "

" Leon. Long time no see. "

" True? About what? "

" I see you've been doing your homework. "

" Looks like we have the upperhand here. "

" The only reason I've taken on this mission is to get closer to my own objective. "

" Yes. But nobody remembered to roll out my red carpet. "

" You can stop right there, Leon. "

" Not a bad move. Very smooth. "

" Oh, Leon. You know I don't work and tell. "

" Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what. "

" Sorry. Nothing yet. "

" He's a good boy. Predictable. "

" Babysitting's tough, huh. "

" Yeah, you should. "

" You haven't changed. You just think you have. "

" Patch me through. "

" I've obtained "the Amber". "

" How ambitious. "

" We're changing course. Now. "

" That's no way to finish a dance. "

" In this world someone always pays. Best not to ask who or why. "

" Copy. Ada out. "

" Move. "

" Not yet... "

" OK. I'll do it. But it'll cost you extra. "

2. Миранда (Mass Effect Legendary Edition)

" Miranda! But you were... "
" Dead? "

3. Кейт Марш (Life is Strange)

" Hey Max "

" Even angels need angels, Max. "

4. Rachel Amber (LiS: BtS Remastered)

" I'm a Leo. Meow. "

Любимые герои из видеоигр:

1. Леон Ass Кеннеди (Resident Evil 2 и обе версии Resident Evil 4)

" The hell? "

" Mhrmm "

2. Ичибан Касуга (Like a Dragon)

" Magicka! "

3. Commander Шепард (Mass Effect Legendary Edition)

4. Aogami (SMTV:V)

" Young man "

- Давай свои фокусы


Лучший co-op experience:

1. Любая игра Юсефа Фареса

2. Серия игр We Were Here


4. Resident Evil 6

Игры, оправдавшие "2-й шанс":

1. Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst

2. Deponia

3. Crysis (Remastered)

4. Tomb Raider: Underworld

- То есть ты считаешь, что она стоит своих денег?

Самые красивые и в наивысшей степени приятно оформленные игры:

1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
2. Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
3. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
4. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R
5. Hi-Fi RUSH
6. Resident Evil 4
7. Like a Dragon

- У меня есть 20$ на карте.

- У тебя есть 2 дня, чтобы подумать о том, какая игра тебе действительно нужна
- Я вот сейчас задумался, какая мне игра действительно нужна, и купил)

- Сколько стоит PSP в твоём городе?

Мои предзаказы:

Радужный постер, кейсы и скины

1. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Deluxe Edition (07.06.22)

М и пришедшая с желанием весна

2. Resident Evil 4 Deluxe Edition (23.10.22)
3. The Last of Us Part I (23.03.23)

Проект "Дерзкий ответ реальности"

4. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ultimate Edition (27.12.23)
5. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (28.12.23)
6. Persona 3 Reload Digital Premium Edition (28.12.23)

7. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Digital Deluxe Edition (31.03.24)

8. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered (05.10.24)
9. Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered (25.10.24)

10. The Last Of Us Part II Remastered (12.02.25)
Музыкальная пауза ♪
1. Музыка, посвящённая видеоиграм, которая вдохновляла

Miracle of Sound:

The Best Of Us (The Last of Us)

Kalros (Mass Effect 3)

A Father's Arms (God of War)

Rebirth (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)

Edge Of The World (Rise of the Tomb Raider)

Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)

Into The Mind (The Evil Within)

Replica (Prey 2017)

Life In Bullet Time (Max Payne 3)

Don't Say A Word (Metal Gear Solid V)

The Natural Heart (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)

Hell In The Headspace (Dead Space 3)

Force Of Nature (Horizon Zero Dawn)

Khajiit Like To Sneak (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)

2. Избранные композиции из видеоигр

God of War II

God of War II Main Titles

The Glory of Sparta

The Way of the Gods

Colossus of Rhodes

The End Begins

Battle for the Skies

Flight of the Pegasus

The Isle of Creation

Clash With the Mole Cerberus

Face Your Fate


Phoenix Rising

Ashen Spire

An Audience With Lakhesis


The Final Sister, Clotho

Threads of Fate

The King of Olympus

Resident Evil 2

R. P. D. Main Hall

Secure Place

Resident Evil 4

Thrill Ride!

”Two of them. One for each of us!” - El Gigante

Back Up [Remake ver.]

No Way to Finish a Dance

Metal Gear Solid



Mass Effect Legendary Edition


The Presidium

Virmire Ride

Uncharted Worlds

The Illusive Man



Milla's Dance Party

BloodRayne 2

Club Music 1

Shenmue I & II

Shenmue Launcher


Shenmue Ending

Yakuza: Like a Dragon

Yokohama Crackhouse


Ascension Point

Answer From Geomijul

Receive You The Hyperactive

Enter The Tiger

Persona 3 FES

Master of Tartarus

Changing Seasons

Mass Destruction

The Poem for Everyone's Souls

Deep Breath Deep Breath

Burn My Dread (Opening, ~Last Battle~ and live)

Living With Determination


Eden Tower

Prime Core

Disgaea PC

Planet X

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Mausoleum Relic

The Ice Titan

The Warg

Besieged Village

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Big Battle!!!

Proof of Blood

Circle of the Moon

Hi-Fi Rush

My Heart Feels No Pain (Mimosa Boss)

Wolfgang's 5th Symphony


House On Fire

Remember Me

Menu Theme


Memory Reconstruction

The Fight

Our Parents




Gris, Pt. 1

Shadow Warrior

Flying Limbs

We Were Here Too

Creeping Menace

The Flame Rises

The Choice

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Crash Bandicoot Main Theme

Dr. Neo Cortex 2

Dr. Neo Cortex Warped

Crash Dash

Hang 'Em High Gem

Eel Deal Gem

Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition

"Riffmaster Tony" - Riffmaster

"Горячее лето" - Дилайс

"Nouveau Americain" - Brazilian Girls

"Pónmela" - Voltio ft. Jowell & Randy

"Sexy Movimiento" - Wisin & Yandel

"Salió El Sol" - Don Omar


In Case of Trouble

Bynn the Breaker

Terminal March

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

The Tower of Dawn

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (GBA)

The Leaky Cauldron

Potions Class

Hogwarts Interior

Combat B + C [Remastered]

Combat E [Remastered]

Combat A [Remastered]

Hogwarts Halls [Remastered]

Lost Judgment

Dig In Your Heels

Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

Dream Pursuit-Preto

Batman: Arkham Origins

Arkham Origins Main Titles




Persona 3 Reload

It’s Going Down Now

Mass Destruction -Reload-

Master of Tartarus -Reload-

Soul Hackers 2

Last Battle II

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

A Rain of Light and Shadow

Tokyo -Daybreak-

Battle -humans, demons, and...-

Thou Shalt Play

Da'at: tokyo diet building

Jouin High School -Other World-: Inside

Da'at: konan

Quest -LMs-

Da'at: ginza

Battle -dancing crazy murder-

Da'at: ueno

Those With Knowledge

Shin Megami Tensei V Main Theme

Daily Life


Battle -Demi-fiend-

Battle -beast of bloodshed-

Battle -Qadištu-

Life is Strange

"To All Of You" by Syd Matters

Max & Chloe

"Mt. Washington" by Local Natives

"Piano Fire" by Sparklehorse

"Mountains" by Message To Bears

"The Sense of Me" by Mud Flow

Silent Hill: Origins


Real Solution

Rule of Rose



Fear I

The Attic

Playing Airship

Piano Etude I

Fear II

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered

"No Care" by Daughter

"Youth" by Daughter

"Burn It Down" by Daughter

"Black Flies" by Ben Howard

Corpse Party

Chapter 1 Theme

Chapter 3 Opening

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered

Raziel's theme

3. Заглавные темы видеоигр

Goblet of Fire Theme (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Main Title

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4 Opening

Theme from Vice City

Arkham City Main Theme

Main Menu Theme (Mirror's Edge)

Soviet Connection (Grand Theft Auto IV)

Room of Angel (Silent Hill 4: The Room)

Main Theme Mix (Resident Evil 6)

Steel Rats

Shadow Warrior

What's the World Come To (SiN Episodes: Emergence)

Dragon Age: Origins

Main Theme (Alice: Madness Returns)

Main Title (Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy)

Main Menu (Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones)

V (Cyberpunk 2077)

Title (Ragnarok Online)

Redemption Theme (Vampire: The Masquerade — Redemption)

Main Title (Planescape: Torment)

Kat's Song (Contrast)

Arkham Origins Suite

P3 FES (Persona 3 FES)

Hopeless Call (Soul Hackers 2)

Full Moon Full Life (Persona 3 Reload)

The Another Order (Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways)

Love Suicide (Rule of Rose)

Resynthesis (Mass Effect Legendary Edition)

Inclined Repose of Souls / Advance Collection Title Screen

The Right Way Around 2 (Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered)

DISCOVERY (METAL GEAR SOLID - Master Collection Version)
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♪ ♪ ♪

Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby

Fear's awake, anger beats loud, face reality
Never beat charity
The enemy you're fighting covers all society
(Damn right)
Mommy's not here, gotta fight
(All night)

Don't ease your pace, 'cause enemy's brutal
Moment of truth, there ain't no truce
You're the only one, one world, one love
But the battle goes on, Shadows of mass destruction

Ooh yeah
Dada-dada, dada-dada
Baby, baby
Da-dada-dada, dada-dada

♪ ♪ ♪

Feeling all pressured by the peers and the media
Getting jiggy with confined place, I'm telling ya
Anywhere you be from New York to Siberia
Gotta feel your own beat and shake your derrière
I'mma put it down
Grabbing this crown
Lay your dollars on the ground
Gonna double up now
Six, to five, to four, to three, two
One more time, heavy punchline about to bruise

Let it go, let it out, let it go, let it out
Take a deep breath, deep breath
(Deep breath, deep breath)
Lay low, lay high, lay low, lay high
Until you feel the vibes, now touch the sky

♪ ♪ ♪

Comment vous dire...
La vérité finit toujours par se découvrir.
À chaque jour suffit sa peine,
Chacun trouve chaussure à son pied.
Le temps blanchit les têtes sans mûrir la raison.

♪ ♪ ♪

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita
Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte sugu yoko de waratteita nakushitemo
Torimodosu kimi wo I will never leave you

If you wanna battle, then I'll take it to the street
Where there's no rules
Take off the gloves ref, please step down
Gotta prove my skills so get down

My lyrical dempsey roll about to smack down now
Gotta shoot to kill and shoot the skill
Don't you be afraid, man's gotta do how it feels
Six to seven to eight to nine ten
I flip the script to make it to the top ten, go

Dreamless dorm, ticking clock
I walk away from the soundless room
Windless night, moonlight melts
My ghostly shadow into the lukewarm gloom

Nightly dance of bleeding swords
Reminds me that I still live

Every man's gotta fight the fear
I'm the first to admit it
Sheer thoughts provoke the new era
Become a big terror, but my only rival is my shadow
Rewind then play it back and fix my own error
Get low to the ground, it's getting better
Like I told you before, double up and take more cheddar

L to the J, say stay laced, here's my card, B
Royal flush and I'm the ace

♪ ♪ ♪

I'm not brave but I kept trying
I'm not strong enough but I kept going
With all the hardship I went knowing
That if I don't fight, I'd forever be
Moaning with pain

If I give up, that's an automatic loss for me
And a win for my enemies, can't let it be (What?)
Took a few knockouts to understand
The game now I'm ready for the ring
Yo the title for the king

Wearing armbands of SEES
Succeeds to be the state of no fear
Fixed like a supreme team (What?)
As we proceed no guarantees as we
Take these footsteps to our destiny

Who knows what happens?
Though we believe in the win
No space for doubts we believe in our team
Unwelcome guests
Disregarding requests
Putting these enemies in forever unrest

♪ ♪ ♪

I will burn my dread
(Yeah, gonna burn your dread, gonna burn your dread, yes)
Burn my dread
(Whatever it takes, uh, yeah)
Burn my dread
(No doubt, gotta take it out like this, y'all, uh-uh)
Burn my dread
(One time for the mind)
Ay yo
(Drop like this)

There's no man's land
No man ever survived
Invisible hands are
Behind you just now
If you ever win that
Race against rage then
You'll be king 'cause
It's no man's land
(For real)

Burn my dread

Tear up your fear
The end is coming near
Spit it out like a spear
I'll burn your dread

Burn my dread

No soul
All dust
We bust
Justice to the man with no life

♪ ♪ ♪

I will -
(Burn my dread)
I once ran away from the god of fear
And he chained me to despair-yeah

(Burn my dread)
I will break the chain and run
Till I see the sunlight again

I'll lift my face
And run to the sunlight

I will -
(Burn my dread)
This time I'll grapple down that god of fear
And throw him into hell's fire

(Burn my dread)
I will shrug the pain and run
Till I see the sunlight again

Oh, I will run...
Burning all regret and dread...
And I will face the sun -
With pride of the living...

♪ ♪ ♪

It's full moon again
Crazy how time flies
One might wonder
If past path was in a right direction
But I do believe
Things come to life by accident
When it remains on
Sounds like it's meant to be

(Wake up) New space made when things fall apart
(Get up) What matters after ending's how you left a mark
(Don't wait up) Fire in my soul, fire in my heart
'Til you see me on the other side of stars,
I'm running

All the journeys start some where with a first step
No one's sure what lies ahead,
Be bold and brave (stand up)
Roads may be rough and tough
Though it will lead some where
(Nothing easy get up and go get it go)
Sometimes it's journey itself that teaches
A lot about the destination not aware of

No matter how far (no matter how far)
How you go (how you go)
How long it may last
(Carpe Diem, no time to waste)
Venture life, burn your dread
(You gotta venture life, go get it, burn your dread)

When there's a beginning
There's an ending too
As we go we come across many predicaments
Delight lies beneath
Colors of life that's excellent
Though pictures fade away
Beauty will remain the same

(Go) Stop living dead when your heart's beating still
(Hope) No slowing down for me, I'm never gonna chill
(Go) Every low phase, I ride it like a drill
I'll abide by the rules, but outshine and prove

Only time will tell the magnitude of deeds
Longer we wait may it be the sweeter kiss
(Or will it? Only time will tell)
Standing by for answers
Shall it ease the pain
(Nothing easy, get up and go, get it, go)
Only from the heart one reaches to the sky
Ups and downs they go, so hands up and enjoy the ride

As you go (As you go)
Believe in (Believe in)
The faith and yourself
(Carpe Diem, no time to waste)
Venture with no regret
(You gotta venture life, go get it, no regret)

Choices one makes reflect hope and fear
Be brave, endure the pain
Then one might just gain
The strength one sought
Which may be hearts and souls of life
Meanings all of us search for

No answers
Will this be for nothing?
I felt so so worthless
And nervous
I would be so broken
Unless I conducted
And trusted myself
Nothing was given to me so gonna go earn it
Every pain is another motivation, I burn it
Trepidation doesn't stop death but it stops life
Accepting open minds for lights

One day these quiet voices will be heard
Loud and clear, the story of the ones we miss
(Stand up) But shed no tears
Realize what they left behind
(Nothing easy, get up and go, get it, go)
Explore within the limits of the time
No one should need a permit to a way of life

No matter how far (No matter how far)
How you go (How you go)
How short it may last
(Carpe Diem, no time to waste)
Venture life, burn your dread
(You gotta venture life, go get it, burn your dread)
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Музыкальное превозмогание, игровое приободрение и новая моральная сила.

Soul Hackers 2 - "Hopeless Call"

(I despaired, Calling for, far away)

hikari o kakikesu you ni
juudan no ne ni shizumu yoru

zetsubou ni chinurareta kioku
konton ni aegu kizuato

aa hito wa nozomu hodo ni
onore o kizutsukete shimau no ka
sukui ga aru no naraba
tsui no yami o keshite

Why Believe
kuchihate temo
inori o motomete iru

I Believe
naraku no saki ni
kibou wa aru to shinjite iru

(I despaired, Calling for, far away)

machi no hi o saku you ni
zetsubou e to someru yoru

nukarumi ni ukabu tsuki
kokuu o utsusu amaoto

aa hito wa nozomi sae mo
todokanu ashita e to mukau no ka
kurushimi michiru naraba
tsui no negai hanate

Why Desire
kuruoshii hodo
sukui ni oborete iru

I Desire
kanau no nara
kono akumu o keshite hoshii

(I despaired, Calling for, far away)

Why Believe
jigoku o nuke
hikari o sagashite iku

I Believe
inori dake ga
bokura o koko ni tomete iru

Why Believe
kuchihate temo
inori o motomete iru

I Believe
naraku no saki ni
kibou wa aru to shinjite iru

(I despaired, Calling for, far away)

Life is Strange - "The Sense of Me" by Mud Flow

Try to try again
To hear yourself again from time to time
Try to try again
To hear yourself again from time to time
Try to try again
To hear yourself again from time to time
Recent Activity
9.9 hrs on record
last played on 18 Mar
7.6 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
20 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
Kt 2 Mar @ 6:39am 
Faraday is the hero we need. I saw him jumping between rooftops last week fighting crime.
Tonto_XD 17 Nov, 2024 @ 9:12am 
kittyinthewild 5 Nov, 2024 @ 7:18am 
Милая_Краля 22 Apr, 2023 @ 4:09am 
+rep, top чел:GhostLoveEyes: