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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 810.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (390.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2018. júl. 8., 21:21
Frissítve: 2022. márc. 6., 12:22

EDIT: Thank you devs for sticking with the game and constantly making new content. The online play is better now as well. I retract my previous review.

I reviewed this game over a year ago and gave it a thumbs up. I have since deleted it and am now updating it to thumbs down.

The last patch did something with the way servers and players connect. This has caused terrible lag and now we are even hitting cars that aren't even close to us. My ping has gone up 15 on any given server and it feel like I'm playing across the globe no matter what server I am connecting to.

THIS SUCKS - The game worked perfectly and now it doesn't.

I still play the hell out of the game cause it is great! But the last patch needs to be fixed or reverted!!!!!!!!!!!

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