Lucius Tree   Kingston, Jamaica
:csgoct: CS since 2012.
:csgoglobe: CS2 Beta: 12k
:csgogun: CSGO rank: Supreme

CS:GO is da shiz. NA region currently, east coast precisely.

"Whoa Radikal"
16-14 win on Nuke.

"Get a job kid"
2 aces in huge comeback on Cache.

Secret CSGO friend code if you want to add me:
washed 12 ธ.ค. @ 7: 59am 
Case 11 ธ.ค. @ 5: 59pm 
+rep cool guy he knifed me
Apple 9 9 ธ.ค. @ 7: 22am 
+rep likes cookies
blank 7 ธ.ค. @ 5: 46pm 
BUBBREHツ 3 ธ.ค. @ 7: 53am 
dude plays with a middle fov and has a stroke with his aim dawg shet player
Ren 30 พ.ย. @ 8: 23pm 
+rep chill dude, good comms and fun to play with