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270 от 270 (100%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

The Grand Sacrifice

In a public match, get 4 sacrifices in a single match.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 19:56

A bite for the Entity

In public matches, sacrifice a total of 100 survivors.
Откл. на 17 юли 2019 в 13:16

A feast for the Entity

In public matches, sacrifice a total of 1000 survivors.
Откл. на 16 септ. 2019 в 11:41

Blood on your hands

In a public match, kill your first survivor.
Откл. на 12 авг. 2019 в 23:24

Blood on your face

In a public match, kill 4 survivors in a single match.
Откл. на 1 септ. 2019 в 10:12

Blood in your mouth

In public matches, kill a total of 25 survivors
Откл. на 1 септ. 2019 в 10:03

Cripple them all

In public matches, with the Trapper, pick up a total of 100 survivors caught in your Bear Traps.
Откл. на 5 окт. 2019 в 13:42

Jump Scares

In public matches, with the Wraith, Surprise & hit a total of 100 survivors.
Откл. на 10 септ. 2019 в 20:53

The Grind

In public matches, with the Hillbilly, chainsaw a total of 100 survivors.
Откл. на 2 септ. 2019 в 8:50

Escape Artist

In a public match, successfully escape the hook and escape.
Откл. на 20 юли 2019 в 15:31

Made it out alive!

In public matches, escape the match alive for a total of 100 times.
Откл. на 25 юли 2019 в 13:47

Agonizing Escape

In a public match, crawl your way out.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 20:58

Backdoor Escape

In a public match, escape through the hatch.
Откл. на 14 юли 2019 в 19:06

The Key to Escape

Escape through the Hatch using a Key in a public match.
Откл. на 14 юли 2019 в 19:50

I've got your back

In public matches, save a total of 50 survivors from death.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 0:34

No one left behind

In a public match, rescue someone after at least one gate has opened.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 15:56


In public matches, heal others for a total of 100 health states.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 21:06


In public matches, repair generators for a total of 100 full repairs.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 16:25

Nerves of steel

In public matches, get a total of 500 successful Skill-Checks.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 15:47

Perfect Escape

In a public match, as a survivor, complete with at least 5000 blood points in each score category.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 21:31

Perfect Killing

In a public match, as a killer, complete with at least 5000 blood points in each score category.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 19:56


In a public match, get more than 8K blood points in one scoring category.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 20:33

It wakes

Raise a character level to 10.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 21:33

Not half bad

Raise a character level to 25.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 15:12

Bloody Millionaire

Accumulate a total of 1 million blood points. (blood points can be spent before reaching the total)
Откл. на 14 юли 2019 в 23:57

Expert survivor

Reach survivor online grade Silver I.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 15:23

Master survivor

Reach survivor online grade Gold I.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 22:51

Legendary survivor

Reach survivor online grade Iridescent I.
Откл. на 12 септ. 2019 в 20:00

Getting the hang of it

Raise your grade for the first time.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 21:14

Expert Killer

Reach killer online grade Silver I.
Откл. на 21 авг. 2019 в 20:14

Master Killer

Reach killer online grade Gold I.
Откл. на 27 септ. 2019 в 14:56

Legendary Killer

Reach Killer Iridescent I.
Откл. на 26 ян. 2020 в 21:34

Gifts for the Fog

In a public match, burn an Ultra rare offering.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 17:43

Apt Survivor

Start a public match with a full survivor loadout.
Откл. на 17 юли 2019 в 0:33

Apt Killer

Start a public match with a full killer loadout.
Откл. на 20 юли 2019 в 14:27

Risk it all

In a public match, as a survivor, use an ultra-rare item or add-on without using a protective ward.
Откл. на 23 юли 2019 в 12:26

Survival Treasures

In a public match, escape while bringing a new item to the campfire.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 20:33


In a public match, escape with an item that another player brought into the match.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 13:44

Adept Jake

In a public match, escape with Jake using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 15:56

Adept Dwight

In a public match, escape with Dwight using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 0:43

Adept Claudette

In a public match, escape with Claudette using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 19:12

Adept Meg

In a public match, escape with Meg using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 14 юли 2019 в 18:35

Adept Trapper

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with the Trapper using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 23 авг. 2019 в 22:55

Adept Wraith

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with the Wraith using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 7:46

Adept Hillbilly

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with the Hillbilly using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 10:22


Boost any perk to level 3.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 17:46


Reach prestige Level I with any character.
Откл. на 23 юли 2019 в 16:43


Reach prestige Level II with any character.
Откл. на 24 юли 2019 в 17:19


Reach prestige Level III with any character.
Откл. на 25 юли 2019 в 15:26


Reach prestige Level III-50 with any character.
Откл. на 13 авг. 2019 в 8:39


In a public match, escape the Disturbed Ward without losing a single drop of blood.
Откл. на 18 септ. 2019 в 11:37

Shock Therapy

In a public match, repair the generator on the second floor of the Disturbed Ward and escape.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 21:59

Adept Nea

In a public match, escape with Nea using only her 3 unique perks
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 13:58

In the void she walks

In public matches, with the Nurse, blink and successfully land an attack a total of 500 times.
Откл. на 21 авг. 2019 в 9:24

From the void she kills

In a public match, chain 3 or more blinks and land on a survivor, grabbing him successfully.
Откл. на 8 септ. 2019 в 18:44

Adept Nurse

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with the Nurse using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 18:54

Adept Shape

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Shape using only its 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 11:19

Adept Laurie

In a public match, escape with Laurie using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 17 авг. 2019 в 18:30

The man behind the bush

In public matches, with The Shape, stalk for a total of 300 power tier increase.
Откл. на 22 окт. 2019 в 19:21

Evil Incarnate

In a public match, kill all 4 survivors with the TIER III Evil Within.
Откл. на 10 септ. 2019 в 17:49

House of Pain

In a public match, repair the generator in Myers' house and live to tell the story.
Откл. на 24 юли 2019 в 22:56

Item of Obsession

In a public match, as the killer's obsession, escape as the last survivor without getting hit.
Откл. на 7 септ. 2019 в 6:36


In public matches, with The Hag, cause survivors to trigger her Phantasm traps 300 times.
Откл. на 19 септ. 2019 в 18:55

Adept Hag

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Hag using only her 3 unique perks
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 16:59

All Aboard

In a public match, activate the Foghorn by repairing the generator in the Steamboat and escape.
Откл. на 17 авг. 2019 в 0:08

Deep Cleansing

In public matches, cleanse 100 Hex totems.
Откл. на 19 авг. 2019 в 22:46

Adept Ace

In a public match, escape with Ace using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 13:44

Even Punishment

In a public match, teleport to your Phantasm traps and hit all 4 individual survivors at least once.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 23:32

Taking One For The Team

Protect a recently unhooked Survivor by taking a hit near them 250 times.
Откл. на 21 септ. 2019 в 12:29

Left For Dead

As the last person still alive, activate the last generator and escape through the exit gate.
Откл. на 25 окт. 2019 в 8:19

Adept Bill

Escape with Bill using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 21:45


In public matches, repair a Generator in the Damage state , 50 Times. One time per generator.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 14:33


In public matches, jump over a pallet or through a window during a chase, 200 times.
Откл. на 21 юли 2019 в 2:07

Adept Min

In a public match, escape with Min using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 6:06

Shocking Treatment

In public matches, hit survivors 500 times with The Doctor's Shock Therapy attack.
Откл. на 28 окт. 2019 в 7:06

Mad House

In a public match, bring the 4 survivors to insanity Tier 3 at least once in the same match.
Откл. на 26 авг. 2019 в 2:24

Adept Doctor

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Doctor using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 26 авг. 2019 в 2:27

Cottage Owner

In a public match, repair the generator in the Mother's Dwelling and live to tell the story.
Откл. на 9 септ. 2019 в 15:24


In a public match, spend most of the trial injured (more than 50%) and live to tell the story.
Откл. на 8 юли 2019 в 21:31

Adept David

In a public match, escape with David using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 1:04

Swirling Death

In public matches, throw 1000 Hatchets.
Откл. на 29 авг. 2019 в 8:23

Skilled Huntress

In public matches, down survivors 20 times with The Huntress' Hatchets further than 24 meters.
Откл. на 5 окт. 2019 в 1:21

Adept Huntress

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Huntress using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 21:49


In public matches, with The Cannibal, successfully chainsaw a total of 100 times.
Откл. на 11 септ. 2019 в 14:35

Texas BBQ

In public matches, hook 25 Survivors in the Basement. Once per Survivor per match.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 10:10

Adept Cannibal

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Cannibal using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 10:02


In public matches, unlock 100 chests.
Откл. на 23 юли 2019 в 0:12

Escaping the Nightmare

In public matches, open the exit gate 35 times as a Survivor.
Откл. на 8 авг. 2019 в 20:07

Adept Quentin

In a public match, escape with Quentin using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 11:39

Dream Demon

In public matches, pull 200 Survivors into the Dream World.
Откл. на 30 авг. 2019 в 6:19

Serial Killer

In public matches, Sacrifice the Obsession 30 times.
Откл. на 15 авг. 2019 в 20:04

Adept Nightmare

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Nightmare using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 23:38

Holiday Get-Together

In a public match, have at least 3 survivors hooked in the basement at the same time.
Откл. на 17 юли 2019 в 15:24

Milk 'n' Cookies

In a public match, take the item from the chest in the basement in at least 30 different trials.
Откл. на 9 септ. 2019 в 15:13

Happy Holidays

Open at least 100 mystery boxes on the bloodweb (available during select special events).
Откл. на 16 авг. 2019 в 19:07

Near-Death Experience

In public matches, get downed only once and escape the match alive, 25 times.
Откл. на 25 юли 2019 в 12:47

Cherish your Life

In a public match, repair the generator in The Game's Bathroom and live to tell the story.
Откл. на 15 юли 2019 в 16:58

Adept Tapp

In a public match, escape with Detective Tapp using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 9:17

I Want to Play a Game

In public matches, with The Pig, put 125 Reverse Bear Traps on Survivors.
Откл. на 10 септ. 2019 в 18:23

Game Over

In public matches, sacrifice or kill 30 Survivors after the last Generator has been activated.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 19:58

Adept Pig

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Pig using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 28 авг. 2019 в 13:04

Campbell's Chapel Legacy

In a public match, repair the generator in the chapel and live to tell the tale.
Откл. на 7 септ. 2019 в 17:05

Whiffing to Success

In public matches, cause the killer to miss an attack before taking a vault, 50 times.
Откл. на 25 юли 2019 в 1:23

Adept Kate

In a public match, escape with Kate, using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 6:59

Party Crasher

In public matches, damage a generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.
Откл. на 25 юли 2019 в 20:40


In public matches, down 100 Survivors while they are intoxicated by The Afterpiece Tonic.
Откл. на 5 окт. 2019 в 15:48

Adept Clown

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Clown, using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 24 авг. 2019 в 8:11

Ancestor's Rite

In a public match, repair the generator in the Family Residence and live to tell the tale.
Откл. на 14 юли 2019 в 19:50

Not Today

In public matches, unhook yourself 50 times.
Откл. на 5 ноем. 2019 в 16:26

Adept Adam

In a public match, escape with Adam using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 20 юли 2019 в 15:31


In public matches, during a chase, damage a Survivor who drops a Pallet within a chase, 100 times.
Откл. на 12 авг. 2019 в 16:10


In public matches, with The Spirit, use Yamaoka's Haunting to down 30 Survivors.
Откл. на 21 авг. 2019 в 21:56

Adept Spirit

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Spirit using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 25 авг. 2019 в 7:24


In public matches, break a total of 50 individual Hooks.
Откл. на 16 септ. 2019 в 18:29

Unforgettable Getaway

In a public match, repair the generator in the Chalet and live to tell the tale.
Откл. на 24 юли 2019 в 2:19

Adept Jeff

In a public match, escape with Jeff using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 31 авг. 2019 в 21:49

Heavy Burden

In public matches, hit 25 different individual Survivors while carrying another Survivor.
Откл. на 15 авг. 2019 в 23:29

Deranged Pursuit

In public matches, as the Legion, down 25 different Survivors that have Deep Wound applied.
Откл. на 10 септ. 2019 в 21:17

Adept Legion

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Legion using only their 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 1 септ. 2019 в 8:22

Wounded Healer

In public matches, heal other Survivors for a total of 50 health states while you are also injured.
Откл. на 22 юли 2019 в 15:50

Shrine Apparatus

In a public match, repair the generator in the Temple basement and live to tell the tale.
Откл. на 7 септ. 2019 в 10:32

Adept Jane

In a public match, escape with Jane using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 1 септ. 2019 в 19:16

Devoted Gatekeeping

In public matches, sacrifice all survivors before the last generator is repaired, 15 times.
Откл. на 23 авг. 2019 в 16:14

Terminal Illness

In public matches, with The Plague, down 50 Survivors affected by the maximum infection.
Откл. на 2 септ. 2019 в 6:00

Adept Plague

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Plague using only their 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 2 септ. 2019 в 6:28

Cutting Out

In public matches, while The Killer is carrying you, wiggle out of The Killer's grasp 10 times.
Откл. на 16 юли 2019 в 23:49

Outrun Evil

In a public match, crawl your way out through the hatch.
Откл. на 22 авг. 2019 в 13:42

Adept Ash

In a public match, escape with Ash using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 28 авг. 2019 в 11:48

Silent Approach

In public matches, interrupt and grab 25 Survivors while they are repairing generators.
Откл. на 28 авг. 2019 в 12:37

Totally Vulnerable

In public matches, with Ghost Face, down 50 Marked Survivors.
Откл. на 15 септ. 2019 в 21:03

Adept Ghost Face

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Ghost Face using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 24 авг. 2019 в 8:50


In public matches, close the hatch 30 times.
Откл. на 22 септ. 2019 в 9:28

First to the Punch

Down 30 Survivors next to raised pallets in public matches.
Откл. на 19 септ. 2019 в 18:21

Tools of the Trade

Achieve a merciless victory 5 times in a public match with only 3 universal perks equipped.
Откл. на 3 окт. 2019 в 18:37

Operation: Survival

In a public match, repair the generator in the Treatment Theatre’s operation theatre and escape.
Откл. на 18 септ. 2019 в 10:17

Expert Generalist

Escape 8 times while repairing the equivalent of 1 generator with only 2 universal perks equipped.
Откл. на 17 септ. 2019 в 12:24

Skilled Generalist

Escape 8 times while repairing the equivalent of 1 generator with only 3 universal perks equipped.
Откл. на 17 септ. 2019 в 12:14

Broken Bodies

In public matches, hook a Survivor while 3 other Survivors are injured, 10 times.
Откл. на 8 дек. 2019 в 16:21


In public matches with The Oni, down 75 Survivors during Blood Fury.
Откл. на 6 дек. 2019 в 17:49

Adept Oni

In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Oni using only his 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 5 дек. 2019 в 20:36

Grim Pilgrimage

In a public match, repair the generator in the upper level of the Shrine and escape.
Откл. на 6 дек. 2019 в 14:54


In public matches, take a protection hit while the Killer is carrying a Survivor, 30 times.
Откл. на 15 дек. 2019 в 20:25

Adept Yui

In a public match, escape with Yui Kimura using only her 3 unique perks.
Откл. на 3 дек. 2019 в 18:12

Bound and Downed

Down speared Survivors 30 times with The Deathslinger in public matches.
Откл. на 11 март 2020 в 15:27

Quick Draw

Interrupt a Survivor cleansing a Totem 10 times in public matches.
Откл. на 18 март 2020 в 20:44

Adept Deathslinger

Achieve a merciless victory with The Deathslinger using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 10 март 2020 в 20:21

Old West Oasis

In a public match, repair the generator in the Saloon and escape.
Откл. на 20 март 2020 в 4:46

Selfless Survival

Heal a Survivor from the dying state to the injured state 30 times in public matches.
Откл. на 20 март 2020 в 7:47

Adept Zarina

Escape with Zarina Kassir using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 10 март 2020 в 14:22

Cleansed in Agony

Ensnare 30 Survivors in Cages of Atonement with The Executioner in public matches.
Откл. на 2 авг. 2020 в 17:23

Death of Ignorance

Down a Survivor suffering from the Oblivious status effect 15 times in public matches.
Откл. на 8 юли 2020 в 17:47

Adept Executioner

Achieve a merciless victory with The Executioner using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 17 юни 2020 в 22:49

Classy Act

In a public match, repair the generator in Midwich School's music room or chem lab and escape.
Откл. на 16 юни 2020 в 14:27

Healthy Obsession

Heal other Survivors marked as the Obsession for a total of 10 health states in public matches.
Откл. на 18 юни 2020 в 18:57

Adept Cheryl

Escape with Cheryl Mason using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 16 юни 2020 в 15:17

Speed Kills

Hit 30 survivors with a Lethal Rush in public matches.
Откл. на 8 септ. 2020 в 19:17

I See You

Down 30 Survivors suffering from the Exposed status effect in public matches.
Откл. на 13 септ. 2020 в 2:16

Adept Blight

Achieve a merciless victory with The Blight using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 8 септ. 2020 в 18:14

Every Last Drop

Deplete 30 items in public matches.
Откл. на 10 септ. 2020 в 12:03


Heal other Survivors for 10 health states while at least 3 Survivors are injured, dying or hooked.
Откл. на 9 септ. 2020 в 17:28

Adept Felix

Escape with Felix Richter using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 8 септ. 2020 в 10:03

Tag Team

With The Twins, down 10 Survivors while Victor is clinging to them in a public match.
Откл. на 8 дек. 2020 в 11:39

End of Days

Hook 15 Survivors during the End Game Collapse in public matches.
Откл. на 13 дек. 2020 в 18:29

Adept Twins

Achieve a merciless victory with The Twins using only their 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 8 дек. 2020 в 12:19

Rescue Mission

Stun the Killer with a pallet while they are carrying a Survivor 5 times.
Откл. на 3 дек. 2020 в 8:13

Power Moves

Equip 0 perks, repair generators for a total of 1 full repair and escape 8 times in public matches.
Откл. на 9 дек. 2020 в 13:53

Adept Élodie

Escape with Élodie using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 1 дек. 2020 в 9:40

One Thousand Cuts

Deal maximum Laceration on Survivors 50 times in public matches.
Откл. на 30 март 2021 в 17:30


Down 30 Survivors while carrying another Survivor in public matches.
Откл. на 5 апр. 2021 в 2:44

Adept Trickster

Achieve a merciless victory with The Trickster using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 март 2021 в 21:16

Insult and Injury

Escape a chase 50 times after stunning the Killer with a pallet in public matches.
Откл. на 1 апр. 2021 в 20:48

Close Shave

Dodge basic attacks or projectiles 100 times in public matches.
Откл. на 30 март 2021 в 9:07

Adept Yun-Jin

Escape with Yun-Jin using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 март 2021 в 9:36

Biological Weaponry

Down Contaminated Survivors with The Nemesis 65 times in public matches using Tentacle Strike.
Откл. на 22 юни 2021 в 1:22

Preemptive Strike

Hook a Survivor in a public match before any generators have been fully repaired.
Откл. на 16 юни 2021 в 1:16

Adept Nemesis

Achieve a merciless victory with The Nemesis using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 15 юни 2021 в 23:45

Raccoon City Recruit

In a public match, repair the generator on the 1st floor of the RPD station’s main hall and escape.
Откл. на 16 юли 2021 в 11:54

Adept Leon

Escape with Leon using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 15 юни 2021 в 10:34

Adept Jill

Escape with Jill using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 15 юни 2021 в 9:37

Tear Their Soul Apart

Bind Survivors with a possessed chain 50 times in public matches.
Откл. на 9 септ. 2021 в 1:20

Punch Drunk

Apply the Oblivious status effect to Survivors 30 times in public matches.
Откл. на 30 септ. 2021 в 22:47

Adept Cenobite

Achieve a merciless victory with The Cenobite using only his 3 unique perks in public matches.
Откл. на 9 септ. 2021 в 0:00

Bless You

Bless a Hex totem 20 times in public matches.
Откл. на 15 ноем. 2021 в 9:20


Affect other Survivors with positive status effects 50 times in public matches.
Откл. на 19 окт. 2021 в 11:00

Adept Mikaela

Escape with Mikaela using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 19 окт. 2021 в 9:47

Caws of Death

Down 50 Survivors with Dire Crows in public matches.
Откл. на 4 дек. 2021 в 23:36


Detect 100 Survivors with Killer Instinct in public matches.
Откл. на 2 дек. 2021 в 0:20

Adept Artist

Achieve a merciless victory with The Artist using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 ноем. 2021 в 17:28

With Scars to Show

Go from healthy to injured during a chase and escape. Do this 50 times in public matches.
Откл. на 2 дек. 2021 в 13:06

Flight to Freedom

In a public match, repair the generator in the eyrie and escape.
Откл. на 2 дек. 2021 в 15:14

Adept Jonah

Escape with Jonah using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 ноем. 2021 в 9:52

Viral Video

Apply Condemned on Survivors 30 times in public matches.
Откл. на 9 март 2022 в 16:16

Ghost in the Machine

Damage 50 generators while Undetectable in public matches.
Откл. на 7 юни 2022 в 18:58

Adept Onryō

Achieve a merciless victory with The Onryō using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 8 март 2022 в 21:54

Fleet of Foot

Help other Survivors by increasing their movement speed 50 times.
Откл. на 10 март 2022 в 3:17


When a Survivor is injured far away, heal them 30 times without travelling more than 16 meters.
Откл. на 25 март 2022 в 13:38

Adept Yoichi

Escape with Yoichi using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 8 март 2022 в 9:33

Bump in the Night

Down Survivors during Nightfall 50 times in public matches.
Откл. на 8 юни 2022 в 23:33

From the Deep

Grab a Survivor hiding inside a locker 25 times in public matches.
Откл. на 14 юни 2022 в 21:50

Adept Dredge

Achieve a merciless victory with The Dredge using only its 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 7 юни 2022 в 19:15

Outrun the Overlap

In a public match, repair the generator in the main house in the Garden of Joy and escape.
Откл. на 8 юни 2022 в 11:42

Hiding Seeker

In a public match, end a chase against any Killer by hiding inside a locker 35 times.
Откл. на 30 юни 2022 в 8:53

Adept Haddie

Escape with Haddie Kaur using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 7 юни 2022 в 10:09

Collision Course

Slam one Survivor into another 10 times in public matches.
Откл. на 27 ноем. 2022 в 20:03

High Speed Pursuit

As a Killer, vault 50 times while chasing Survivors in public matches.
Откл. на 14 септ. 2022 в 19:37

Adept Mastermind

Achieve a merciless victory with The Mastermind using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 31 авг. 2022 в 1:04

Outbreak Breakout

Open the exit gates and escape from Raccoon City Police Department 20 times in public matches.
Откл. на 11 септ. 2022 в 10:12

Adept Ada

Escape with Ada using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 авг. 2022 в 9:36

Adept Rebecca

Escape with Rebecca using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 авг. 2022 в 9:22

Cruelty Loves Company

With The Knight, damage a Survivor while they are actively pursued by a Guard 50 times.
Откл. на 27 ноем. 2022 в 18:48

A Fast Death

Damage a Survivor with the Haste Status effect 8 times in public matches.
Откл. на 27 ноем. 2022 в 20:00

Adept Knight

Achieve a merciless victory with The Knight using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 25 ноем. 2022 в 7:50

Rebuilding The Borgo

In a public match, repair the generator in the main house in the Shattered Square and escape.
Откл. на 22 ноем. 2022 в 9:44

Lifting The Fog

Reveal the Killer's aura 50 times in public matches.
Откл. на 22 ноем. 2022 в 9:25

Adept Vittorio

Escape with Vittorio Toscano using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 22 ноем. 2022 в 9:44

Thrill of the Chase

In public matches, down 10 Claw Trapped survivors .
Откл. на 11 март 2023 в 19:08

Chorus of Chaos

In public matches, make 30 unique survivors scream.
Откл. на 11 март 2023 в 20:07

Adept Skull Merchant

Achieve a merciless victory with The Skull Merchant using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 11 март 2023 в 18:31

Hack the Mainframe

In a public match, repair the generator by the command center on Shelter Woods and escape.
Откл. на 8 март 2023 в 18:19

Adept Thalita

Escape with Thalita Lyra using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 7 март 2023 в 13:04

Adept Renato

Escape with Renato Lyra using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 7 март 2023 в 13:53

Complete the Evolution

In public matches, injure or down 3 Survivors who are Hindered.
Откл. на 13 юни 2023 в 14:55

Adept Singularity

Achieve a merciless victory with The Singularity using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 13 юни 2023 в 15:44


In a public match, complete the generator at the base on Toba Landing and escape.
Откл. на 13 юни 2023 в 10:03

One More Step

In public matches, take a hit while you have the Endurance status effect 10 times.
Откл. на 13 юни 2023 в 12:47

Adept Gabriel

Escape with Gabriel Soma using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 13 юни 2023 в 9:18

Slip Into the Stream

In public matches, hit 30 survivors that you recently teleported to.
Откл. на 25 юли 2023 в 21:49

Second Act

In public matches, recover from dying by yourself or with help 10 times.
Откл. на 25 юли 2023 в 11:25

Make Some Noise

In public matches, scream 50 times.
Откл. на 25 юли 2023 в 11:19

Adept Cage

Escape with Nicolas Cage using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 25 юли 2023 в 9:58

Terror of LV-426

In public matches, hit 30 Survivors using a Tail attack.
Откл. на 29 авг. 2023 в 8:08

Disarm and Dismember

In public matches, hit 50 Survivors holding a Special Item.
Откл. на 8 февр. 2024 в 11:08

Adept Xenomorph

Achieve a merciless victory with The Xenomorph using only its 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 7 септ. 2023 в 13:27

MU/TH/UR Dearest

In a public match, complete the generator at the mess hall in the Nostromo Wreckage and escape.
Откл. на 13 септ. 2023 в 8:43

Kitted Out

In 35 different public matches, pick up and use at least one Special Item as a Survivor.
Откл. на 13 септ. 2023 в 5:52

Adept Ripley

Escape with Ellen Ripley using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 3 септ. 2023 в 21:39

Joke’s On You

In public matches, hit a Survivor within 3 seconds of performing a Scamper 10 times.
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2023 в 15:41

Outta Nowhere

In public matches, hit 40 Survivors with a basic attack while you are Undetectable.
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2023 в 16:59

Adept Good Guy

Achieve a merciless victory with The Good Guy using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2023 в 13:30

Under Pressure

In public matches, perform 20 great skill checks while injured.
Откл. на 31 ян. 2024 в 7:16

Shine On

In public matches, blind the Killer with a flashlight 30 times.
Откл. на 1 февр. 2024 в 8:32

Adept Alan

Escape with Alan Wake using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 30 ян. 2024 в 10:31

Prey Upon

Playing as The Unknown, put Survivors in the Dying State using UVX 20 times.
Откл. на 12 март 2024 в 15:07

What Lurks Beneath

In public matches, injure Survivors while in the Basement 25 times.
Откл. на 14 март 2024 в 14:35

Adept Unknown

Achieve a merciless victory with The Unknown using only its 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 12 март 2024 в 12:30

Movie Buff

In a public match, complete the generator inside the movie theater in Greenville Square and escape.
Откл. на 14 март 2024 в 11:53

Fearless Healer

In public matches, heal a total of 25 Health States while in the Basement.
Откл. на 13 март 2024 в 12:34

Adept Sable

Escape with Sable using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 12 март 2024 в 10:20

Tanuki in the Fog

Discover a hidden guardian at the Yamaoka Estate.
Откл. на 23 апр. 2024 в 15:59

Battle Caster

As The Lich, injure a Survivor with a basic attack within 15 seconds of casting a spell 25 times.
Откл. на 4 юни 2024 в 3:48

Rightful Owner

As The Lich, collect the Hand or Eye of Vecna and kill or sacrifice all Survivors in the same match.
Откл. на 4 юни 2024 в 3:40

Adept Lich

Achieve a merciless victory with The Lich using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 4 юни 2024 в 3:40

Dungeon Crawler

In a public match, complete the generator inside the torture room in the Forgotten Ruins and escape.
Откл. на 3 юни 2024 в 13:38

Hand-Eye Coordination

Find and use the Hand or Eye of Vecna and escape a Trial.
Откл. на 3 юни 2024 в 15:15

Adept Troupe

Escape with Aestri or Baermar using only their 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 3 юни 2024 в 11:19

Desperate Escape

In public matches, perform a fast vault within 3 seconds of getting hit 15 times.
Откл. на 18 юли 2024 в 7:24


In public matches, swap held Survivor items for new ones from chests 10 times (max once per chest).
Откл. на 18 юли 2024 в 11:13

Adept Lara

Escape with Lara using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 16 юли 2024 в 9:55

Taste the Darkness

In public matches, interrupt 10 Survivors while they are performing a vault.
Откл. на 1 септ. 2024 в 16:40

Symphony of Fire

Playing as The Dark Lord, hit 20 Survivors using Hellfire in public matches.
Откл. на 27 авг. 2024 в 13:14

Adept Dark Lord

Achieve a merciless victory with The Dark Lord using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 27 авг. 2024 в 13:16

Honor the Bloodline

In public matches, reveal the Killer's aura for a total of 60 seconds in a single trial.
Откл. на 27 авг. 2024 в 11:49

Hero of Wallachia

In public matches, pallet stun the Killer 10 times while holding a rare, common, or uncommon item.
Откл. на 27 авг. 2024 в 18:18

Adept Trevor

Escape with Trevor using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 27 авг. 2024 в 10:08

Deadly Plunge

In public matches, as a Killer, fall a combined distance of 1000 meters.
Откл. на 30 ноем. 2024 в 3:22

Binding Teeth

Playing as The Houndmaster, injure 25 Survivors detained by the Dog in public matches.
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2024 в 11:36

Adept Houndmaster

Achieve a merciless victory with The Houndmaster using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2024 в 11:20

Break For It

In public matches, escape a match while being Broken a total of 5 times.
Откл. на 30 ноем. 2024 в 1:47

Bloodied Hands

In public matches, safely unhook Survivors while being Broken a total of 10 times.
Откл. на 29 ноем. 2024 в 23:58

Adept Taurie

Escape with Taurie Cain using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2024 в 9:15