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Скорошни рецензии на eiion

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Cute. Not a game in the actual sense though - it's more of a tool... or just something to have in the background playing relaxing music, where you can adjust the visual style to your liking.
Публикувана 29 ноември 2024.
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9.1 изиграни часа (9.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Bought the game, started playing - and am lost and even a little disappointed.

I started watching videos on YT of people playing the game back in 2017 when it came out as Early Access. I was hooked from the start and stuck to watching these videos for at least half a year; sometimes daily or whenever certain creators I watched back then uploaded a new video.
I was always interested in playing it and with the recent sale, I finally went for it and bought it. But now that I've started playing I'm lost and even somewhat disappointed.

My experience so far:
Last night I did my first sessions (of course I forgot basically everything I saw 7 years ago) and as a player I feel like the game has a bad start. Let me explain:
The learning curve is extremely steep and the game doesn't do much instructing new players on what to do.
Here's a few examples what I mean:
  • You want to build something and after looking around for quite a while why you cannot do so you find out that it is because you don't have enough metal ore. But there is no "metal ore" item in the game - the game fails to tell you that any metal ore will work instead.
  • You want to get rid of all the material lying around on the floor and of course you have the "chest" at the start of the base/the printer (or whatever it's called) - but the little guys won't clean the stuff up. I had to google to find out that I need other storage for them to do the job as the original chest won't take it.
  • There's bottles with green liquid (dirty water). The game doesn't tell you what to do with them, how to get rid of them... nothing. Once again I had to google and now I use a bottle emptier only to dump the liquid into a hole somewhere on the map.
  • Electricity or plumbing - no in game "tutorial" on what you need. Just info that a certain build needs electricity.
  • There was one of my little guys who couldn't sleep... clicking around looking for a reason it took me while until I found out it was because it was too bright for him to sleep. I do not have lights in the base though. I even build a wall and a door besides him (same on the other side of the "bedroom" - still the same problem. Only when I moved all beds one floor up he could sleep.
  • Something that seems like a huge waste of time: Nights. All of the little guys sleep - why not skip the night automatically if you cannot have them do anything anyway? Or is there something that can/should be done at night? If so, once again the game fails to tell me.

I can build so many things by now after doing some research but I rarely actually do build any of those because the game doesn't tell me why I should.
You basically get thrown into the map without getting info on any end goal, like maybe a rescue team or getting to a point where you have a self-sustaining civilization... I assume all games ultimately will end with death for all. Either that or by simply dropping the map and starting all over again on a new map because things got way too chaotic and unorganized. Without much or any instructions on what to do and examples on how to do so (there's a few in game videos that will show you a very few things) I'm already loosing motivation to play. I wish the game would give me something to work towards that makes it justifiable for me to keep playing and e.g. sit through the nights basically idling. (Yes, you can speed up time and get through the night faster - so why not skip the night in the first place? The night is not needed to make plans for the next day if you can also pause time whenever you want).

I loved watching people play the game 7 years ago and remember that I had some facepalm moments where I new exactly what the player should do but didn't due to lack of experience playing. Now I'm the one not knowing anything and I blame the game for not telling me, for not giving me a proper introduction, a quick rundown of what is going to happen, what I need to do to reach certain intermediate and what end goal (even it that would only be to survive as long as possible).

Do I recommend getting it?
Based on my viewing experience all those years ago rather than my own playing experience, I would recommend it.
Based on me playing it I do not enjoy it too much, without knowing what to even do, how and why. It's like a sandbox game without any goal, without giving the player motivation to keep playing towards a goal. I want to love the game as I did watching it - but unfortunately I'm far from it (for now). So based on that I would not recommend buying it.
Based on both of these different experiences I would give it a neutral recommendation - but that is not an option on Steam. Based on all the other positive ratings I cannot deny that the game likely does really good what it intends to do/be. But as for recommending buying the game... as of now I couldn't do so. There's other games I wouldn't hesitate recommend buying and playing after a few hours of playing - with this, I'm very hesitant and therefore would rather not recommend it than be partially responsible for someone spending the money and disliking the game.

(This negative recommendation might change in the future - I do want to love the game after all... I just don't, for now. I hope it keeps me playing long enough to not regret spending the money.)
Публикувана 30 май 2024.
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The classic mini golf in a new dress - as always a lot of fun to play with friends!
Публикувана 23 ноември 2023.
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5.7 изиграни часа
Since everyone has already said everything else: Stardew Valley certainly deserves the "LABOR OF LOVE AWARD" in the Steam Awards 2022!
Публикувана 22 ноември 2022.
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104.1 изиграни часа (7.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Always a fun diversion from life when played with a friend or more!
Публикувана 25 ноември 2020.
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46.0 изиграни часа (32.3 часа по време на рецензията)
To keep it short: The best city builder simulator out there. If this is your type of game, get this one!
Публикувана 29 ноември 2019.
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2.5 изиграни часа
It's a fun little game that can be quite challenging.
Публикувана 28 юни 2019. Последно редактирана 28 юни 2019.
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Simple but fun little game.
Публикувана 24 май 2019.
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2.2 изиграни часа
Nice little game - can recommend playing it.
Публикувана 24 май 2019.
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26 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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1.3 изиграни часа
The game developer illegally revoked legally acquired keys for the game that were purchased from Groupees on 30th August 2018 as part of the Build A Bundle 42.

ALTHOUGH THE KEYS I HAD PURCHASED GOT REPLACED (after I had to research the issue to eventually find out about his email address and contact him - it cost me half an hour of my time), I cannot support or recommend buying games from a dev who is using such terrible business practices.

For any issue between the dev and other businesses that I don't have any relations with (in this case any other than Groupees) neither I nor any other user can be punished for. Settle your issues the way they should be handled - between you and your business partner; don't fight it out on the back of your user base!
Публикувана 5 март 2019. Последно редактирана 6 март 2019.
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Разработчик е дал отзив на 6 март 2019 в 1:40 (преглед на отклика)
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