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張貼於:2021 年 8 月 23 日 上午 10:22

First of some backstory, first 100 hours in "Season of Opulence" was the best gaming experience i have ever had, there was so much to do, i feel sad that i cant experience the feeling of discovery of different planets, loot, pvp, story and good o'l Raids!!! all over again, I really felt like many activities had impact on lore of the universe and were masterfully embedded in it. Main theme of the game aka. shooting and looting is as addicting as fat bag of crack cocaine, when you drop your first exotic on mars u feel like most badass man on the server that can 1v1 Calus. Gunplay is SO fun, maybe due to aim assist that helps a lot especially when you have spare rations with full stability and aim assist build ;) If you feel extra hyped for base game you should consider getting Forsaken on sale somewhere, story wise its as dry as base game but you can always give a shot of beautifully crafted dreaming city and the best raid "Last Wish". First raid was hard but rewarding ( not in loot, but in experience, Leviatan didnt offer anything even close to good loot) and hidden mission were just amazing, zero hour best mission IMO. And the best thing about Destiny 2 are... Skyboxes maps like Equinox, Dreaming city, shattered throne are breathtaking masterpieces!

Now to negatives more pointed at BUNGIE than at Destiny 2 that is just a slave to a corporation that wants to do money so badly that:
- Since "New light" the only good thing was SONG "Deep Stone Lullaby" whole rest was butchered by "vaulting" most of free content and leaving new players in the middle of snowstorm
- Chasing money so hard ( Eververse ) that they dont have time to compress old content and allow Linux users to play game ( yes we are NOT hackers, we want to play games too )

Unfortunately game looses her coll after collecting every exotic on every class, when only activity left in game for free tier pleb like me is pvp it becomes more like pvp only game and that's not funny, I left game after "New light" took the spotlight and I dont thing i would recommend any NEW player to get into Destiny 2, its just too late to have sufficient fun.

I give positive recommendation only because past seasons and just forgetting that last 3 were ever a thing.
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