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52.4 ч. всего
Can't play the game anymore, requires a Epic Games account.

I don't have one, and don't plan on making one. Don't see why I'm forced to make an account for a game I bought years ago just to continue playing.

We all should be getting refunds.
Опубликовано 22 сентября 2020 г..
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419.3 ч. всего (6.0 ч. в момент написания)
Let's Finish the Fight Spartans.

*Edit, Post Season 8 Update.

Overall Season 8: Season 8 introduced "weapon offsets", which allows you to adjust the weapon positions on your screen to be a bit more left/right, further/closer. This is a HUGE bonus and something I incredibly appreciate. Season 8 is the final "season" update, and it has added some great armor sets and customization options. Honestly its a solid way to end the seasonal updates.

Halo Reach: Any and all audio and framerate issues that were present at launch have been completely fixed for me. Multiplayer is also greatly populated.

Halo CE: Campaign with the Anniversary graphics is amazing on PC, definitely worth playing. The multiplayer is old-school graphics and it doesn't hold up too well to be honest. Though if you're looking for classic, CLASSIC, Halo arena combat, well this is for you! Season 8 has also added back the original HUD for CE! Amazing addition!

Halo 2: Multiplayer holds up relatively well. Classic Halo arena combat at its finest. Campaign is campaign. Some bugs here and there with some achievements/skulls/challenges. Though nothing to not play the game over. Season 8 has unfortunately killed a lot of classic Halo 2 glitches and exploits. Not a terrible thing for the average player, but the speed runners and LASO attempters will definitely have a harder time.

Halo 2 Anniversary: Frankly, the multiplayer sucks. Plays way too close to Halo 5. Guns sound and feel like crap and it's not worth your time. However, the Campaign is amazing with the cutscenes and graphics. I'd say, play the Campaign in Anniversary mode, but play the multiplayer in Classic.

Halo 3: Plays absolutely perfectly. No bugs or audio issues to report. Halo 3 multiplayer has been near perfect and with the custom games browser now, it genuinely feels like we're back in 2007/2008 with TONS of forge and custom game gametypes such as classic Infection, Fat Kid, Michael Myers, etc.

Halo ODST: Campaign is great to play and I highly recommend it if you want more "Halo" content, but not necessarily needing Master Chief content. ODST also provides its own Firefight game mode just like Halo Reach and it is a solid addition. There is no multiplayer component to ODST, just Campaign and Firefight(with co-op).

Halo 4: Well, Halo 4 is Halo 4. It plays great and have no issues to report. I did not enjoy Halo 4 when it first released in 2012, and I still don't enjoy it now. It's not a bad game, its just a game I didn't enjoy personally. The multiplayer is great and well populated.

Seriously, even if the game sold at a full $60, the campaigns alone are worth it from Reach to ODST. Lots of achievements and challenges to do, as well as fun to be had with friends. At $40 it's a steal. If you see it for $20, BUY IT. Don't think about it, BUY IT.

Summary of Personal Recommendations;


Halo CE
Halo 2
Halo 3


Halo Reach(Multiplayer and Customs Games)
Halo 2(Multiplayer)
Halo 3(Multiplayer and Customs Games)
Halo 4(Multiplayer)
Опубликовано 3 декабря 2019 г.. Отредактировано 15 октября 2021 г..
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29.1 ч. всего (16.7 ч. в момент написания)
Preface: I grew up playing Gears of War 1-3, never played Judgement nor 4.

So, I haven't played a Gears game in almost 7 years. All I remember is;

Campaigns were explosive, gory, and action-packed. Multiplayer was brutal and unforgiving.

Well, I'll tell you, the series has stayed pretty much the same, which is a GOOD thing.

If I had to put a number on things, I'd say;

Campaign is 8/10. There were a few "choices" I thought was crappy writing and some of the open world stuff was a bit drawn out, but overall I enjoyed the campaign. I went through it on "Normal", but plan on doing Insane later on.

Versus, I would say, is 9/10 for me. It is not as gory as past titles, but it's still brutal as ever and at least all of the new weapons I'm exposed to has added a lot of variety to the game for me.

I haven't touched Horde/Escape yet, but I expect it to be enjoyable.
Опубликовано 10 сентября 2019 г..
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9.4 ч. всего
Still playing through this, but I absolutely LOVE this game. Never played a Yakuza game before, but I cannot wait to complete this and start playing through the Kiwami chapters.

Combat is average, though they do try to expand it as you progress.

Story is phenomenal. If you love story based games, then you need to play this!
Опубликовано 28 июня 2019 г..
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67.5 ч. всего (38.2 ч. в момент написания)
Game has its issues, but it's great. Definite buy for me at full price.
Опубликовано 12 августа 2018 г..
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2.0 ч. всего
I have never played a more frustrating game than this. QTE's, cutscenes, and a wuss Lara Croft to top it all off.

This game only 4 years old and it's already severely outdated when it comes to combat and gameplay mechanics.

I skip one cutscene and it just takes me to another one, I skip that one and it again gives me the next cutscene. If I skipped the first damn cutscene why show me two more!?

I honestly do not see how this game has 96% positive. It's mediocre at best. Do not buy, not even worth $5.
Опубликовано 4 июля 2017 г..
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6.2 ч. всего
Sniper Elite 3 improved on many mechanics over the V2, such as gunplay, stealth, and vehicle destruction.

However movement is still a bit clunky as in getting stuck on terrain constantly.

To me the campaign was lacking in the length department. I stealthed most missions and watched all the cutscenes and I barely made it over 6 hours.

Sniper Elite 3 isn't worth full price, but if you can snag it on a sale for less than $10 then I'd recommend it fully.
Опубликовано 26 июня 2017 г..
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5.5 ч. всего (4.2 ч. в момент написания)
Great entry to the Sniper Elite franchise. Definitely recommend if you can pick it up for under $10.

A bit of a short campaign(under 6 hours for me), but the bullet time and physics is welcomed for a great sniping experience.
Опубликовано 26 июня 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
9.7 ч. всего (2.5 ч. в момент написания)
Preface: I do have some nostalgia glasses on due to playing the crap out of this on Xbox 360 back in the day.

So far the game feels fluid, looks great for how old it is, and plays just like it did back in the X360 days.

The only issue I have with it so far is the AI pathing, troops can get stuck just by walking by each other and this can become quite annoying, especially in a firefight.

However, with it just being released and it's only $20...if you like RTS's or remember this game fondly from back in the day, then it's definitely worth it at full price!

Can't wait to try out co-op, skirmish, and multiplayer with friends!
Опубликовано 20 апреля 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
22.7 ч. всего (17.9 ч. в момент написания)
Preface: I am a Kickstarter backer, only paid the $15 USD tier for a digital copy. I am also a long time video gamer and have fond memories of Banjo, Mario, Ape Escape, and Spyro series of games.

Updated Summary: The game is a 8/10 for me. It's solid, but has it's flaws. I highly recommend a controller no matter what. If you love 90's 3D platformers then it's a great buy at $40 USD, but if you only have a slight interest in platformers then wait till it hits the $10-$20 range.

Summary: There are a few issues with the game, but the core of the game is solid and I definitely recommend buying it. I'll have to play through the game fully before I can say if it's worth it at "X price" or give a final score, but it's a 8/10 so far for me. Oh and I am using a controller for this, haven't tried keyboard/mouse, but it's a 3D platformer and it should be played with a controller.

* Graphics are beautiful and zero performance issues for me
* Game mechanics are solid and fluid
* World design is amazing
* Written dialogue is hilarious

* Camera can be wonky in certain areas(forced perspectives), but the majority of the game it's fine so far.
* Can't skip cutscenes nor certain dialogue sequences.
* Update: Mini-bosses for the worlds were "ok", expected a bit more from them.
* Update: A few more worlds would have been appreciated, but hopefully DLC will fix this going forward.

* Voices can get annoying at times, but can be skipped in most dialogue events while still reading the text.
* No online co-op or multiplayer, maybe in a future patch(?), but it's not the 90's anymore and most of my gaming friends are too far away to do some jolly cooperation with.
* Update: Lack of options with keyboard/mouse support, no B key assigned. Controller HIGHLY recommended.

*Update* April 14th

So I just finished the game(both defeating the end boss and collecting everything and getting all the achievements). In-game time was 18 hours and 35 minutes from start to finish.

I'm happy with the end boss fight and the feeling of having collected everything on my own is such a huge satisfaction that most video games do not give nowadays. I'd say if you loved Banjo and other 3D platformers growing up then the $40 USD price tag is fair, but if you're only semi-interested in the genre then wait until it hits $10-$20 USD.

It's a very solid game and I'd still give it a 8/10. If it had online co-op and a few more worlds with fixes for KB/M controls and voice options then I'd say it's a 9-10/10.

Also since I was a backer, I just want to say thanks to Playtonic for bringing this game to life. Seeing my name in the end credits was a joyful experience and a great end to this game for me.
Опубликовано 11 апреля 2017 г.. Отредактировано 14 апреля 2017 г..
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