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Скорошни рецензии на DzejPi

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29 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
4.5 изиграни часа
I have to admit, I had no idea what to expect from this game and I was pleasantly surprised about it. The whole idea of being in the future where something like Soul Cloud which is storing dead people's memories and souls exists is very interesting. So what happened? Well, the Soul Cloud had crash which corrupted some data. And you have to restore some of them by looking into memories of somebody with said corrupted data. The whole game is split-up into a lot of levels, each one is representing some memory. So you can expect child memories, memories from school, flying, being on beach, everything you can imagine.
But it's not a hippie game like you would expect from what I just wrote. I mean, few memories are nice and pleasant, but you will be surprised how scary some of them will turn. And I mean it when I say scary. This is what is this game good at. Atmosphere. Absolutely amazing atmosphere that will suck you into the game. Second good thing is its own art and design style. Music is well placed and everything fits together. The only thing I could reproach is that sometimes you can see that some objects are made pretty poorly. There are just few of them, it doesn't disrupt the game, but let's not pretend they aren't there. Overall the game looks just great. Oh, and I almost forgot! There are puzzles in some levels, but don't worry, if you're not into them. There aren't a lot of them and although they aren't extremely easy, you won't get stuck, I promise!
So what is the summary? 9/10. I recommend this game to anybody who likes atmospheric games and horror ones even tho it's more chilly than scary - don't worry that you couldn't sleep at night. So that's it, stop reading this and go play it!
Публикувана 1 май 2014. Последно редактирана 1 май 2014.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
5.6 изиграни часа (4.7 часа по време на рецензията)
I am still very impressed, it's one of the most beautiful experiences and storytelling I have ever played. It's not JRPG or anything like that, it's wonderful story about fulfilling the last wish of dying man called John - to be an astronaut and visit the Moon. Our two scientists are slowly travelling backwards through his memory, through his life. They watch his very deep personal moments in his life, the people, the places, the hardships and joys. But don't think it's absolutely serious, our two scientists love making gags and fun from themselves. Also, every scene and place is backed with wonderful background music. Music is complementing every scene; if people are happy, you're happy, if they are sad, you are sad, if they are in love, you are in love too. And I can't forget beautiful pixel graphics. To The Moon is not just an ordinary game, it's very unique experience. It's beautiful piece of art.
Публикувана 25 ноември 2012. Последно редактирана 18 декември 2013.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
83.1 изиграни часа (17.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Finally on Steam! Brutal. Politically incorrect. Bloody. Violent. But very fun and seriously - this is the best game ever made. Maybe I see something more in it than just senseless killing. I see satirical parody of our society, politicians, activists and so on. Postal 2 despises our authorities and religion. It's making fun from everything and everyone, especially from various activists against violent video games or something equally ridiculous. Activists fighting against books have "Save a Tree! Burn a Book!" motto and there are even activists with anti-RWS texts. Another awesome thing is AI of people, who react to situations differently. And freedom of movement around the city, so you will get into unique situations even without doing anything. Also Postal Dude has a legendary quotes. Simply the best game of our age, although only few people will understand. And don't forget, Postal 2 is as violent as you are!
"Only my weapon understands me!"
Публикувана 4 ноември 2012. Последно редактирана 27 ноември 2019.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
9.9 изиграни часа
After only a few minutes of playing I knew this game was really unique. It's action adventure, but not classical adventure where you are solving puzzles and collecting items. What is this game about? Let me introduce you: Your name is Alexander Nesterov. And you are at the North Pole, 1981. You're investigating the "North Wind" - wrecked ship. You are fighting throught the horrors and revealing the last moments of the dead crew. Game is really wonderfull, you can really feel that winter and cold on North Pole. It's very mysterious and exciting all the time, enemies are scary and tough. From the beginning you are fighting mostly with your firsts and other melee weapons, but don't worry, guns are waiting for you. With lack of bullets and without crosshair - it's just awesome! But it's not perfect - unfortunately, unbelievable beauty and breathtaking ambience is redeemed with brutal hardware requirements. If you like adventures and action games, YOU MUST HAVE IT!
Публикувана 15 септември 2012. Последно редактирана 1 май 2014.
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5 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
6.0 изиграни часа (4.1 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is just art. I love it for being so deep and meaningfull, and it can be interpreted in so many different ways. The game itself is about growing up. And what you experience when you meet your "wolf" is a traumatic experience in the girl's process of growing up. Open your mind and play it!
Публикувана 12 юли 2012.
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