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Senaste recensioner av Moonsider

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16 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.0 timmar totalt
Shang Tsung is playable in campaign mode. He is one of the main antagonists of the game. Placing him as preorder DLC is a disgusting tactic. Placing Ermac and Quan Chi - both fightable in campaign and major figures to boot - as DLC also feels like the publisher trying to pad out the initial DLC roster. Glad I bought this game on a second hand site so I don't encourage this garbage first hand.
Upplagd 20 september 2023.
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83.8 timmar totalt (27.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
You've probably heard of the technical issues. There is no excusing them, especially given how long we waited for this game to be localized. However, if you're playing on Normal mode, the lack of link attacks for certain characters will not impede your progress. You'll still be able to enjoy this really awesome game and experience the story - so if you're holding back while waiting for a patch, just know that unless you're trying to challenge yourself you can probably handle things.

Anyway, as for the actual game itself: It rules! As a big fan of Skies 3, I think this one captures what that game was going for very well. I have a long way to go, I'm sure, but it has been a great ride so far. Make sure to play all the minigames and do all the daydreams - they include some top tier content.
Upplagd 11 juli 2023.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
36.0 timmar totalt (23.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I wasn't big on this at first, like it was a "good if you're a fan" sort of things. But something clicked for me in the middle of Water Seven and now I think it's really engaging. I really enjoy the combat system, even though it's a tad simplistic and the world is fun to explore. I say if you're on the fence, this is a solid game. It manages to be not only be a "good One Piece" game but a "good game in general" too.
Upplagd 16 januari 2023.
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38.6 timmar totalt (28.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This is the style of DBZ I've wanted for quite a while. It doesn't have the deepest combat, but it feels like a spiritual successor to one of my favorite games as a high schooler: Super Saiya Densetsu (obviously questionably translated). Obviously that was turnbased so this is a bit different, but as a kid playing that this game is what I saw in my head.

I hope they make one of these that covers Super or they get really out there and do one that covers the original Dragonball. Good times!
Upplagd 4 juli 2021.
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32.5 timmar totalt
Don't skip this just because it's different. Lots of interesting lore and if you're coming straight off SC, it's different enough to prevent you from burning out. It's a bit shorter than the other two and it's definitely the weakest of the trilogy but definitely at least try this before you move on to zero no kiseki or Cold Steel.
Upplagd 26 september 2020.
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62.4 timmar totalt
Excellent world building and story. Really not much else to say. If you like jrpgs, you need to get into this franchise. Now I'm off to go play a couple fan translated PSP games.
Upplagd 19 september 2020.
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12.2 timmar totalt
Probably my favorite game I got off of steam. After episode 3 I was worried that the new direction would not be for me, but episode 4 definitely changed my mind. Best game in the series.
Upplagd 21 december 2013.
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