
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย Dustein

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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
1,163.3 ชม. ในบันทึก (1,005.5 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
I have over a thousand hours in the game, so I feel like I know the game pretty well.

I love the high skill ceiling in the game. You have to know so much to be able to be effective against opponents in combat. Knowing every aspect of every weapon in the game (such as range and speed) are critical for being able to effectively defend yourself from them. Unfortunately, this means it takes a lot of time and effort (and usually training from a higher level player) to become proficient at the game, but even then you're still gonna die a lot. The skill ceiling is massive. A person with 500 hours will almost always get killed by a guy with 1,000 who will almost always be killed by a guy with 1500 hours. It's insane, and I'm glad that there's a game out there where skill and a ton of practice will make you virtually unbeatable by those who haven't practiced nearly as much.

And for those reviews saying that you have to use "exploits" (dragging your weapon so you hit slower or faster, or turning around and hitting people with the backswing for a lightning-fast attack) don't know what they're talking about. No, you don't have to do that to kill people. Knowing weapon ranges and punishing those who don't is sometimes more effective than being a ballerina (also there are techniques for punishing people for spinning around, but I digress). Again, it takes time, effort, and patience to "get gud" no matter what techniques you use. If you want to be a spin2win knight, that's fine. If you want to play more "vanilla" you can become very effective at doing that too.

So why am I giving the game a thumbs down? With over a thousand hours I must be in love with this game, right? Well sure, if the game wasn't mechanically broken. I could give you a hundred examples of exploits and unintended features that exist in the game. Map exploits, weapon exploits, objective exploits, GUI bugs, the list goes on. But the problem isn't that the game is buggy, it's that the game has had the same bugs for YEARS and EVERYONE knows about them. And Torn Banner has either not addressed these bugs and exploits, or gives the worst and most patchy fixes to cover the problem but almost never actually fix. The Duel gamemode has had the same bug since release that EVERYONE who has ever played duels has come across (which, if you go to Customize Characters right before the bug happens, breaks your game and you have to alt-tab and exit manually) and Torn Banner hasn't addressed it. In one map it was possible to do one objective (break down a wall) before completing another, which meant that as soon as you finished the previous objective, the wall-break objective would insta-complete. Instead of fixing it so that you couldn't do the wall-break objective before the previous one, they just covered the wall-break objective with an invisible box until the previous objective is complete (which you can still destroy the wall through the invisible box if you do it in a certain way). On a different map, there was an exploit to get into one of the spawns. To fix that, they just put an invisible wall over the exit, so now half of the exit is unuseable for no apparent reason (but you can't climb into it, at least!).

Those are just some (and I'll admit, most egregious) examples of bugs and shoddy fixes that this game has, but I assure you that I can think of many more. But even that's not the entire reason I give this game a thumbs down. The main reason I do this is because blocking is almost entirely broken once you get passed a certain ping "threshold". And the reason being is because damage is counted on the client of the ATTACKER instead of the DEFENDER. Meaning that if the attacker hits the defender's mesh before the defender has told the server that they are blocking, the attack will hit the defender even though the defender blocked the attack. And since one of the most effective "strats" in this game is blocking at the last possible moment means that you have to adjust your playstyle depending on the ping and connection of yourself and other players, and even then they'll often hit through your blocks (and probably vice-versa). It's gotten to the point that the game is almost unplayable to me because even with correct technique, skill, and reaction time is meaningless when it comes to being hit.

I will admit, though, that I only started noticing this around 700-800 hours into the game, so perhaps for most people this won't be an issue. But the myriad of other problems, the almost impossible skillgap between beginner and "average" (which at this late in the game is level 40 or so), and the many bugs and lack of regard for them means that I can't in good conscience recommend this game to any new player, no matter how much I wish I could.

I want to love Chivalry. It has the capability to be my favorite game of all time. But with all the problems that it currently has and always will until the day it dies means that I can't. Chivalry would be incredible if it wasn't so disappointing.
โพสต์ 19 สิงหาคม 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 19 สิงหาคม 2016
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