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張貼於:2017 年 8 月 1 日 上午 9:44

Whilst mechanically appealing on the surface, the game is far too RNG dependant. Random Maps, with Random Cards, Random Dice Combat and Random Quests with Random success chances. What little strategy exists can only be thought out if you're already in a half decent situation. Out of the four possible win conditions, only one (get the most points) is really viable due to the length of each game and how each stat affects play (with kingslayer occasionally stealable in the last round or two).

Additionally, the game is quite heavy handed in it's pushing of microstransactions and DLC content - Whilst the base game offers plenty for those that want to stick with it, the hero select screen shows you everything you don't own at all times.

All in all a shame really, because the aesthetic and general feel of the game is quite appealing and I was hoping to enjoy it a lot more than I have.
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