Donut Enjoyer
Donut   Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Timmy The Turtle 2 timer siden 
2 days this time? I know getting triple perfected is tough but spending 48 hours seething over it is nuts. Just take the loss and move on, man.
Donut Enjoyer 15 timer siden 
what kinda virgin checks his steam daily i just play the game lol
Timmy The Turtle 10. jan. kl. 11.22 
it took you 12 hours to come up with that?
Donut Enjoyer 10. jan. kl. 10.40 
im crying bro is acting all tough over a video game
Timmy The Turtle 9. jan. kl. 22.41 
Got an excuse for plugging? It was a mirror match so I think that just means you're a trash Kazuya. I'm willing to hear you out tho
Mix King 17. des. 2024 kl. 19.27 
what a loser