Donald   United States
Please Read These Information before adding me or your request will be ignored:

The best Way to contact me is to using CSGOAE contact form [ www.csgoae.com ]. Please include your steam profile and be as clear as possible.

I don’t accept random friend requests. If you want to add me post a clear reason on my profile why are you adding me..

Any form of begging will result in an instant block. Please understand that he items that I have come as a results of tons of hours spent working to earn them.

Do not add me for price checks.

Do not add me to tell me that i have an impesonator, there are tons of them and only a noob will get fooled by one of them.

Read My info box below for info about my business departments, my working hours, rules, and summarized prices.

If you are already in my friend list, Please understand that I am a busy man, so trying to spam me or waste my time might get you deleted.
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