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Pokemon with guns? Yes! But so much more than that!
A proper survival crafting game that focuses on being fun instead of drowning the player in grind and tedium (cough ark, rust, etc. cough).
Farming, automation, NPC AI that actually tries to help complete tasks instead of doing nothing, a nice world to explore, cute pals designs, weapons and armor for the player, plenty of building space and house parts to build whatever you want.

This is open world pokemon game you daydreamed of as a child.

Is there room for improvement? Definitely.
However, Palworld so fun and detailed as it stands right now that I consider it more complete than any AAA game launched in the last decade (with a few exceptions such as Elden Ring or Armored Core VI).

$30 is a small price to pay for this much entertainment.
Skrevet: 21. januar.
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19.9 timer registreret i alt
You will smile.
You will laugh.
You will be captivated by the beautiful art of Ori's world.
You will love these characters in no time at all.
You will get upset at yourself for failing to help Ori complete his journey because you're stuck on a puzzle.
You will persevere and overcome your weaknesses.
You will learn new skills and adapt to every scenario the game presents.
You will conquer every puzzle the game throws at you; not because you're great at platformers or because the puzzles are just hard enough to pose a challenge without being impossible, but because you want to see the story through to the end.
And at the end of your journey, you will cry.
Yes you will cry.
And in that moment you will understand. That childhood joy from playing your favorite games you thought you'd never see again? You feel it again. You felt it every hour you played Ori. You just didn't realize what it was until it was all over.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a masterpiece. The definitive answer to the question "What do I want out of a platformer?". Moon Studios created one of the best 2D platformers of all time.
Ori will teach you that videogames can still be pure fun, even today.
An un-ironic, unapologetic, unabashed, 10/10.
Skrevet: 3. januar.
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6.9 timer registreret i alt (6.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The developers confirmed that online co-op is not happening in the steam discussion forum.
This game would be great with friends but these devs don't want to put in the effort to get sales from people who enjoy roguelikes.
Its okay as a singleplayer game but far better games exist. Go play those:
Risk of Rain, Risk of Rain 2
Gunfire Reborn
Heroes of Hammerwatch
Skrevet: 10. august 2023.
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227.0 timer registreret i alt (1.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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The playtests didn't lie, this game is already a ton of fun and has the potential to get even better.
Combined arms fans rejoice! We're going home!

EDIT November 25, 2023:

Five months later and almost 200 hours later, BattleBit Remastered is still going strong as the best FPS of 2023. This is what battlefield was supposed to be. No sbmm nonsense either. Just hop in alone or with friends and get queued with everyone for an open server. This is the way games were meant to be played. You get to face all kinds of players, of all skill levels. Not the matchups devs "think" you should have. Whoever's in your region, you have a chance of seeing in your current server. This is truly fair matchmaking and I hope the devs never change it.
Skrevet: 15. juni 2023. Sidst redigeret: 25. november 2023.
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Halo Infinite Microtransactions:
If I tried to explain to you all the problems Infinite has, I would be repeating every other review posted before me.
The fact that a mainline Halo game is free to play and has a cosmetics store should tell you all you need to know about the state of this franchise.

As of April 7th 2023, Joseph Staten, co-creator of the original Halo trilogy, has left microsoft. After Halo Reach, Joseph stayed with microsoft while the rest of bungie split. He acted as microsoft's "game finisher" to help ship and support their main games during release.

He did, in fact, work on Halo Infinite in the final months leading up to its launch. Shortly afterward, he left the project. Not even one of Halo's creators could save this sinking ship. I wonder how it felt seeing his life's most famous work get continuously ruined by microsoft. We'll never know for sure, but I suspect this played a part in his departure. Would you want to keep working for the company that destroyed the franchise you built with your own hands?

Truth be told, I checked this game out at launch and stopped playing after a few rounds of buggy, unpolished, unbalanced, un-fun multiplayer. The only thing that might make me reinstall is if 343 adds PVE gamemodes such as firefight. I am not holding my breath though, and they're not getting a penny from me if they do either. They don't deserve my money and they don't deserve yours either.

Skrevet: 8. april 2023.
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384.3 timer registreret i alt
Apex Legends will steal your time and if you let it, your money too.
I thought I was playing a spiritual successor to Titanfall 2; because a lot of the core gameplay mechanics were taken directly from TF2.
I kept telling myself that battle royale was fun and not a clusterf*** of scrambling to find anything while you get lasered from people that got lucky.
I kept convincing myself that I would get better with "one more round" instead of admitting I was nothing more than streamer fodder. And that I would ALWAYS be streamer fodder so long as the disease that is SBMM continues to plague modern games.
I kept telling myself that the events were worthwhile, despite the actual gameplay changes getting smaller every season until events were nothing more than cosmetic sales.
I kept telling myself that I didn't need to buy cosmetics, despite every aspect of the game pushing you towards the egregiously overpriced digital store.
I kept saying that respawn would eventually add worthwhile gamemodes, despite arenas never getting fixed and the gamemodes people loved (zone control, gun game) getting drip fed to push engagement metrics.
Eventually, I asked myself why I kept playing.
I realized that I was only playing because I thought I could recapture the TF2 magic.
I was wrong.
Titanfall is dead. The brilliant people who created Titanfall no longer work at respawn entertainment. I suspect that gutting their next game (Titanfall 3) and repackaging it into a shameless cash grab battle royale was the final straw for the passionate people at respawn; the same way it was the last straw for me.
Avoid this game like the plague it is. It will consume your time and give you only frustration and bitterness in return. Because everything EA touches, eventually turns to crap.
Skrevet: 27. december 2022.
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Step aside Tao, Li is now my favorite character in Gunfire Reborn.
Who wouldn't love a cute fox girl that summons fire meteors for grenades and charges a massive fire blast as her primary?
Oh and Xing Zhe is fun too; being able to buff your weapons and really dive into the stats system is engaging and makes you think about your loadout.

Seriously these two are great additions to the base game and are definitely worth the purchase price... not to mention the new weapons, scrolls, and modifiers for reincarnation mode that add more challenge and rewards. A solid DLC.
Skrevet: 4. september 2022.
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5.6 timer registreret i alt
Into The Breach... I dropped the game shortly after buying it (and never returned since). Dying in Into The Breach never felt fair. In FTL, when you died it was always the result of your actions. "I should have bought X. I should have gone to Y. I shouldn't have fought Z." Your choices shaped the outcome of each engagement and hence each run.

In Into The Breach your choices feel unimportant and trivial.
It doesn't matter where you drop your mechs, you still have to defend buildings.
t doesn't matter how many enemies you kill, if the defenseless buildings go down you lose.
It doesn't matter how you plan your attack routes, you have so little health that getting hit once is critically bad.
I get what the devs were going after (a puzzle chess match of sorts where you have to think about defense and offense) but it was poorly executed.
The buildings ruin the game. The objective should have been building health, or mech health, but not both at the same time.
You should be playing to keep your mechs alive, or playing a game where your mechs are tools to keep buildings alive, but not both at the same time.
The player is not given enough play area, hit points, or resources to properly handle both units (mechs and buildings) so deaths end up feeling unfair.
Instead of saying "I should've done X.", you feel "wtf was I supposed to do? I can't win that."
You feel that the game sets you up for failure when RNG gives you a poor map layout, with exposed buildings and too many enemies. And let's be honest, that's 90% of maps in Into The Breach.
I never felt that the game screwed me in FTL, only that I couldn't adapt to the circumstances.
Here I feel that the game gave me an unwinnable scenario. And that no matter how many turns I have, it will never end favorably.

Ultimately I think the devs saw how players loved the difficulty in FTL and wanted to replicate it in a new format, but ended up creating unfair RNG scenarios that exemplifies everything players hate about roguelikes.
Skrevet: 13. juli 2022.
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31.2 timer registreret i alt (15.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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Other reviews have said it better than I can, so I'll be brief.
Dyson Sphere Program is a fantastic factory-building game. A shining example of what early access should be.
If you liked factorio, satisfactory, or other similar titles, don't hesitate to buy this.
Skrevet: 29. november 2021.
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232.6 timer registreret i alt (57.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
EDIT Nov. 24th 2022:
Gunfire Reborn launched in early access on May 22nd, 2020 and went "full release" on Nov. 17th, 2021. All of my previous review still applies, and the game HAS indeed gotten better with time. New characters and new gamemodes followed the full release with new weapons, scrolls, and modifiers to add flavor. The developers have done a good job of keeping their momentum going after a strong start. My only gripe is that they are heavyhanded with nerfs to scrolls and abilities that didn't need changing. Every couple patches something will get changed and you will be scratching your head wondering "why?". I can't answer that question either. The point of the game is to have an awesome power fantasy when you get the right combos of upgrades and items. If that goes away, the game won't be fun. Don't be so quick to nerf things is all I ask.

I've heard this game get called "Furry Doom" and "Furry Borderlands" by friends. Those titles are meant to be endearing. And they end up accurately describing Gunfire Reborn. The game's cast of animal hero classes, creature enemies, and polygonal artstyle adds charm to an FPS industry dominated by realistic graphics and "gritty" settings. The game is a roguelike yet plays closer to Doom or Borderlands in the minute to minute gameplay. The upgrade tree allows you to grow stronger with every run, yet the bosses and enemies never feel like pushovers. Gunfire is still in early access and every update improves the game's weapon pool, enemy scaling and has even seen new classes added. Their roadmap looks solid and I expect Gunfire Reborn to only improve with time.

If you like roguelikes, FPSes and co-op, you won't be disappointed for $12 USD
Skrevet: 15. april 2021. Sidst redigeret: 24. november 2022.
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