Disrespectful Dinosaurs
Take the path of least resistance.
Do you know why the dinosaurs suddenly perished?
It's because they were idiots who didn't understand the concept of respect!
Currently Offline
Funny, Right?
The other day, I got surrounded by beasts. A few cougars and a few rattlesnakes.
The cougars and the rattlesnakes were on two sides of the road, blocking my way out.
I was thinking of how to escape.... But then, I was able to pass through on one side of the road.
I was able to get by one of the two groups easily.
Which side do you think it was? The cougars or the rattlesnakes?
The answer is the rattle snakes!
Because they were...
assssssssssleep and sssssssssssnoring on the road!
Then maybe they woke up and started ssssssssssslapping eachother....
in their facesssssssssss! Get it?

Hey, come on, it's a joke! Only a joke! What did you think?

Mcgrill 22 Mar, 2024 @ 12:57am 
i HATE this guy, i want him ANNIHALTED
Borisdarker 31 May, 2017 @ 10:25am 
that profile tho
Weaponized Turtles 18 Aug, 2016 @ 2:24pm 
rep+ Good Guy
MiddleAgedDoggo 3 Jun, 2016 @ 8:12pm 
Happy Comment
Mr. Neko-Mew (Raven Kat) 29 Apr, 2016 @ 11:04am 
Have a great weekend :catpaw::azuki2::catpaw: