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Скорошни рецензии на Delta

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20.3 изиграни часа (8.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Never thought a first person puzzler would make me question both my existance and my Tetris skills
Публикувана 25 януари 2016. Последно редактирана 25 януари 2016.
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27 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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165.8 изиграни часа (13.7 часа по време на рецензията)
With most newbies complaining, let me write a proper first impressions.

Basically, unless you're imaginative and/or a fast learner, prepare to have a kind of (MAYBE) lackluster time. Those saying the tutorials are just youtube videos should try the SINGLE PLAYER TRAINING AREA. Geez.
Docking isn't THAT difficult, i get it done in 20 seconds.

Player interaction is rare but might be a massive bliss. I managed to form a squad on my space adventures, even! Even if you don't like combat, you can actively look for other, peaceful pilots

You can even experience some stupod shenanigans (like losing all fuel about 10 minutes from the closest station)

And, yeah. It's a game that takes time, but shouldn't be impossible to get into. Just don't be impatient and write off the game instantly. At least watch proper gameplay videos.
It can be amazing fun if you're into this kind of thing
Публикувана 30 ноември 2015.
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205.0 изиграни часа (59.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Gameplay itself is REALLY solid. Pretty fun concept that hasn't been done before, other than in that Carball mod or SARPBC, which we all know by now was the original. Won't bore, lots of replay value

DLC policy is beautiful. For all DLCs so far (and i'm not expecting this to change), all you get are extra skins, decals, paint types, wheels, anything aesthetic. Music also gets added. Only thing different on the cars are hitboxes. The essential stuff is "free", as far as the definition can apply on a paid game (that is, all additional, essential content will be obtained through the game itself, no DLC buying required).

Best way to play honestly is either unranked 3v3s, 4v4s, mutator matches or ranked 3v3s. People in 1v1 are nearly always salty pricks that'll go out of their way to insult you no matter how good you play.

Try your best but make a misplay? "ez noob uninstall", "What a save! What a save! What a save!" are the lightest examples, I once got insulted for 5 minutes straight by a "professional eSports player"

Same goes for when you get one lucky shot amongst good plays. "lucker", "noob", stuff like that. Thankfully, that can be avoided through disabling text chat. That, however, doesn't detract from it being generally unenjoyable.

However, it's at least great to meet kind people. For the best part of the community, go on reddit, randoms most likely won't cut it

Публикувана 23 ноември 2015.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
7.5 изиграни часа (2.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Right now, I'm actually 50/50 right now. If you can't wait, definitely get it. For a pre-alpha, it's pretty solid.

Otherwise wait a bit. There's still a lack of content (3 maps, some customization but no real race modes yet)
That's not to say this game's bad - so far it's actually pretty good. The developers DEFINITELY listen to the community (People listed a few bugs, which got fixed the day after - mad props to the developers! They're very approachable. I spoke with them personally at a game convention, so yeah)

If you're a bit nervous for buying right now, at least keep an eye on it. From where it's now, it can only get better!
Публикувана 11 ноември 2015.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
19.7 изиграни часа (9.8 часа по време на рецензията)
I loved this game. It gave a really big MOTHER series vibe! Can't tell too much without spoiling, though.

Anyways, if you like choice based games that actually DO change stuff, get this.
One thing, though.

Don't let ANYONE, and I repeat, ANYONE tell you what to do. At least the first run. It's your game, your experience. Your own decisions are what decides the outcome. So, really, don't let anyone influence your decisions.
Публикувана 16 октомври 2015.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
1.6 изиграни часа (0.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
First impressions time!
Read the reviews and stuff and expected smash bros

What i got was


so yeh

makes any smash veteran feel like a casual noob again c:
'T was fun, that's what counts xD
Публикувана 25 юли 2015.
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55 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
131 души намериха тази рецензия за забавна
5.4 изиграни часа (1.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
I made a humanoid robot with wheels for feet, 2 drills for arms and a flamethrower for ♥♥♥♥ and cleared 5 maps
Публикувана 29 май 2015.
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4.3 изиграни часа
I know I will piss off many here, but I can't play this game. I just can't, how much I want to.
I can not see why this is considered one of the greatest.
You have 6 unique char-- Actually, no. You don't.
Sonic is Shadow.
Tails is Ivan "Eggman" Robotnik
Knuckles is Rogue.

All these control exactly the same as each other. Same speed, same buttons, same everything.

The game, in my opinion, is repetitive. Run from A to B, collect pieces from the Master Emerald, do something as Tails. Same goes for the dark side, but from their respective characters' perspective.

And, to be honest, as good as the level design may be, I just can't see the fun in it all.
The Master Emerald thing is boring to me, the only exciting thing being the running parts
And even that tends to get broken by one wrong movement. Going fast? NOPE You're at standstill now.

The lypsyncing, while good for its time, doesn't hold up today at all. It just looks ugly. Same goes for the dramatic shots. They may have looked brilliant. May have. Past tense.

The way I see it, all it has going for it is Sonic.

Sorry, guys, but I just can't see the fun in it all.
Публикувана 24 февруари 2015.
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