David Reich   Saarland, Germany
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Well, First Time writing a negative rewiew, but here it comes.

It may be my fault not to get involved earlier, perhapes unfair from a late sales buyer to point out lacking gameplay elementals especially coming out of a short demo kinda playstyle ... But this is no retro Toe Jam and Early experience at all.

The first thing strike my conspicous were simple water planes ... I was about to get wet in a second hitting that cliff.
Remember turnig on your Sege Genesis (or Mega Drive respective you're a european guy like me), booting off some sweet early Hip Hop Beats with some fellows from above?
It was a slow kinda pill you took.
First thing I've done was start playing the beat and let them Jam Out ... or what the heck the Option was called opend directly from the Main Menu.
The whole gameplay was slow and had that kind a rhythm to it. You press in any direction and Toe Jam or Earl will wait good half a second before moving one step. And if I hit a cliff they wait 2 or even 3 beats before slowly jumping high in the sky and falling like a feather to the ground, hitting water planes resulting in a spectacular splash given the droven character ...

My point is ... get the game if you need a retro smile on your face every now and then scrolling down a packed library like me.
Don't buy if you want an actual good gameplay experiende ... buy Crypt of the NecroDancer if you want that rhytmic gameplay experience or try to get a good console Experience Somehow ... Maybe a Sega VR Experience or even a real Genesis?
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6.5 Hours played
I was just browsing through my library and stumbled upon ...

Definitively my next big favourit! Just writing those lines makes me want to plug in the controller and start it up again.

But, as in early access ... and not really writing reviews that early in development, just my two cents on gameplay and maybe progression of development.

I really like how different the classes feel in comparion to the first game. I'd love to see more of those although i see a big balance issue between a beefy class like the babarian and the mana depending mage. I like the bowslinger and his mechanics a lot though ... Want me to expanding that list?
I'd love to see an summoner kind of playstyle, maybe with his own matching theme ... I'd could see some kind of Dracomancer, throughing flames and dragon eggs against thouse skeletons and (a bit of generic but familiar at least) magic flame turrets and swinging metal glove kinda thingy fellows. Or even a dark magic force wielding Necromancer remote controling dark shadow floating clouds and 1 or 2 smaller Imps on the enemy ...

And what I always loved about the series are the Heirdom and the different visual or gameplay affecting Strains of the cute little Newborn Knight I'm throwing away in the flames the next room or two, after realizing:
"Julia, your pacifism just doesn't work in this cruel world."

Expecting a much longer experience in the future, you may implement a few more "easy mode gameplay" kinda Gameplay Strains of Heirdom Traits. Not making it too easy but maybe affecting gameplay in a way, it's more of my own unique gamestyle way. I'm a hoarder, I never use mana or potions or any ressource a game give me. Could you implement a obese Hero always eating and drinking everything giving to him, resulting in a slower speed and endless mana reservoir and regenerating health ... Obelix comes to mind ...

Anyway ...

Looking forward on seeing sending much more creepy Dungeon Folks at me guys!
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