過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 0 / 19(0%)項成就:

[Mission] Returned to your company's camp

[Rookie Undernaut Mission] You returned to your company's camp.

[Mission] Returned to the surface

[Expert Undernaut Mission] You exited Yomi and returned to the surface.

Obtained starter-grade materials

[Rookie Undernaut Mission] You established yourself as a collector of D-rarity weapons and armor.

Obtained low-grade materials

[Novice Undernaut Mission] You established yourself as a collector of C-rarity weapons and armor.

Obtained mid-grade materials

[Standard Undernaut Mission] You established yourself as a collector of B-rarity weapons and armor.

Obtained high-grade materials

[Expert Undernaut Mission] You established yourself as a collector of A-rarity weapons and armor.

Obtained special-grade materials

[Legendary Undernaut Mission] You established yourself as a collector of S-rarity weapons and armor.

剩 12 項隱藏成就
