Dar'Nara vas Rayya
Seer Quarian - I see things...so many things.
"May you stand between your crew and harm as you lead them through the empty quarters of the stars."~Captain Kar'Danna

"After time adrift among open stars, along tides of light and through shoals of dust, i will return to where i began."~Tali'Zorah
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About me; Dar'Nara the goofy Quarian Engineer!
My name is Dar'Nara vas Rayya and I am a Quarian of many talents! Need your environment suit repaired? Computer fixed? Ship engine upgraded? Or just need someone to talk to? Give me a call and i'll be there!

I will always be myself when you talk to me, you do not talk to a fake puppet and this helps me be a proper friend to people and listen and care for my friends too. I do not claim to be an expert in every issue out there but if you ever want to sit and talk? vent? I'm there! On that note however please be aware of the following:

* Liars. If your going to intentionally lie to me in order to get something, whether is is money, sympathy and attention, etc... Then it may be best you dont talk to me. I've been burned in the past, spending alot of money on people with the belief i was helping them when in reality they were just using my kindness for their own gains. My own fault for not being vigilant on the situation, but still, if your the type of person to do such things and be a big liar then please, go away.

* At times i can be cold, sometimes one must be cruel to be kind. And thats not to say i will be an outright ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to people but if someone just refuses to listen to reason, knowing that they are wrong but causing drama then dont expect a nice sunshine and bunnies attitude from me. I can still attempt to help people by being cold, sometimes people need that cold slap of reality rather than a deludding bubble to hide in.

* I can tell when someone is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around and just throwing a 'pitty party' , please avoid doing this with me as you'll get no sympathy whatsoever.

* Dont try giving me the 'illusion of choice' where you present some choices but you try and sway me to fuel whatever it is in your agenda and selfish behaviour. I am nobodies slave. A basic example of this would be "Hey you wanna do (activity 1) or (activity 2)?" and my response being "Sure!, i'm up for (activity 2)" to which you then respond something along the lines of "Aww but i really like (activity 1)" and then you go on and on about how much you'd prefer that. Its stupid, whole problem could be easily avoided. It also shows a lack of respect.

* I care for my friends very deeply but what i dont care for is a pure attention seeker who just aims to cause drama. If this is you? I would advise turning around and going away.

* If you are easily offended by peoples opinions who do not align with yours, please do not add me. I aim to respect all opinions even if i disagree with it and i hope people will respect that i have my views even if they dont agree with them, after all i believe free will is key and that everyone is entitled to their viewpoint. You wont find me forcing my view on you and i ask you dont do that to me.

Want to know my backstory plus some more recent events?

Click here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24530007/

Also, respectfully, dont add me if all your going to do is ask if you can use games on my account. No amount of begging will help and will only cause your immediate removal. So spend your time on something else, maybe go outside!


To anyone whom i have removed from my friends list, for one reason or another it may have been for the best. I wish you all the best with your life and future endevors! I have also removed people due to a lack of communicating,if you'd like to re-add me and get back to chatting? playing games together? go ahead! :D

A good thing to remember; actions, reactions, you CHOOSE which ones to have. No matter the situation, be it positive, negative or even neutral you still choose how to react to it. And sometimes? No reaction at all is whats best. To some this is cold, even rude, but it all depends on your mindset. Dont let people dictate to you whats right and wrong with your way of doing things! You make your own choices!
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19,1 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 3. okt.
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sidst spillet d. 26. juli
59 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 20. juli
Zephrax 10. jan. 2023 kl. 11:14 
Kieran 27. okt. 2020 kl. 20:29 
Everyone's moved to Telegram and all that!
Dar'Nara vas Rayya 27. okt. 2020 kl. 17:24 
Man, its dead in here...
Kieran 6. dec. 2019 kl. 18:44 
Yeah life's been ok, hopefully yours too dude.
KillerSatan962 25. juni 2019 kl. 16:06 
i mean its been 10 years since we last spoke, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ haha. i've been good, How about yourself? :O