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8.5 Hours played
TL;DR Decent game, worth a try

Actually surprisingly fun. Of course I did pick it up for free (Humble Bundle gift) which may have affected that enjoyment but in all seriousness, it's nice to look at and isn't awful.

Each mission starts of with you choosing a role (Which affects the equipment and weapons you can choose from). From this you then get a certain amount of points to spend on attactments for your weapons, armour you can pick from or grenades. In this fashion it's similar to the point systems you can find in later CoD games without the perks. As the mission progresses you will get more points you can spend on outfitting your character.

You do have regenerating health but you yourself cannot really take much punishment from enemy fire. In this regards it's similar to ARMA. It does have a fatigue system (Which honestly, didn't seem that apparent. Only have really noticed it in the training mission). Also enemies did seem to die in one hit most of the time, even on the harder AI settings. The AI, however, do seem to be incredibly accurate and will ruin you if you let them.

Didn't really try much of the PvP. From what I did try of it I died over and over, getting a few kills here and there. That's more indictive of my playstyle and mind set rather then the game itself though. If you had a group of friends you could probably enjoy the co-op modes quite a bit

As far as my gripes with it there isn't really much indication of taking damage apart from the screen blurring around the edges (Which happens if you take damage or if the bullets fly past you) and a sound clip (Which seems to play in the same circumstances). Also focusing your fire (Which scopes in a bit more and muffles most of the sound) is the same key as sprinting. Most of the time I found myself sprinting in a direction rather then getting this extra zoom level. Moving slightly will also take you out of this focus.

Overall it's worth a shot. Sure to get a few hours of enjoyment out of it at least. Recommend picking up in a sale.
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Law 4 Mar, 2022 @ 3:07am 
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yayo 20 Jan, 2022 @ 4:21pm 
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Banjo 20 Jan, 2022 @ 3:21pm 
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that guy had 3 phantoms that i had to deal with whilst hes constantly pinging me with his sorcery
thank you so much for your kind mercy <3
22 Rays 5 Oct, 2020 @ 2:54pm 
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Equinox 24 Dec, 2015 @ 4:32pm 
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