4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
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Közzétéve: 2020. jún. 14., 17:06
Frissítve: 2024. márc. 17., 17:47

A pathetic excuse for a continuation of the Borderlands series. The good of what it adds and expands upon is greatly overshadowed by the bad of the awful story. Everything about the story is just plain bad. The pacing is so uneven, the dialogue is not funny, the plot-twists never work, almost every new character is god-awful, and worst of all the way that Gearbox treats returning characters is a slap in the face with a slimy wet fish to any fan coming back to the series. If you just want a looter-shooter and do not care about the world or anything, just the gameplay then this'll be serviceable.
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