
Recensioni recenti di Lana (Dylana)

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29.7 ore in totale (5.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Note: Havent beaten the game yet at all. this is an overview.

I could describe this game as something like the first shadow warrior reboot (Singleplayer Arena FPS)+ something like Devil May Cry (Character action). The first because you go from room to room shooting enemies and dodging them through a dash move (shift) and circlestrafing. The second because of a focus on varying up attacks to score and rank higher in the leaderboards.

It's nothing like the original doom which is full of corridors and hitscan enemies causing you to need to use your enviorment as cover and full of exploration and secrets to uncover. More like the Doom Reboot, you'll be going from wide open arena to wide open arena truly dodging enemies with just melee and projectile attacks, with weapons that are also only projectiles. You'll need situational awareness and prediction skills to not suddenly get caught off guard by the various enemy types off screen. A big difference is that there's much more of a focus on enviormental kills compared to any other fps I've played.

I compare this to the hack and slash game Devil May Cry because it applies the ''stylish'' ranking system to First Person Shooters. Both games aren't just about not dying, but also playing as ''stylishly'' as possible to get better scores. Like DMC's Style Meter, Desync features an ''ATK'' meter at the bottom left which goes up as you vary up your attacks, then slowly depletes, and if one gets hit all of it depletes immediately. On top of that you can see a ''kill'' ''overkill'' and ''atk'' meter at the top right divided in 4 bars which fill if you do said things. If each is reached it gives you more score. It depletes in a similar manner to the atk bar but doesn't deplete upon a hit and isn't about varying up attacks. Ofcourse, at the end the game has a detailed ranking board for various things similar to DMC. The big difference is that you also get a score to compete with in leaderboards, encouraging the replaying of levels.

While in DMC it's all about creating your own combos, in this game a bunch of different types of methods and sequences of attacking and killing are already set by the game as ''attack sequences'', and when one is accidentally done it will show up in a list in their ''codec'', which you can see upon pressing C. Doing them will give you a speed and damage boost as an encouragement in game, and more score as an encouragement for that. This is the main mechanic of the game. The ones that give the least points just have one action like killing an enemy from below. The ones with more points are things like ''Switcher'' which go Stagger Enemy > Switch Weapon > Kill Enemy. The name ''Desync'' comes from a mechanic tied to this.

Some enemies have ''syncs'' which are buffs indicated by the enemy glowing a certain color, such as red for strength. You can then decide what attack sequence will be able to let you ''desync'' (debuff) the enemy, which again gives more points.

Another stand out mechanic is reloading and ammo. While old school fps had you scavenging the maze like maps for more ammo, that doesn't fit this games action. Arena fps like Serious Sam tend to just straight up give the player a bunch of Ammo prior to a fight or let you find it through secrets, and if you run out you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Desyncs method fits even more with this type of gameplay however. In here, if you kill an enemy with your weapon, it wil temporarily drop ammo for that weapon, and when one presses R right after picking it up, it will immediately fill up that weapon. If you're too late after picking it up however, it won't. You can actually completely run out of ammo for all your weapons and need to respawn. Only the first weapon has ammo that automatically replenishes over time.

What this system does is not kill the flow through losing or having to find ammo or having to worry about ammo count, yet again encourage you to switch between weapons. It also effects positioning because if you're gonna use said weapon, you'll need to eventually get close to get your ammo back, so you better do it in a way to not lose that weapon.

While there's more weapons, you can only have 4 at a time. Like in Unreal Tournament, These all have an alternate fire. The pistol shoots some straight projectiles in a row, but with the alt fire stagger enemies. You can then stagger the enemy and quickly switch to the projectile shotgun and hit them quicker than would be possible just using the first weapon, again encouraging switching. This shotguns secondary leaves a shuriken not too far from you that spins around in place. you'll need to aim this at the ground in front of enemies feet or let charging enemies walk into it. The third weapon is a rocket launcher with an alternate fire thats more powerful and has a larger explosion. The fourth is similar to the first but fires a lot faster (it's like a plasma riflefrom quake 3 or link gun primary from ut), but has an alternate fire that is a very slow but strong cube projectile. I haven't unlocked the other choices for weapons yet.

There's also two other things in your arsenal. One is a ''core'' buff you build up over time by hitting enemies and can use by pressing F. As you play the game you can unlock more of these and pick between them. The other is an ''off hand weapon'' which spawns in certain places of levels which you can fire with different buttons while having your regular weapons out. The first is a shield that can block and parry, and the second shoots slowing freeze rays. haven't unlocked the others yet.

As you play the game you gain fragments. Using this, you can upgrade your weapons. You can give 3 upgrade slots. In each you can put one of 4 attributes, such as a speed or damage boost. However, every boost you generate comes with one Downside. And ofcourse, there's a few more weapons to unlock as you play the game to pick between, but you always use 4 weapons.

The weapon upgrades, Desyncs, Cores and Off hand weapons can all be tweaked in terminal screens in the corners of the place you start in. The levels themselves are found in an elevator in the middle you can take.

Enemy vareity is wonderful so far. For example, there's an enemy that teleports towards you and then attacks, so you need to dash out of the way right after he disappears. There's floating enemies, enemies that charge towards you and try to do a melee, there's an enemy with a huge sword that tries to deflect your bullets, etc, and when these are matched up with others and put in certain places, they really make trying to dodge an prioritize them engaging.

The arenas are full of hazards like pits, spiked walls, lava dripping from walls, swinging axes, etc which you can use to kill your enemies with, and ofcourse the standard explosive barrels (though they look like floating balls here). The easiest way is to use the shotgun primarys knockback and launche enemies into the hazards. These hazards make one arena stand out from the other, but ofcourse level geometry, enemy placement and combination/count of enemies keeps things fresh.

I'm not sure how many levels there are, but each level does seem to have a ''mutation'' version. The one I played was where you got to dual wield 2 rocket launchers in the same level. It was kinda lame though because it's your only weapon here which sucked out a lot of the depth.

The game is difficult, but unlike what Totalbiscuit and GGGmanlives said, it's not unfair at all. You just have to get good at situational awareness instead of tunnelvisioning yourself. Sure, the first boss a difficulty spike and they couldve given you more time to adjust to the second phase, but it's also not an unfair one.

I really reccomend this game because a lot of fps have been really stale, and this one really tries to switch things up and move the genre forward, instead of rehashing old school fps or regressing the genre through more ♥♥♥♥♥♥ modern military fps.
Pubblicata in data 8 aprile 2017. Ultima modifica in data 8 aprile 2017.
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5.8 ore in totale (5.4 ore al momento della recensione)
Please buy it, I'm lonely.
Pubblicata in data 4 aprile 2017.
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6.8 ore in totale
Scripted Video Critique

Summary: Shatter tries to reinvent Breakout by giving new mechanics, shiny and fancy graphics/presentation and novel block types and formations, but these fail to add any depth to the genre. Which is a huge issue as the remaining core of the game itself leaves a lot to be desired as well. You have so much control over aiming it becomes a joke, the slow one speed ball and blow mechanic make defending a joke as well, The physics objects fail at making breakout more dynamic, there's nothing to make the stages feel different there's a huge lack of powerups, and the new mechanics add nothing. This game barely has anything to offer, making it very boring. If you want to be elaborated on why I think these things, It's all explained in the video.
Pubblicata in data 27 giugno 2016. Ultima modifica in data 27 giugno 2016.
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13.4 ore in totale (12.3 ore al momento della recensione)

Duck Game is an Ouya game ported to Steam, published by Adultswim. It's a 4 player sideview 2d Deathmatch game. 2 vs 2 is also possible. Similar to towerfall, players die in one hit and then go to the next level when everyone is dead.

First when starting it up you'll notice the great sega genesis style soundtrack.
Second, you'll notice presenation is great. For example the main menu is navigated by actually walking to the options, and it is a nice looking menu.
When you start the game, you'll be thrown into a little waiting lobby that also explains the controls. You can change your profile here, and pick what hat you want to wear. You have to destroy the glass next to you to step into a beam and start floating in it. When you get into the beam you can either find a multiplayer game or play or, play the single player arcade missions. If another person is there, you can play locally instead.

The gameplay of Duck Game is simple. 4 people get thrown into a level, and in that level weapons and items are scattered throughout the map quake style, or hidden in blocks which you have to jump into like in Mario. The objective is ofcourse to kill eachother with these weapons. Everything is a one hit kill. When everyone is dead the person who survives gets a point and the next map loads. When 1 person has 10 points the game ends. The controls are simple. You move with the directional keys, and you have a jump and a shoot button. If you press down you can slide, which you can use to slide under small places. Unique to Duck Game is a dedicated button to pick the weapons up. When weapons or items are picked up, the player can throw them with the same button. These throwing physics are very well implemented. The movement speed is fast, and you're in pretty much full control of your jumps. If you jump and let go of the right or left button you'll almost immidiately fall. If you jump, and hold the jump button in mid air you'll slowly descent to the ground. There's also a feign death button, not sure what it's for but it's nice.
Oh, and there's a dedicated quack button, to, well, just make a quack sound.
The game is fast paced, chaotic fun. It's very easy to pick up and play. There's always funny moments to be had. People accidentally suiciding in the most stupid way right after winning and thus not awarded a point for example.

Most weapons are bullet based, and have a bit of a random spread. You also often can't see the ammo you have left. With some guns there's knockback, which gets higher when you crouch. They kind of work like incredibly fast projectiles, and the range varies. What you'll notice is that seemingly, you can only shoot sideways. On the surface it seems like Duck Game has no depth to it and is just casual fun. However, when playing for a while you'll notice there's quite a few things to get good at. First of all, many weapons have their own unique little quirks. A small thing is that many weapons require the button to be pressed again to for example eject shells before they can be shot again. You can mostly just shoot left and right, but aiming can actually be more skillfull then you think for a 2d game like this. You can walk through enemies, and when standing in an enemy the gun often can't hit that person, which happens a lot because of the fast movement. When you throw a weapon hard enough at your enemy, the enemy's weapon drops.
When you jump and hold down the jump button in mid air, not only will you slowly descent, but your weapon will point upwards, so you actually can shoot up. Not only can you do this, but you can actually shoot up diagonally. Since the gun doesn't point up immidiately, if hold the jump button and almost immidiately press the shoot button right after, you'll shoot diagonally.

The revolver has kickback, so if you keep shooting you can shoot diagonally with the recoil.
For the grenades you press the shoot button to take the pin off, and then you can throw it in any direction with the other button, and the physics (and the ease of killing yourself) of it make it a skillful weapon to use.
The grenade launcher not just arcs and then explodes on contact, but when you hold it down it goes up, so you can aim it. The longer you hold the button the more upward it aims.
The chainsaw has to be activated by pressing shoot twice, and after, you can do all kinds of crazy movements with it.
With the hammer you can also effect your movement but in a different way, and since it's heavy you can kill someone by dropping it.
There's an net gun that has a fast arcing projectile which traps your enemy, and then you can pick your enemy up and throw him out of the map.
There's a flamethrower and flame gun that can be extinguished by fire extinguishers, and the nerf gun ammunition catches on fire when shot at the flamethrower.
And there's more. 2 shotguns (with 1 you can see your ammo left on the gun itself), a few pistol's, a minigun, a sword you can also throw kill people with (and slash downwards in the air), lasers that bounce off of walls, a small laser gun you can charge up, a gun you can charge up for a HUGE laser, the mooninites gun from Aqua Teen Hunger force that shoots a really slow moving square and has a big knockback effect when shot, a magnet gun to push people off the map, a gun that turns people into you, a rocket launcher that destroys terrain, a sniper rifle, a rifle with a really long reload time, some thing powerful that I forgot, a flaregun, mines, an uzi type thing and an earthworm jim type gun, and a suicide gun. I think I got most of them. There's enough vereity in weapons to be had here, although I'd love there to be more interesting projectile weapons.

Aside from weapons, There's sometimes jetpacks and grappling hooks to find for movement, and there's body armor, a helmet and shoes(against spikes).

as far as the levels themselves go, you can pick up blocks in certain levels that you can use to drop on people's heads. There's other blocks you can use to block doors with. There's keys you can pick up to open certain doors with better weapons. There's hazards such as spikes. There's oil drums you can shoot to make all the oil come out. There's windows that can be broken open when pressing down or shooting on them. In a few levels there's teleporters you can actually shoot in and the nyour bullets come out of the other portal. What's cool is that there's a level editor, but an issue is that you can't play these online yet. Otherwise there's some crashes, and there's no game browser to speak of, only automatic matchmaking.

The singleplayer arcade missions are not that special, but they're a nice addition. Some of them are pretty fun. They're missions such as shoot as many targets as you can in a certain amount of time, or finish an obstacle course as quickly as possible, etc. You can either get a bronze, silver, golden or blue medal, and the better the medal the more tickets you get to spend on a few gameplay modifiers and hats.

Duck Game is not as competetive as something such as Towerfall but it does have a good skill ceiling, despite it at first glance seeming like it lacks depth. If you like games like Towerfall, Super Mario War and Samurai Gunn, be sure to give this one a try, especially since it has online multiplayer.
Pubblicata in data 18 giugno 2015. Ultima modifica in data 28 giugno 2016.
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Visualizzazione di 1-4 elementi su 4