arturo   United States
Bigzom25 {motc] 23 Φεβ 2021, 22:51 
I can see you no nothing about edged weapons or you would know that the Katana sword is the sharpist blade in the world if any thing it is under powered and could easily cut a mutant in two.
randomlyOrange 21 Ιαν 2021, 23:20 
Depositing new message okay. Something we don't ever get. Can you open? Makes sense. Jesus. Yeah. Bye. Overnight. Mhm. You need any? It's just bye. Like Like, mhm. Yeah. Then seven. Mhm. Good. The topic. Okay, it is. Did you have any Really, Like that's torture? Mhm. No, it's like asking for sort of thing. That's a perfect the spicy Karen. It's, like, six. You don't torture it. Did you kick? Yeah. Yeah, I just such a little ♥♥♥♥♥. Mm. Oh, so that was being away from my house for, like, two or three hours. Oh. Mm. Hold on. Okay. So come with me. Okay? Yeah. Don't do it Saturday because I told you away from food. Mm. I mean, from during band, like, definitely. You know what wasn't me ?. Click here: 75912494 to listen to full voice message.
Bigzom25 {motc] 27 Δεκ 2020, 15:51 
I'm in the JROTC, which makes me an authority on the integrity of American culture. Yes, I am aware that America was founded on Classical Liberal ideals. I am also aware the pledge was written by a socialist named Francis Bellamy. But you know what, the pledge doesn't contradict freedom at all! Why? The organization which I am about to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ACE basic in 3 months, known as the United States Military defends your freedom right now! So when you don't say the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pledge, you are literally guiding bullets into the hearts of soldiers that fight in the middle east. It doesn't matter why your freedom is there, but it's there and we're getting it. As a JROTC member, it is my duty to scare you civilians into being good obedient members of American society. If I ever catch your stinky mug online disrespecting the flag, kneeling for the anthem, or not saying the pledge, than I swear to Chekov I'll ♥♥♥♥ your clock off, with my bare hands mind you.
randomlyOrange 23 Δεκ 2020, 2:28 
big PP energy, big brain moves
Bigzom25 {motc] 27 Ιουν 2018, 20:31 
░█░░█░░█░░█░ put this
░████░░████░ on your page
░█░█░░░█░░░░ if you roleplay
Bigzom25 {motc] 12 Μαϊ 2018, 19:14 
A Real Man dont Start Conflict, He Ends them, Boys do what they Can, Men do what they Want.