Ontario, Canada
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
If you do not read this, don't bother adding me.

1. the seller will transfer the items to the middleman.
2. the buyer will pay the seller after the trade is complete. I will inform you guys here in chat
3. if the buyer did not pay the seller i will return the items to the owner.
4. There is set fee. 5% every transaction.
5. Trade offer for trades.
I reserve the right to decline MiddleMan Services to any user for any reason.

- Users with Scammer or Caution tags
- Users with Private/Friends Only Profiles or Backpacks
- Cdkey, Real World Items, Gift Card Codes
- Cross Game Trades (I.E. Dota 2 Items for Runescape Gold)
- Anything I deem fraudulent or deceptive
Remember that using a middleman does not prevent chargebacks. This service is merely just to ensure that the buyer gets the item and the seller gets the money safely, but not to guarantee the person will not chargeback.
Do not add me "for later," or to "have me on your friends list."
When you add me, make sure you and anyone else having anything to do with me are prepared and ready.
If you have already found someone to middleman, please delete me from your friends list.
Remember to check for impersonators before making any risky trades with me or using me as a middleman.
If you don't bother to read my whole post, don't bother adding me.

I frequently may be online at work. If that is the case, I may not accept your friend request or respond to your messages immediately.

If you added me and I have not accepted your invitation, I may be mobile or at work or offline; it would be very helpful if you made a post below outlining what you need (links helpful) so that I may immediately assist you when I return.

Also, I do not like adds from private profiles. If you add me and have a private profile, please be prepared to be deleted/ignored unless you can post below a good reason not to.
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