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Nylige anmeldelser av Howdy There Parkner

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11.0 timer totalt
Simply a fantastic remake. I love the visuals and sound. If you missed the original, jump on this and play it.
Publisert 1. november 2024.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
96.5 timer totalt (28.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I love the Darkest Dungeon franchise. From the lore to the art to the gameplay. It's fun as hell.

That said, the RNG is this game is punishing in a way DD1 isn't. It is brutal and it is brutal in a way that borders on not fun. Out of 25 characters that hit stress thresholds, only one had a Resolve moment. The rest all had Meltdowns. It's punishing.

So, buyer be aware. It is going to be a struggle when you play this game, but when you do win, it feels that much more amazing.
Publisert 21. april 2024.
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31.3 timer totalt (11.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Dave the Diver is a perfect example of why games made with heart and passion can completely outshine AAA titles.

Dave the Diver is fun, gorgeous, charming, smart, and once again (in all caps): FUN.

Do yourself a huge favor and spend the $17.99 for this game and enjoy everything this wonderful title has to offer.
Publisert 4. juli 2023.
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1,451.7 timer totalt (1,079.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Hands down, FFXIV is the best MMORPG I have ever experienced. From the world and visuals to the characters, dungeons, and stories. The free trial is a steal. If you arr not sure, grab the trial and play it.
Publisert 27. mai 2023.
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11.2 timer totalt
An absolutely wonderful game. Creepy, beautiful, and amazing.
Publisert 13. juli 2022.
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