
Cyclops Inc. の最近のレビュー

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It's a relatively simple game, with an easy learning curve and familiar bullet hell-like style. Decent music, decent visuals, and an overall decent game if you're looking to relive the arcade bullet hell shooting games of old. Not worth $10, but if its price comes down a few dollars from a sale, it'll give you a couple hoursworth of semi-challenging fun.
投稿日 2020年5月12日.
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総プレイ時間:1.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.3時間)
They made this so much like Portal, it even has the letters for Portal in its name.

But Portal is a really good game, and so is this (probably because it was 'inspired by' Portal).

I would wait and get it on sale, like I did, because it goes on really good sales, and if you're one of those people (i.e. almost everyone) who buys cheap games, gets the cards and makes a profit, it's perfect for that.

A good little Portal co-I mean, Portal INSPIRED game that is great in a number of ways (including for making 10 cents).
投稿日 2017年6月24日.
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総プレイ時間:201.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:157.4時間)
Good graphics, a storyline without Spike Lee, and reworked versions of the offline modes make this a more desirable version than its predecessors.

Might want to stay offline though. I heard they have a cheating problem which it seems like 2K WILL NEVER FIX OR EVEN ADDRESS.

But I'm an offline player, so this gets a thumbs-up (also because no Spike Lee).
投稿日 2017年6月21日.
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総プレイ時間:55.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.5時間)
On Steam, the signs of a once in a generation game are as follows:

-It has been out for years but tons of people still play it

-The reviews are Overwhelmingly Positive

-Any negative reviews are just 5 year olds whining or people saying "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR NEGATIVE REVIEWS JUST BUY IT"

-Even if you've beaten it, you keep playing anyway

-Your friends have it and love it (and if they don't love it, why are you friends)

There's more, but those are all certain signs, and Portal 2 checks each box with a mark the size of Aperture's entire facility.

This is a truly unique and special game which just about anyone can enjoy. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone.
投稿日 2017年6月21日. 最終更新日 2017年6月21日
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総プレイ時間:24.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:24.0時間)
so....its been a while.

i haven't written a review for a game recently because i have saved them for a game that really deserves my thumbs up.
and no game does so more than Undertale.
true, it has some negatives outside of the game itself, but...
its pretty flawless inside.

kid, if you are looking for a reason to buy this game, cite the fact i spent a full day playing it, and probably more eventually. or that it has such a large and...unique fan base. or that 96% of people say its great. or that it is likely going to win the Steam Award it deserves. or that i, a lazy gamer, decided to write a review for it.

so...kid. please, buy this game. we're all counting on you. no pressure.

cya soon.
投稿日 2016年12月28日. 最終更新日 2017年2月21日
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総プレイ時間:580.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:299.2時間)
It's soccer with cars. If that doesn't appeal to you for some reason, don't buy the game.

Otherwise, it is an absolute must. It's that one party game that WON'T ruin your friendships because all of your friends will be way too confused to do anything unforgivable.

Pretty nice to play on your own as well. Online play offers something for everyone, and the game gives the option of muting screaming five-year old children and 31-year old children alike.

You don't have to like sports, or soccer, or cars to enjoy this game. You just have to like having fun.

So to all the grumpy cats of the world (rest in peace), don't buy this game. To everyone else: it is a must have.
投稿日 2015年9月29日. 最終更新日 2020年3月9日
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総プレイ時間:13.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.4時間)
Pretty good, somewhat buggy, but for free? Worth it!
best when you're ANGRY!
投稿日 2015年6月5日.
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総プレイ時間:6.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.2時間)
Earlier today, I beat Sin on Very, and I thought a few things as I was watching the credits:

-The creator of the game will be happy to know that the effort he put inot this game wasn't wasted; I loved it.

-As well, it DID feel oddly personal.

-Is there something going on here with the whole David-Goliath story?

-Lastly, I don't think I'm done with this game. You can beat it, but there's still Arena and the basketball pit.

Aside from that, I highly recommend this game, especially for its price. I think for $2, its a steal, although I nabbed it on sale for $0.99. I loved this game, as a pixel lover, and also for that it had no glitches. The only negative thing is that it taught me to hate diamonds and triangles. But, nonetheless, for the few hours I have played this game, I have loved it. 100/10
投稿日 2015年3月8日. 最終更新日 2015年4月4日
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総プレイ時間:14.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.0時間)
If LEGO was a video game....Srsly though, loved it. Fans of Minecraft and Terraria and whatever will too. 10/10
投稿日 2015年3月1日.
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3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Don't get me wrong, Pinball Arcade is a good game. But I didn't like it for a multitude of reasons:

-It took 8 hours to download, so I had the bar set pretty high for the gameplay. All computers differ, but nonetheless, it greatly affected my experience.

-I am a completionist, so...that there are 168 achievements is very annoying.

-It was glitchy, and when it wasn't, I easily mastered the one Table that is free.

-Speaking of which, yes, you read that right, one free table! That's it. Then you have to buy the rest.

So, once again, its a great game. It revives old tables and whatnot, but for the reasons listed above, I don't recommend it. It's not so much a waste of money, as it is a waste of time.
投稿日 2015年2月16日.
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