Cyber   United States
Achievement hunting is my life. If only I was good at hunting achievements, much like my life...

Currently Offline
Heres a little about me,
Whats your favorite genre of game?
-It would have to be Real Time Strategy(RTS) style games. I'm also a pretty big fan of survival games and I enjoy a good challenging game.

Whats your hobbies?
-Mostly gaming and anime in my down time. I do workouts regularly to keep up my fitness, so I guess you could count that too.

Favorite game series?
-That would be the "Tales of" JRPG series. My favorite game is "Tales of the Abyss" that released in 2005. I got the game from a classmate for a birthday present and I fell in love with the series ever since.

So you hunt achievements?
-For the most part, normally I play for completion, however if I really enjoy the game I go ahead and 100% the game and showcase it. I have a rather large library of unfinished games, so I have a long way to go to make my account show 70% average completion.
Screenshot Showcase
Review Showcase
I bought this game on a whim, I saw it on sale and it looked pretty nice so why not.
I started up the campaign and I was pleasantly suprized that it strayed from the stereotypical hunting game style so many games have took before it.

It has a story, Large maps to explore, decent AI's and very well rounded mechanics, graphics that hold strong to next-gen titles, more guns than a COD game, and best of all, Multiplayer.

I came into this game not expecting much but ever since I begun playing I've found myself hours into a single session. currently as I am writing this review I have around 45 hours into the game and I haven't even unlocked 30% of the content yet.

I've gave it a lot of praise so now let me tell you some things that I don't much like.

-Occasionally you have a very small chance of encountering a glitched out animal.
-I feel like the DLC should of been free and into the base game.
-Sometimes the AI will detect you and it will be bullsh*t.
-Stands feel kinda extra and not really useful other than elevation.

Overall my personal enjoyment I'd rate this game a 9/10
Screenshot Showcase
B-2 Stealth bomber, I do believe this is the first one on ksp 2
Favorite Guide
Created by - Xi Law
Tips and screenshots of all animal species about where to aim for instant kills. This is important for getting gold and diamond scores. It's focused on bolt action rifles.
Favorite Group
100% Achievements Group - Public Group
It's all or nothing.
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