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Publicada: 14 ago. 2018 às 11:15

I've played a handful of MH games in the past, loved the games just didn't always have the platform to play them. I played MHW on PS4 at release and enjoyed the hell out of it. I wouldn't say this game is 'easier' than previous MH titles, they just removed a lot of the tedious BS from the game so that you can enjoy the meat of the game - the hunting. They just lowered the skill floor so people could actually get into the game before getting murdered outright by delightul stunlock combos.

To the Elephant in the room -

All the complaints are about a DRM (Denuvo) that's meaningless to performance and meaningless when the company using it isn't going to disappear tomorrow need to screw off. It's not like they're owned by EA or anything...Capcom isn't going to dissolve tomorrow and cause the game to be unplayable. Yeah, always-on DRM is a ♥♥♥♥ move, but even Blizzard does it - despite getting roasted alive by the community for it.

Shockingly the connection problems are almost non-existant when I'm hosting my own hunts. People join and stay connected just fine. While I won't say their netcode is perfect, but certainly seems far more stable on a connection that can handle it.

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