Professor Zoom ⚡
Eobard Khan
You were wrong about many things, Barry. Guilty or not guilty? Everyone is guilty. And lightning always strikes twice.
MehPandaHu 8. Okt. um 13:23 

You are my pumpkin, pumpkin.

Hello, honey bunny.

I am your dumpling, dumpling.

:3 ♥ ❤
MehPandaHu 21. Apr. 2018 um 0:42 
Yooooo! :steamhappy:
Dukhi Atma 15. Mai 2017 um 8:54 
Positive rep.....the best guy there is.
pranuwu 3. Jan. 2016 um 2:26 
++Rep, Gave RL first. Would gladly trade again
SoriddoSuneku 27. Dez. 2015 um 1:21 
+1 Rep trusted trader, got Rocket League, can go first
sheboii 7. Aug. 2015 um 22:10 
Good trader and thanks for waiting :)