A Rare Heavy Main

Season 9
NHBL 9th Sasha Heavyweight Champion
NHBL 3rd Natascha Heavyweight Champion

Season 10
2nd Place - 4th Natascha Heavyweight Championship
2nd Place - 10th Sasha Heavyweight Championship

R.I.P NHBL - I will miss you all
Australium Weapon Drops
Grand Total - 75

Steel Trap - 18
Tour 35 - Force a Nature (43)
Tour 81 - SMG (47)
Tour 171 - Sniper Rifle (55)
Tour 179 - Knife (56)
Tour 189 - Sticky Launcher (58)
Tour 244 - Sniper Rifle (60)
Tour 273 - Grenade Launcher (63)
Tour 277 - Medi Gun (64)
Tour 296 - Medi Gun (65)
Tour 327 - Sticky Launcher (66)
Tour 372 - Blutsauger (67)
Tour 394 - Sticky Launcher (68)
Tour 418 - Knife (69)
Tour 420 - Ambassador (70)
Tour 425 - Minigun (71)
Tour 460 - Knife (72)
Tour 538 - Minigun (73)
Tour 547 - Wrench (74)

Mecha Engine - 16
Tour 120 - Scattergun (36)
Tour 164 - Tomislav (38)
Tour 196 - Knife (39)
Tour 211 - Ambassador (41)
Tour 213 - Sniper Rifle (42)
Tour 282 - Blutsauger (45)
Tour 289 - Blutsauger (46)
Tour 303 - Knife (48)
Tour 312 - Minigun (49)
Tour 317 - Scattergun (50)
Tour 332 - Frontier Justice (51)
Tour 341 - Tomislav (52)
Tour 344 - Sticky Launcher (53)
Tour 356 - Minigun (54)
Tour 413 - Scattergun (59)
Tour 664 - Black Box (75)

Two Cities - 39
Tour 38 - Scattergun (1)
Tour 78 - Force a Nature (2)
Tour ??? - Axtinguisher (3)
Tour 126 - Ambassador (4)
Tour 146 - Blutsauger (5)
Tour 160 - Sniper Rifle (6)
Tour ??? - Eyelander (7)
Tour ??? - Flamethrower (8)
Tour ??? - Minigun (9)
Tour 250 - Minigun (10)
Tour ??? - Eyelander (11)
Tour ??? - Minigun (12)
Tour ??? - Axtinguisher (13)
Tour 409 - Knife (14)
Tour ??? - Wrench (15)
Tour ??? - Force a Nature (16)
Tour ??? - Flamethrower (17)
Tour ??? - SMG (18)
Tour ??? - Wrench (19)
Tour ??? - Frontier Justice (20)
Tour ??? - Force a Nature (21)
Tour ??? - Frontier Justice (22)
Tour ??? - Black Box (23)
Tour 569 - SMG (24)
Tour 571 - Axtinguisher (25)
Tour 598 - Black Box (26)
Tour 660 - Force a Nature (27)
Tour 798 - Tomislav (28)
Tour ??? - Black Box (29)
Tour 864 - Axtinguisher (30)
Tour 875 - SMG (31)
Tour 877 - Rocket Launcher (32)
Tour 961 - Frontier Justice (33)
Tour 1014 - Blutsauger (34)
Tour 1056 - Eyelander (35)
Tour 1145 - Blutsauger (44)
Tour 1190 - Knife (57)
Tour 1203 - Minigun (61)
Tour 1205 - SMG (62)

Gear Grinder - 2
Tour 19 - Grenade Launcher (37)
Tour 28 - Sticky Launcher (40)
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Favorite Game
Favorite Guide
Created by - 76561198099662062
118 ratings
A brief explanation of the philosophy and details of the One True & Honest Way to play Mann Up mode properly.
Favorite Guide
Created by - 󠀡󠀡
183 ratings
The Mann Up Participation Contract is a legal document that explains your rights and obligations as a participant of the Team Fortress 2 game-mode Mann Up.
Favorite Group
Worked Hard, Punched Harder. R.I.P. NHBL 2012-2021
In Chat
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Workshop Showcase
for you endeavour not to pass an enough frightening kind under wires on which pigeons sit because they can easily lower your reputation,,,
10,634 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - MadCap_Official
Completionist Showcase
Hey siri, find me images of big boobie trans furry girls
제트별 28 Jan @ 1:26pm 
The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.
Evil Badmanofthebrine 8 Nov, 2024 @ 6:53pm 
Only the most based of players have 18k+ hours and come from the Dwarf

Even if I don't play much anymore, there's no way I'd forget how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wicked you are at the game
Purple Disco Machine 28 Oct, 2024 @ 12:29pm 
so this dude joins a tf2 casual lobby i'm in and immediately starts asking if there are any "gay furries" in the chat, so i immediately called him a weirdo and he spent the next 4 games yelling at me non stop calling me a gay furry. i kept on trying to play like normal but he sent me a trade offer with a bunch of tf2 items (customization items) that all had weird names like "kitten's fursuit" and other weird things. i accepted the trade offer bc free loot, obviously, and then he started sending me steam dms of the "furry art he's been working on". to nobody's surprise it was all furry foot fetish weirdo art and i just told him to please leave me alone. we ended up playing a few more games for a couple hours after that and it was pretty chill.
Hashbear 21 Sep, 2024 @ 1:08pm 
OG GEEZER +REP :papyruswacky:
[.Moe] Gnome The Japanese Maid 16 Apr, 2024 @ 7:35am 
I regret to inform you but ive ♥♥♥♥ your pants