Trilogy Avez/ClayZear @5,1k
The following text i typed when i really hated the community and quitted. Im back now, playing for fun not for fame anymore. Since then everything got better..♥♥♥♥ at Standards, play the Game however you want!

Hello dear Friend, old Clanmate or whatever you ♥♥♥♥ are, haha

i just wanted to thank you for the great time especially if you was a part of the legendary haye clan i created with my friends.
you rocked a time in my life and im really thankful for that. to all which i met in the game even when they hated me thanks for playing this game with all that emotions. its a game i know that but when i look on the other side of the paper, its a game who put me together with my friends. That Clan was like a second family for me. Anyways.

To all who will read this, i will give you one last tip you should better follow.

Quit that game.
Do it.

There are so much beatiful things in this world and its not worth to sit and play hours and hours to getting killcams. Its not worth to get worse in the school cuz of games or not sleeping cuz u want to play all night long. get out, breath fresh air and enjoy the world. not just the game. I did this a long time and i lost everything. friends in real life, my good marks, my girlfriend and also the relationship to my family. i quit this game now. i quit it because the best always know when to quit. follow me and for the first time its hard if your addicted but do it too. i saw alot of stuff in this community. 12 years old kids who dont go to school and play 56 hours without making breaks. its a addiction. ask yourself if its healthy and good for you. thats all. do not waste 7 hours of your day to play. its senseless. and when you realize that its senseless, 4 years passed. and you look back on this four years, its a suprise for you. cuz all the days of this four years you did the same.

thats it. if you read all of this, i want to give all my respects to you.

your alex
better to say

Hall of Brothers:

Erik aka Kirez
Patah (Small Penis)
Acez (Smallest Penis of all)

To this Guys i can say: Wars come and go, but my Soldiers stay eternal.

Currently Offline
Acezz #Breite Hüften 1 Feb, 2013 @ 4:44am 
So klein is er garnicht <.<
Echo 12 Dec, 2012 @ 6:53am 
♥♥♥♥ got back :D
eRa Solstice. 4 Oct, 2012 @ 1:08pm 
Vermiss dich <3
DonExoduz 1 Oct, 2012 @ 2:36am 
Jez wird sogar Exoduz schon vergessen :)
chrisz' 12 Aug, 2012 @ 4:05pm 
Heyho Bro
& Vergiss nicht deinen alten QS-Mentor :) Ich bin echt stolz auf dich man, ich sah videos von dir auf youtube und ich dachte mir nur, den typ hab ich das scopen beigebracht!
Damals hätte ich mir nie vorstellen können das du so Fame wirst ..
Schade is ja, dass wir vor 2 Jahren das letzte mal über TS geplaudert haben.
Immer nur zwischendurch über Steam kurz geschrieben.
Ich hätt gern nochmal deine stimme gehört bro :(
Aber was solls, ich wünsch dir viel glück im leben ..

- iglo
jori 12 Aug, 2012 @ 7:30am 
Will miss you! Have a great life and remember me (hopefully) Cuz i will remember u, as a freaking epic guy , funny, friendly and sympathy. (HAD GREAT TIMES WITH U!) -your Primey prime <33!