✪ Ciztii
Tennessee, United States
this is not okay           💦        it's time to hisss~
⭕️W⭕️❓             💦               ^////^

Just me and my 💕sergal💕, hanging out he got pretty hungry🍆 so he started to pout 😞 He asked if I was ⬇down⬇ to be something yummy 😍🍆 and I asked what and he said he'd give me his 💦tummy!💦 Yeah! Yeah!💕💦 He drinks them!💦 He slurps them!💦 He swallows them whole💦 😍 It makes 💘sergal💘 😊happy😊 so it's my only goal... 💕💦😫Deeper briggs! Deeper briggs! 😫💦💕 💦1 vore💦, 💦💦2 vore💦💦, 💦💦💦3 vore💦💦💦, 💦💦💦💦4💦💦💦💦 I'm 💘sergal's💘 👑prey 👑but I'm also a ♥♥♥♥♥! 💟 His tummy feels squishy💗! He makes me feel good💜! 💘💘💘He makes me feel everything a little should!~ 💘💘💘 👑💦HONEStLY, 👍 I 🎶 SEE 👉👌 👐 NOTHING 🍆 👅 WronG ✌️ 🎶 WITH 😂 🍴 LikING 👏 FURRY 🍴 PORN. 😩 AS 😂 🍑 LoNG 👌 😂 AS 🎶 🍴 YoU 💦 DON'T 😂 COnSTANTLY 💦 ✌️ tALK 💯 ✌️ aBoUT 💦 😏 WHo'S 💥 yOuR 🍴 FAVoRITE 🍆 💯 Pr0N 💯 ARtiST 💦 👀 AnD 👅 WHAT 💯 💞 YOU'RE 💦 👅 INTo, 🍴 👍 i 🍆 ✌️ COULD 🍆 💦 cARE 😂 😩 LeSS 🍕 💥 IF 👀 yOu 👌 lIKE 👀 FURRy 👓 ✌️ PORN. 👀 💦 IT'S 🍕 JUSt 😂 👀 PORN. 🍕 💦 WHY 👉👌 DOEs 💦 IT 👉👌 💦 MATTeR 😩 💦 TO 👓 YOu 🍴 wHAT 💦 SOMeBODY 😂 🍴 FApS 👓 tO? Your cummies 💦 could not ❌ be delivered 📩 because you don't share 💁‍♀️ a dildo 🍆with the recipient 😩 or you disabled 🛑 direct anal 🍑 on your shared sex 💦 dungeon 🔒, recipient 😩 is only accepting ✅ direct cummies 💦 from friends 🤗, or you were cockblocked 🙅‍♀️ by the recipient 😩. 👌OwO👌OwO👌0️⃣w0️⃣👌OwO👌🅾️w🅾️ good bulge go౦ԁ bUlgE👌 thats ✔️ some good👌👌bulge wight👌👌th 👌 ere👌🦊👌 wight✔️there ✔️✔️if i do ƽaү so my self ❤️🐺❤️ i say so ❤️🐺❤️ thats what im talking about wight there UwU wight there (chorus: ʷᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ >ᵤ<) rRRRrrRRR~💯👌👌👌MMMMURRRRRR®®®®®®ʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀʀrrrrrrrrʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ~👌🐺🍆👌❤️👌 ౦w౦ 🅾️w🅾️ OwO👌👌what's❓ this? ⭕️W⭕️❓⁉️‼️ GOOD BULGE!

Info 🅱ox? Yes~💕
Yo, what'sss good, dawg? You know whomst thiss isss. 😂👌
Ssseriously. Maw open, tongue out. And no, do not boop. 😂👌
I'm your new favorite... p-pet... 🐍👅
Finessst builder in Garry'sss Mod (not). From buildingsss to ACF vehiclesss. 😂👌
Everything sucksss forever. 😤🔥
Не русский, а белорус, розніцу адчуваеш? 😂👌
I'm not even trying to be cute.. a-and I'm c-cute..? 😖❤️
I'm venomous. Now, I know what you're thinking, shh. My venom causes amnesia, alright. You're kinda safe. 😂👌
The snek itself is soft, calm, COLD and very feral. Hecc off. 😡🔥
By the way, 128√e980. 🤔💕
Oh, I didn't sssee you ♥♥♥ in. Microsoft eats ass, systemd systems also succ. Linux/♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. 🍎💻
My icq/ip/iq/gender is a randomized 4-digit value that may change at anytime. 😂👌
I have no idea why'd I ever write this. 😂👌
%question% Answer: Yeah, I know, right *blushes*. 😖👌
I play drumsss, bass, rhythm and lead guitars, some piano. Metalhead, into brutal subgenres. 😈🤘
Alssso a sshitposter, memelord, furf- I mean I'm normal. Are you normal? 😂👌
Завсегдатай имиджборд, мастер на все руки, эксперт в разговорах. 😂👌
- *blushes, curiously flickering the forked wet tongue* 🐍💦
Currently Offline
bruh😂😂who tf😂😂😂😂😂nutted😂😂in my😂😂😩ass👅
Look, 👀 I'm 💘 not 🚫 a 👌 hateful person 🚫 or 💁 anything–I believe 🌈 we 👥 should 💘 all 💯 live 🙅 and 👏 let 🙆 live. 🙅 But 🍑 lately, I've 👁 been 👏 having 👬 a 👌 real 💯 problem 😊 with 👏 these 👈 homosexuals. 💯 You 👈 see, 👀 just 👏 about 💦 wherever 🏪 I 👁 go 🏃 these 👈 days, 📆 one 😤 of 💦 them 💦 approaches me 😭 and 👏 starts 🏁 sucking 🍆 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥. 🍆 Take 👊 last 😍 Sunday, 😐 for 🍆 instance, when 🍑 I 👁 casually struck 😂 up 🔺 a 👌 conversation with 👏 this 👈 guy 👱 in 👏 the 👏 health-club locker 👏 room. 💯 Nothing 🚫 fruity, 🍇 just 👏 a 👌 couple 👌 of 💦 fellas 👬 talking 🗣 about 💦 their 🍆 workout routines while 🕗 enjoying a 👌 nice 🔥 hot 🔥 shower. 💦 The 👏 guy 👱 looked 👀 like 💖 a 👌 real 💯 man's man, 👨 too–big biceps, meaty 😱 thighs, thick 😱 neck. 🐪 He 👨 didn't 🚫 seem the 👏 least 💯 bit 😁 gay. 👨 At 🍆 least 💯 not 🚫 until 🙄 he 👨 started 💢 sucking 🍆 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥, 🍆 that 😐 is. 💦 Where 😐 does 🏋 this 👈 queer get 🔟 the 👏 nerve to 💦 suck 🐓 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥? 🍆 Did 👏 I 👁 look 👀 gay 👨 to 💦 him? 💯 I 👁 don't 🚫 recall 🔞 the 👏 phrase, 😫 "Suck my 👨 ♥♥♥♥" entering 📛 the 👏 conversation, and 👏 I 👁 don't 🚫 have 👏 a 👌 sign 💦 around 🔃 my 👨 neck 🐪 that 😐 reads, "Please, You 👈 Homosexuals, 💯 Suck 🐓 My 👨 ♥♥♥♥." I've 👁 got 🍸 nothing 🚫 against 🚫 homosexuals. 💯 Let 🙆 them 💦 be 🐝 free 💜 to 💦 do 👌 their 🍆 gay 👨 thing 📴 in 👏 peace, 🕊 I 👁 say. 🗣 But 🍑 when 🍑 they 👥 start 🔘 sucking 🍆 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥, 🍆 then 😮 I've 👁 got 🍸 a 👌 real 💯 problem. 😊 Then 😮 there 👌 was 👏 the 👏 time 🕐 I 👁 was 👏 hiking through 😩 the 👏 woods 💜 and 👏 came 💦 across 👏 a 👌 rugged-looking, blond-haired man 👨 in 👏 his 💦 early 🕐 30s. He 👨 seemed straight 💑 enough 💦 to 💦 me 😭 while 🕗 we 👥 were 👶 bathing in 👏 that 😐 mountain 🚵 stream, but, 🍑 before 😂 you 👈 know 💭 it, 💯 he's 👦 sucking 🍆 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥. 🍆 What 😦 is 💦 it 💯 with 👏 these 👈 ♥♥♥♥♥? Can't 🚫 they 👥 control 🔧 their 🍆 sexual 💙 urges? Aren't 🚫 there 👌 enough 💦 gay 👨 ♥♥♥♥♥ 🍆 out 💯 there 👌 for 🍆 them 💦 to 💦 suck 🐓 on 🔛 without 🚫 them 💦 having 👬 to 💦 target 🎯 normal 😐 people 👨 like 💖 me? 😭 Believe 🌈 me, 😭 I 👁 have 👏 no 🙅 interest in 👏 getting 💦 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ by 😈 some 👨 queer. But 🍑 try 😐 telling 🏃 that 😐 to 💦 the 👏 guy 👱 at 🍆 the 👏 beach club. 🐧 Or 💁 the 👏 one 😤 at 🍆 the 👏 video 📹 store. 🏪 Or 💁 the 👏 one 😤 who 😂 catered my 👨 wedding. Or 💁 any 💦 of 💦 the 👏 countless other 👪 ♥♥♥♥♥ who've come 💦 on 🔛 to 💦 me 😭 recently. 🕛 All 💯 of 💦 them 💦 sucked my 👨 ♥♥♥♥, 🍆 and 👏 there 👌 was 👏 nothing 🚫 I 👁 could 🔒 do 👌 to 💦 stop 🚫 them. 💦 I 👁 tell 🗣 you, 👈 when 🍑 a 👌 homosexual is 💦 sucking 🍆 your 👏 ♥♥♥♥, 🍆 a 👌 lot 🍑 of 💦 strange thoughts go 🏃 through 😩 your 👏 head: 💆 How 💯 the 👏 hell 🔥 did 👏 this 👈 happen? 😱 Where 😐 did 👏 this 👈 fairy ever 😠 get 🔟 the 👏 idea 💡 that 😐 I 👁 was 👏 gay? 👨 And 👏 where 😐 did 👏 he 👨 get 🔟 those 🐥 fantastic 💯 boots? 👢 It 💯 screws with 👏 your 👏 head 💆 at 🍆 other 👪 times, 🕒 too. 😡 Every 👏 time 🕐 a 👌 man 👨 passes 💯 me 😭 on 🔛 the 👏 street, 🚦 I'm 💘 afraid 💀 he's 👦 going 🏃 to 💦 grab 🏑 me 😭 and 👏 drag 👬 me 😭 off 📴 to 💦 some 👨 bathroom 🚽 to 💦 suck 🐓 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥. 🍆 I've 👁 even 🌃 started 💢 to 💦 visualize these 👈 repulsive ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ episodes during 🕎 the 👏 healthy, 🍇 heterosexual marital relations I 👁 enjoy 💯 with 👏 my 👨 wife–even some 👨 that 😐 haven't 🍌 actually 😳 happened, 👉 like 💖 the 👏 sweaty, post-game locker-room tryst with 👏 Vancouver Canucks forward 📲 Mark 👀 Messier that 😐 I 👁 can't 🚫 seem to 💦 stop 🚫 thinking 💭 about. 💦 Things 🕑 could 🔒 be 🐝 worse, 😫 I 👁 suppose. It 💯 could 🔒 be 🐝 women 👩 trying 😈 to 💦 suck 🐓 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥, 🍆 which 👏 would 👪 be 🐝 adultery and 👏 would 👪 make 🖕 me 😭 feel 😁 tremendously guilty. 😩 As 🍑 it 💯 is, 💦 I'm 💘 just 👏 angry 😡 and 👏 sickened. But 🍑 believe 🌈 me, 😭 that's 😦 enough. 💦 I 👁 don't 🚫 know 💭 what 😦 makes 💘 these 👈 homosexuals 💯 mistake 🖍 me 😭 for 🍆 a 👌 guy 👱 who 😂 wants 💯 his 💦 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and, 👏 frankly, I 👁 don't 🚫 want 👏 to 💦 know. 💭 I 👁 just 👏 wish 🙏 there 👌 were 👶 some 👨 way 💫 to 💦 get 🔟 them 💦 to 💦 stop. 🚫 I've 👁 tried 👀 all 💯 sorts of 💦 things 🕑 to 💦 get 🔟 them 💦 to 💦 stop, 🚫 but 🍑 it 💯 has 👏 all 💯 been 👏 to 💦 no 🙅 avail. A 👌 few 👇 months 📆 back, 🔙 I 👁 started 💢 wearing 👙 an 👹 intimidating-looking black 🐵 leather 🐮 thong 👙 with 👏 menacing metal 🎤 studs in 👏 the 👏 hopes that 😐 it 💯 would 👪 frighten those 🐥 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 👨 off, 📴 but 🍑 it 💯 didn't 🚫 work. 🏢 In 👏 fact, 📕 it 💯 only 🕦 seemed to 💦 encourage them. 💦 Then, 😮 I 👁 really 😍 started 💢 getting 💦 rough, slapping 🍎 them 💦 around 🔃 whenever 🏪 they 👥 were 👶 sucking 🍆 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥, 🍆 but 🍑 that 😐 failed, 🚫 too. 😡 Even 🌃 pulling out 💯 of 💦 their 🍆 mouths just 👏 before 😂 ejaculation and 👏 shooting 💦 sperm 💦 all 💯 over 👏 their 🍆 face, 😀 neck, 🐪 chest 🙋 and 👏 hair 💈 seemed to 💦 have 👏 no 🙅 effect. What 😦 do 👌 I 👁 have 👏 to 💦 do 👌 to 💦 get 🔟 the 👏 message 📧 across 👏 to 💦 these 👈 swishes? I 👁 swear, 😠 if 👏 these 👈 homosexuals 💯 don't 🚫 take 👊 a 👌 hint and 👏 quit 😢 sucking 🍆 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥ 🍆 all 💯 the 👏 time, 🕐 I'm 💘 going 🏃 to 💦 have 👏 to 💦 resort to 💦 drastic measures–like maybe 👏 pinning them 💦 down 🔻 to 💦 the 👏 cement floor 💦 of 💦 the 👏 loading dock with 👏 my 👨 powerful 💪 forearms and 👏 working 🏢 my 👨 ♥♥♥♥ 🍆 all 💯 the 👏 way 💫 up 🔺 their 🍆 butt 🍑 so 💯 they 👥 understand 📚 loud 🎚 and 👏 clear just 👏 how 💯 much 🔥 I 👁 disapprove of 💦 their 🍆 unwelcome advances. I 👁 mean, 😏 you 👈 can't 🚫 get 🔟 much 🔥 more 🍗 direct than 👉 that.
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🌸🌸 𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓰𝓾𝔂=)🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
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