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CharmyTheCharizard legutóbbi értékelései

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1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
36.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (20.7 óra az értékeléskor)
If you're going to commit your entire life to a competitive game, this HAS TO BE your pick. Game good.
Közzétéve: 2020. március 25.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
60 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
9 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
7.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (6.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Everyone else has said what needs to be said. It'd be a fun, glitchy Sonic 06-esque ride if it wasn't for its terrible, TERRIBLE optimization, which reflects on constant game freezes and overly-exessive disk space for a game of its tier.
Közzétéve: 2020. március 8.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
63.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (47.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Finally, the game that has been regarded as THE official sucessor to Sonic 3 & Knuckles (The game claimed to be the very best of the classic GENESIS/Mega Drive Sonic The Hedegehog games.) comes to Steam. Did it reach the expectations the fans set up since the start? Actually, yes.
- Since the start, the revealed its intentions straightforwardly, being a sequel to S3&K, but it did SPRITEWISE as well (Mostly thanks to the talents of the guys at Padoga West Games ;3) making them flow fuildly into their next frame and hiding a TON of detail into each object one passes through in-game, eventually making the experience bigger than life and VERY inmersive.
- Gameplaywise, the game is exactly what any Classic Sonic fan would have fantasized with: Smooth, perfectly responsive controls, Sonic 2/3's physics overhauled to give the best experience the game can offer, ABSOLUTELY NO game-breaking bugs to let one smoothly enjoy the playthrough, and some peaks to the 2D Sonic level design to make it as enjoyable as possible.
- Soundtrackwise, daddy Tee Lopes made a god-tier soundtrack to accompany the experience as much as possible, a common practice with SEGA games in general, but this time the composer is an indie muscitian, long-time Sonic fan, making the soundtrack using as much love as he could, and it shows when you can put it WAY up there with S3&K's soundtrack, maybe slightly better?

In conclussion: Sonic Mania is the PEAK of Classic Sonic games, meant to be enjoyed by fans AND non-fans alike. A fantasy come reality for Sonic fans, and an unforgettable experience for newcomers or casual gamers. 10/10
Közzétéve: 2019. június 28.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
1,738.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (774.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Guys, you do all realize that review-bombing the masterpiece itself will only give MORE reasons for VALVe to ABANDON it? "Too many negative ratings? That must mean people don't like our game, so why fix?"
Közzétéve: 2018. november 21. Legutóbb szerkesztve: június 6.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
8.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (4.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Ok, this review might be one of the weirdest I've ever written, mostly because it isn't really focused on the game itself, but rather on how it can be used as a semi-sandbox game to mess around and make the "Asstronauts" sing.

- First of all, yes, this was made by NASA, and I must recognize how good the game looks and runs, smoothly in, I can assure, any potato PC like mine, wich lets players have hours or DAYS of fun with the game, playing the objectives, and then partying and messing around, or not?..

- Here comes the game's best, and strongest point: It has grown to be way more than NASA probably anticipated, a game that, I assure will give anyone a good time, using only the text to speech part of the game, people have remade songs to pass time and mess around.
Out of everything I have said, this is only the beginning, as the many game elements and, sometimes, wacky physics let players have a good chuckle, and fix a bad day with everything I've stated earlier.

That said, Moonbase Alpha should be praised by many reasons, but mostly, because of how it became an unnintentionally comedic game, with many more ways to use the existing elements and a wide fanbase that would not have sprouted if this repurposing didn't happen.

Yes, it's a game you should check out, but I have 1 piece of advice: In space, no one can hear you aeiou.
Közzétéve: 2018. november 8.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
1,919.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (1,039.1 óra az értékeléskor)
As a rising GMod animator, and as a person who just got 1k hours, I can finally write a decent review.

Garry's Mod is an exellent game overall in the full sense of the word:
- You can build stuff from props with the many tools GMod has by default.
- You can make animations with the right addons.
- There's everything in the workshop as an addon, anything you want will be in the GMod Workshop, best of all, addons are always just a few Megabytes heavy.
- You can play GMod as a FPS if you so wish.
- You can just use GMod to mock around casually if you so wish.

Basically, GMod has a mode for anyone and everyone, a playstyle for everyone who, either, skilled or unskilled, can enjoy, and considering I'm awful at videogames in general, I enjoy GMod so much.

BUT here come the cons:
- The multiplayer game community or the GMod fanbase in general is composed of an AWFUL lot of 5 year old sqeuakers, who are disrespectful, arrogant and rude, who fight others, but when they're beaten up, cry and get off the game.
- When gunfights are unleashed into a server, the skill gap is so huge that, when some will have no problem winning over and over, some like me, have no chance against anyone there, and will probably get bullied in the server.
- The game crashes a lot, altough that's one of the comedy points of the game itself, but if viewed non-ironically, is trully a problem.

With this said, I trully recommend GMod, a game for everyone, who everyone will find engaging and fun.
Közzétéve: 2018. november 7.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
11.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (2.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Unique game style and mechanics, never before seen room designing (chambers), interesting backstory with karmic resolution.
Simply genius.
Közzétéve: 2018. január 2. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. november 25.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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