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기록상 3.3시간 (평가 당시 1.3시간)
One of my favourite games during my childhood. Hell yeah.
2017년 4월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 43.4시간 (평가 당시 43.4시간)
Assasins Creed is an action-adventure game that was released in 2014, and is the follow up to Black Flag. People are known to slate the game for its similiarities with Black Flag, but I honestly believe that the combat and naval mechanics in Black Flag were too good to throw away. I did indeed play Black Flag and loved it, and despite the mechanics being very similar to Rogue I still loved it to bits and there was no part in the game where it felt boring.

The graphics for Assassins Creed Rogue are of an A rated standard, but there are a few issues that I came across. As with Black Flag 2560x1080 was not supported despite being in the options, so I had to install a quick fix to begin playing the game, but apart from that I experienced no crashes whatsoever whilst playing this game. The only graphical issue that I had with this game was the lack of anti-aliasing that this game had. In Black Flag you had a selection of anti-aliasing options to choose from to smoothen out those jagged edges, but you only have the option to enable FXAA, which leaves rather noticeable jagged edges on objects such as rope and fences, but this isn't too noticeable on characters and will not effect your experience to a high degree. The game runs smoothly however and no stutters or lag spikes were detected.

Now time to talk about the good 'n' juicy bits of the game. New combat mechanics were implemented such as new ship upgrades and customization options which weren't featured in Black Flag. You can have a nostalgic trip by purchasing some of the iconic ship customizations that were available in Black Flag, but other than that all of the customization options are unique, and they haven't just dumped old content into this lovely game. New naval mechanics have been added such as the ability to leave oil trails in the ocean and set fire to them to roast your enemies (Water+Oil=Fire?) and the pucker cannon can now be freely aimed, allowing you to take out poor old icebergs and take out drunken pirates who try to oppose you.

Enemy ships can now ram into you, and begin to board your boat, so you get a taste of your own medicine in a sense, as you will be forced to defend yourself.

You are also not able to go to the harbour master and reset your wanted rating like you were able to in Black Flag, so the only way to escape those blasted pirate hunters is by hit and running.

Some new weapons have been added to the game such as the shrapnel, beszerk and sleep grenades, which gives you a larger variety of ways to take out your enemies.

For those players out there who are into helping out lil' NPCs then you can now renovate buildings all around the world to let pirates have fun and commit debauchery.

The world itself is of huge scale so theres plenty of ocean for you to trek around in whilst singing shanties, but I felt that the world was rather monotonous, and besides the naval combat there wasn't really much purpose landing the anchor and exploring the world, unless you were interested in crafting. The world is beautifully designed, but the lack of interactiveness around the world and side quests meant that the only compelling part of the game was the story.

The story completely made this game for me, as it allows you to have a perspective from the Templars side, and their understanding on the world. The story was exhilarating to play through and the compelling protagonist made the game a delightful experience to play through. The Abstergo plot was also interesting and gives you a better insight on the Assassins Creed lore.

This is the second game in the AC series that I have played through and I will most certainly be playing through the next game in the series. Ubisoft definitely know how to produce a game and I respect them for putting time and effort into their games and producing content that their fans want to see, which is rare for game developers to do these days.
2017년 1월 18일에 게시되었습니다. 2017년 1월 18일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 6.0시간
Aaaah Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. The game that had so much potential but completely missed the purpose of an RPG game.

Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen is a remastered version of the original Dragons Dogma which was released in 2012. The graphics have been updated to make the visuals satisfactory, but they definitely could not be considered on parr with todays generation of graphics.

The only part about this game I can give kudos to is the combat system. Boy did they put a load of development time into the combat system. You can climb up serpents and cut off their little snakey heads! What game lets you do this kind of badassery?! The combat is developed and advanced, and allows you to fight in a style that suits you.

The world is diverse and huge, and leaves plenty of room for exploration, except that nothing really motivates you to go on an adventure other than the hope to find some cool looking badies, because their isn't much of a variety when it comes to the loot that you can find.

The story is more dull than a childrens story book, and it makes me upset to see such a game with such great potential completely forget what keeps their players hooked. Story is a vital component in an RPG game, and the story in Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen is improvised and doesn't present the player with any interest. The side quests are similar to the ones you would find in an MMO, and are primarily based around collecting items for players and killing a certain baddy.

I played 5 solid hours of this game only to get bored and lose the will to keep on playing as there was no catchy story for me to latch onto. The combat however was juicy and is the only reason why I kept myself believing that this was going to be a decent RPG game, but it turns out that the aspects you expect to be in an RPG game have been forgotten.

I'm sorry guys, but alot of potential was lost with this game and if you were to spend a bit more time developing a plot line and perfecting the graphics, then it would be worth playing.

Fishykins Rating: 5/10
2016년 12월 27일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 12월 27일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 19.0시간 (평가 당시 14.2시간)
Dark Souls 1 is a hardcore RPG game, that was developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games. It has a refined combat system, decent graphics based on the time of its release, and rewarding gameplay.

I did not complete Dark Souls 1, but after purchasing the game I was determined that I would complete the game as I could prove to myself that I wasn't a noob when it came to this genre. After a days worth of hours sacraficed into this game, I still didn't believe that I would be able to complete the game, and the motivation to keep playing died due to its minimalistic story telling, and the shear difficulty of this game. Before you all try to murder me in a more savage way than any Dark Souls boss did, I would like to justify myself.

Sure this game is fantastic, and people that enjoy a strategic and punishing combat system will love the hell out of this game. Despite it being released in 2011, its graphics aren't outdated to any extent all thanks to DSfix.

The combat mechanics are some of the best that I have ever seen playing a game. You have to be strategic when it comes to battle, otherwise your a gonner, and you will remain a gonner unless you reflect on your combat methods, and try to find the most appropriate way to attack your enemy. Every enemy in this game has a unique fighting style, making every battle enjoyable until you die of course, as you then have to trek back across the badass world of Dark Souls fighting the same badass creatures that you had already spent excessive time slaughtering.

The sound effects of the game are decent, and the soundtrack is immersive and makes battling your foes that more intense.

The games combat and graphics were enough to keep me satisfied with the game for a reasonable amount of time, but the unforgiving difficulty ruined my experience entirely. Sure, this game was designed to be difficult, and the majority of people that have played this game have completed it, after many attempts and alot of dedication. I however don't have the fuse of these hardcore Dark souls warriors, and got fed up of retracing my footsteps only to get my ass handed to me on a silver platter by the same creature that had KO'ed me previously.

I know, i've dissapointed the Dark Souls community by giving up so soon, but I would recommend this game to anyone who was questioning whether to buy it or not, as the experience that I had may have been irritating, but this was made acceptable by the rewarding feeling of defeating a boss after hours of dedication and the vast amount of customization that you can do to your character. I understand that this game was created to be difficult and to put the players skills to the test, and its very effective in doing so and has shaped the whole Dark Souls series, I just simply am not built to praise the sun.

I would have personally preferred the game if their was a saving function which would get rid of all the heartbreak when you die, but of course that would ruin the whole concept of Dark Souls.

Overall I loved the game, but the game didn't love me the same way.

Fishykins Rating: 8/10
2016년 12월 27일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 12월 27일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 30.5시간 (평가 당시 26.9시간)

Shadow of Mordor is an open world, fantsy RPG which has slight links to the LOTR films. Before playing Shadow of Mordor I was worried that due to me not watching any of the LOTR films (Please don't murder me for not watching them!) I would get really confused when trying to revise the story of the game. It turns out that there are only 2 characters that starred in the film within this game, so if you haven't watched any of the films don't sweat about it as you won't need to, in order to enjoy this game.


The first thing I would like to congratulate this game on is its combat. Shadow of Mordor has the best combat system that I have ever experienced in any game, and i've played a hella load of games! Every kill you get feels badass, whether its an insignificant orc or a warchief, you will leave the battle feeling like your a cold blooded murderer. The executions that you can do after charging your hit streak are gorey, just the way I like it, and a selection of abilities can be equipped onto your bow, sword and dagger to give you that edge in combat. Even after completing the story, I was motivated to go around and just go on a killing spree just to get the satisfaction from the combat system.


The story was fascinating to play through, but was too good to last. I would deliberately stall myself from playing the story missions as I was afraid that I would complete the game too fast, and even when slowly pacing myself through the game it came to an end in the blink of an eye. Even so, the story was addictive and lured you into the game. The story was enjoyable to play through, and i'm not going to give any spoilers, but the game ends with the same feeling that you would get when checking your bank balance after a night out. Disapointment. I get the feeling that the developers were rushing to meet their release date and quickly chucked a few cutscenes in with a crappy end battle and then thought bobs ya uncle. Saying that the intriguing story up until the ending allowed me to forgive the game for cutting it short whilst I was still flacid.


After completing the game I thought to myself, "Oh its okay, the DLC will keep me going for a while." I played through the Lord of the Hunt DLC and it had a similar mission to the main game, being that you had to assassinate all of these warchiefs that were killing little baby Caragors, which I could not stand for. I found this DLC reasonably enjoyable but having the same motif as the original game I kind of shortcutted it, and only assassinated the warchiefs, and didn't bother with all the collectables and slaughtering the other orc captains because it felt like a repeat of the main story.

The other story DLC, The Bright Lord, was again similar to the main game with only slight modifications to the combat and a vaguely different story, leading me to bordom within the first couple of minutes when playing through it. I am interested in the lore of games and like to learn more about the characters, but the DLC was painful to play for me as I knew that the end game factor would be the same as the main game and the Lord of the Hunt DLC, making me give up on it rather quickly.


The graphics have a hyper-realistic sense to them, and from looking at them you could not guess that the game was released in 2014, as they were made to look sexy even in the future. The game is also well optimized as i'm running this game on a Radeon 380 with a 2560x1080 display on high settings with anti-aliasing set to x4, and my game is running at a solid 60fps, so I will give the game props for its optimization. A cool feature that I picked up on was how the grass and foliage would interact with the player, and was a feature that I have rarely seen in games. The orcs within the game are all unique in their own way, and alot of effort has been made to give them their own looks, personality and fighting styles. You will be pushed to find an orc which looks similar to another. (Unless you compare Mogg and his twin brother lmao!).

To conclude, I did love playing through Shadow of Mordor due to its awesome combat and captivating story, implementation of lore from the films, and progression system. I do believe that the story was rather short, and would have loved to have been able to feast on some more content, but it is clear that Warner Brothers games have done a great job in producing an RPG game with a rich story. The banter between Talion and Torvin where Talion will mock Torvins high by itself is worth playing the game for. #RoastSimulator.

Fishykins rating: 8/10
2016년 11월 12일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 11월 12일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1.9시간
If any other game developer charged you £17 for what is practically a demo they would get crushed by hatred. Somehow Kojima Productions escaped the hate hammer. The purpose of this, 'game' if you can call it that is to give you an insight on the story, so you can go ahead and play Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain knowing the story behind it and getting to grips with the stealth mechanics before you jump into the real deal. I did love this 'game' and I will definitely be purchasing Phantom Pain to give it a try as the story is compelling and the stealth combat isn't half bad!
2016년 10월 24일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 10월 24일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 225.3시간 (평가 당시 102.2시간)
Fallout 4, oh what a lovely emotional rollercoaster.

Fallout 4 is truly a beautiful game and despite previous Fallout fans commonly chanting, "New Vegas was better" you will still fall in love with this games immersive world and beautiful storytelling and questing. It may not have the pure RPG element that New Vegas had, but its definitely got its own formula of RPG which makes it so special.


The combat puts you on the edge of your seat and gives you a sweaty ass, but is still enjoyable and rewarding at the same time.

The World

The world (Well, whats left of it) is of a large scale, and it is evident that the developers have taken every care in making it unique and enjoyable for you to explore. You will never find yourself having deja vu and thinking to yourself, 'I swear some lazy ass developer has just copied and pasted this interior!'.


There is a variety of weapons within Fallout, all having their own cool feeling to them. Unique weapons can also be found around the Commonwealth which are improved versions of the originally, allowing you to kick ass even more! You can even rename your weapons! (Your life isn't complete until you've renamed your Ripper to a "10" terminator" and murdered people from behind with it!)

Equipment modifications

The weapon and Armour improving system allows you to make badass weaponry, and is vital in surviving in the commonwealth. It allows for you to customize weapons to your imagination, especially with the 'Any weapon, any mod' mod!

Customization of Settlements

The settlement customization feature which allows you create your own settlement and look after the people of the commonwealth is fantastic! You can create your own towns and villages to your own accord, and look after the poor lil' radioactive people of the commonwealth, ITS LIKE THE SIMS! ONLY MORE APOCALYPTIC!


Aaah and mods. Who could forget about mods. The community have created a countless amount of mods that will improve your experience and make it that bit more enjoyable. The game itself could keep you going for a lifetime but the mods can entertain you whilst your in heaven!

Doesn't the game sound like a gift from god?

My little rant about what killed my experience!

That is the fun and idealistic experience that you will have if you don't have an awkward computer like me. A minority of Fallout players will have annoying ass bugs and problems that can't be fixed, mine being that my game will just crash when it feels like it every 5 minutes or so. I tried everything to get it working but to no avail. I could easily play Fallout for the rest of my life but my patients with having to repeat my progress everytime my game would crash ran out, so I decided to drop the game however great it may be. Bethesda did a great job at making this game, but the crashing issue that I am experiencing seems to only be occuring for a very few amount of users, and it is most likely due to our hardware not supporting the game which honestly sucks.

Maybe sometime in the future I will buy a PC which will function as it should and will let me play a heavily modded version of Fallout so that I can die alone with 1000+ hours. Until then here is my review of this game that I can't even play myself.

Fishykins Rating 9/10.
2016년 9월 9일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 11월 12일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.7시간 (평가 당시 0.5시간)
I would like to appologise for the cussing, mass slaughtering of wolfs, and the spamming of my keyboard due to this game.
2016년 3월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 10.0시간 (평가 당시 3.0시간)
**Goes to the Dota 2 store page**
**Plays it**
Now I see why its free to play.
800,000 players currently playing and I can't kill a single one of them.
Its not the games fault, I just suck at RTS'.
2016년 3월 14일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 3월 17일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
Oh yey, my favourite car, A Pagani Roadster!
**Pulls out keys, gets into it and hits the gas**
**Flies into the crowd, slaughters 50 people and kills the car in the process**
Daym, thats a real shame, time to give the RUF a spin!
**Pulls out the keys despite having brain damage, gets in and revs it**
**The G-Force leads my neck to breaking**
Ouch. Nothing a few pills can't cure. Time to test the Ariel!
**Flops into the Ariel with a broken neck, and slowly pushes his crippled foot against the Throttle**
**Car still goes lightspeed and kills me in the process**

2016년 2월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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