Mr. Neko-Mew (Raven Kat)
Raven-Neko-Cat   Hendersonville, North Carolina, United States
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Role Play info
Name: Raven Race: Demon Cat-Boy Height: 6'1
Main Element/Magic: Shaodw and Space
Other Features: Twin Cat tails. Dual Balded scythe.
HomeTown: The Shadow Capital

My Favorite games

Momenteel offline
My Cat Fox~
7 2 1
A Box about a Simple Minded Cat
I wanted to redo my profile so its very simple

:vitalylapin: Name: Real name Secert, Call me raven or cat
:vitalylapin: Age: 22 :vitalylapin: Gender: Male :vitalylapin: Sexual: Stright ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
:vitalylapin: Relationship: Not Intrested with ppl on steam, i come here to make freinds & play games :vitalylapin: I love Cats there the cutest things ever!
:vitalylapin: I'm a careing person, nice and sweet person.
:vitalylapin: I love anime, i watch it alot, I also watch TV alot too.... also here is My Anime List page []:

😺I'm weird and strange, but i'm adorable too just look at my profile pic i'me adorablr according to freinds and family xD
😸I tend to be better freinds with girls due to my personailty and the way alot of guys act.
😺I'm a Nice Person, but i get aonnyed easily I have mood swings where i will be in bad mood for no reason half the time. I Have aspergers if you dont know what that is google it plz.
🙀I plan on moveing to melbourne or Palm Beach Florida Next year summer time. So if you live in that area and we are good freinds on here wouldnt mind being irl freinds ^^
😾I secertly Obsesse over things for months or even a year or 2 over mostly ppl that have hurt mew in sometime. so if i'm randomly mad for somereason that could be somthing.

online offline stuff (i have the sounds on casue i dont noice the popups)
📗Online: Feel free to message me
📒Away: i'll message as soon as i get back nya~
📕 Busy: Don't Message me. i'll give you a few warning but contineing to do it will get you unfreinded
📓Snozze: rarely happens i always turn off my laptop when i'm not useing it for long time
📚Offline: is asleep or proaply dead or got some Freinds in real life. And i'll put sleeping on my name!

Likes (:nekoheart:) and dislikes (:madface:)
:nekoheart: Cats!! Was that a supise?
:nekoheart: Quietness sometimes
:nekoheart: Nice People
:nekoheart: Talkive ppl that dont aonny me alot
:nekoheart: Jokes that I understand
:nekoheart: Cute things
:nekoheart: My freinds
:nekoheart: Rock music and Heavy rock
:madface: Mean ppl
:madface: ppl who perfer dogs over cats
:madface: ppl who dont like cats
:madface: Making Jokes about Disabled ppl
:madface: Attention seekers
:madface: ppl telling me how to do things when i never asked. Ask me before you tell me if i want to know
:madface: Rap music and Pop songs
:madface: ppl i dont know well enough sending me links to videos etc etc
:madface: Kids and and Teenagers

My closest and Dearest Best freinds
:vitalylapin: Bear!~ A freind i've know for 7 years now and they mean alot to me. ^.^
:vitalylapin: Ai~ A nice and sweet person thats fun to talk too and is very supportive of me . ^.^
:vitalylapin: Spartan~ A Nice freind thats been very Helpful and is very supportive. ^.^
:vitalylapin: Aerith~ Also a Nice and Careing freind that has show alot of Support for me ^.^
:vitalylapin: Zelly~ A Super Floofy Cat thats really fun to talk to and is super nice!~ ^.^

My top Songs and bands
The Pretty Reckless and ONE OK ROCK are my top fav bands
Heaven Knows
Going to hell
Hate me
Ambitions (Full Album)
♥♥♥♥♥♥ Up World (this a R rated song btw)
Get up!
Dead End in Tokyo
My Evil Ways

My FFXIV stuff
Data Center:Primal,
World Name: Behemoth
Toon name: Asa Raha'Dawn
Voorwerpen te ruil
Voorwerpen in bezit
Gemaakte ruilen
Qutes that i find really like~
:nekoheart: “Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate. Incurable, in each the wounds they make.” Grimm Season 4, ep 21
:nekoheart: "You have Yet to live, untill you experinced true pain"
:vitalylapin:"My heart is my flame, it burns Bright for the people i love~ but with no-one to love~ it slowly dies into Nothingness" Somthing i created
:vitalylapin:"If i could breck away, Would you say the things that you want to say" and "Oh darlying could you wait for me, casue you might be the thing i need' Line from Break away by Artist Vs Poet
:vitalylapin:"I have a fragle heart, and what I do with it is what you chose to do with it"
:vitalylapin: "Sinon is love! Simple as that" the Blue hair girl from SAO ;3
:vitalylapin: "Life is hell~ There are ppl who have it easy, then there are ppl who have it hard~ those ppl their hearts burn 10 times hotter then those who had it easy~ casue they know how to love and see the turth in ppl, those ppl know what hell really is casue they been there and back." Something i put alot of thought into these days.
:vitalylapin: "did you know Owning a Gnome increse your Death by 50%" Graenolf on youtube
“The World is filled with Burning Questions, but Do we really Seek to Awnser all of them or the ones we want Awnsered"

:vitalyapin:"Gazebos are Quite expensive- and Dangerous if not domesticated" Nashu From FFXIV
Cthulhu 24 nov 2017 om 15:00 
Rest in peace.. He was a true friend to all of us, I won't take him off of my friends list, for as long as his account is around, in rememberance of him.
Chuuya Nakahara 2 nov 2017 om 20:20 
bear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 24 okt 2017 om 14:25 
Rest in peace. Take it easy onii-san.
Sweetlamb(Saintjøhn)Samuel 16 okt 2017 om 4:59 
R.I.P dude, you were a true friend, "7/15/95-10/12/17", praying for you and your family. if any of his friends wanted to know what happened add me on steam, i tried to add everyone i think most just blocked me for spam, his funeral is this week.
Smol Hot Cocoa 9 okt 2017 om 17:19 
nyaaa~ *pats your head gently*
Mr. Neko-Mew (Raven Kat) 21 sep 2017 om 12:07 
:O :D