R   Azur, Tel Aviv, Israel
ASMR Roleplay: Tender and Emotionally Intelligent Funky Kong Consoles You After A Messy Divorce:
Hey Dude, You know on the way over here I tried to think of something to say some righteous wisdom to make you feel totally tubular again get you back to your old self. but in the end, I guess things don't really work like that. As much as I wish this was just boogey boarding in shallow land it's not. Love is a strange thing dude. I mean we're all primates right? Our social bonds can mega narly to the max and I Am so incredibly sorry you have to deal with bogousness at this level. I want you to know I'm here for you, whatever you need. Iam your Main monkey, I Am the ape to get you through this grape. And through is the way to go homeslice. You know we have this tendency to ignore wackness until it festers and eats us alive. sometimes we just try to go around it but let me tell you something dude go through it process it and break it down and examine it. It's like hopping on rambi and busting it through a bonus level. It's the only way to rebuild yourself in a healthy way. It took me long to learn that after my divorce, I mean look I'm not trying to sound like a shrink or a know it all, honestly I'm just here to be your home boy. But if you're not ready to rap about this sec thats chill. but know that I got your back. You're in an extremely heinous and uncool situation. I love you and I want you to live your best life possible.
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Call Me Red Crayon Guy 11 mar. 2024 às 20:49 
-rep stinky and smelly
Đr.Øtterballs 24 out. 2021 às 9:30 
السحاقيات ليس لديهم سبب للتفكير في قضبان على الإطلاق. الرجال المثليون ينجذبون إلى Peni ، وبالتالي يفكرون بها كثيرًا. الرجال المستقيمون يمتلكون قضيبًا وبالتالي يجب عليهم ، في بعض الجوانب ، التفكير في القضيب. تنجذب النساء المستقيمات أيضًا إلى القضيب في بعض الجوانب ، لذلك يفكرن بها أيضًا

النساء المثليات هن الفئة الديموغرافية الوحيدة التي ليس لديها سبب للتفكير في Peni وبالتالي فهي المجموعة الأكثر استقامة

أنا بن شابيرو وشكرًا لقدومك إلى حديثي في ​​Ted
zexion 24 out. 2021 às 9:26 
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Brandino 2 jun. 2018 às 20:12 
A few days ago my neighbour's 8 month old daughter listened to music for the first time. I had the privilege to make her listen to Despacito and all of a sudden she started walking wtfff. The last time something like this happened was during Mozart. So, what if Mozart is nothing but despacito and if that's true.... Then.... DESPACITO BY LUIS FONSI FT. DADDY YANKEE IS NOTHING BUT DESPACITO 2 HOLY SHID. WE ALREADY HAD DESPACITO 2 ALL ALONG. . God indeed answers in mysterious ways 🤔
netcafe kiyoshi 1 jun. 2018 às 22:33 
You did retaliate. Retaliated by talking back, being negative, then kept egging them on to harass you more. Also, you're never allowed to defend yourself or anyone else for that matter. And yes, this game not being a chat room has EVERYTHING to do with what you said.
Because you wouldn't stop typing in general. This game is meant for communicating and helping the team improve. NOTHING you said helped anyone or the game improve. At all.

netcafe kiyoshi 1 jun. 2018 às 22:33 
I do get frustrated in games, I get tilted, and I lose. Yet I've been here for almost 8 years and I am still on the same account. Because I avoid EVERYTHING you did here. If you keep this "oh I must defend my internet pride" mentality, Yes you are going to get permabanned.

Keyboard warriors who are protecting their internet pride are meant to be on forums, chat rooms, and bloggers. They have no place in a video game. Because being a keyboard warrior doesn't bring down objectives, turrets, or nexus. League of Legends has no place for your internet pride, which means you have no reason to defend yourself. The only type of defense you should be using is the mute function.