
Последние обзоры CaptSquid

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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 23
6.8 ч. всего
This game was bit of a let down after seeing a lot of hype.

The combat feels like a sloppy version of a 'souls like' with weird hit boxes and extremely limited options on how you wish to fight. The game is very linear pushing you from one boss to another, you fight each one with a loadout the game wants you to have, there is no variety, there is no choice beyond the talents. You pickup the minimal items between bosses and that's it. It becomes a stale boss grind extremely quickly with very little else to it. Boss -> few npcs, 2/3 items on ground - > Boss -> few npcs, 2/3 items on ground - > Boss etc, repeat for entire game. What I enjoy in souls games is that you can go to X location for this weapon and Y location for this armour to make a build fun, you can grind stats to do specific things, wield specific items, whereas wukong has none of this.

The game looks nice, the graphics are very good but performance is not brilliant with quite a few areas causing stuttering or lag however this type of issue will likely be patched out in the future so i don't give that much weight in my overall opinion.

I would give this game maybe a 6/10, it was fun for a few hours but got stale very quickly even when progressing rapidly through bosses. I haven't felt compelled to go back and play more at any point, the game hasn't drawn me in at all, in fact thinking about the cost it feels very meh for what i paid. If you enjoy an endless boss spam action game this will be your cup of tea, if you want something with a bit more depth and variety i think you will be disappointed
Опубликовано 29 августа 2024 г..
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205.4 ч. всего (159.8 ч. в момент написания)
Pay to win but kinda fun.... I think?
Опубликовано 27 июня 2022 г..
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40.9 ч. всего (16.9 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
This is honestly the first time I have ever played a game and thought it was genuinely under priced.
Simple. Fun. Addictive. Bargain!
Опубликовано 25 января 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 6
313.0 ч. всего
The game started out as a fun experience, I enjoyed exploring the map, the crafting system seemed interesting and the combat for the most part was enjoyable but its only when you have spent a certain amount of time in the game you begin to realise just how many bugs exist. I expect bugs with any new game but unfortunately a large number of them are game breaking, easily exploitable and have made the game feel like if you aren't taking advantage of them like majority of the player base you are at a disadvantage.

At max level the main objective is to increase your gear score and participate in wars to defend or claim territory however you have to farm materials for keys to even enter the dungeons/raids, the open world content drops (Elite Chests) have been bugged since launch where they dont drop items correctly, the PvP wars are so laggy its like a slideshow and the servers are mostly so quiet a game of outpost rush (like a WoW battleground) will never start because there are not enough players queuing. Each patch has made the game slightly worse and it feels like the devs ignore any and all feedback they receive, quite often changing things in the opposite way that people ask

This is a game where if you weren't there for the launch you have already missed most of the fun. Where there were huge amounts of people of all levels, now the player base is almost entirely max level so a new player will get ganked constantly if they try and do any world pvp, have no one to play with for the 5 man content which is part of the main story, no one to run the dungeons with.

There also feels like a fundamental problem with the game design. The companies who took the most profitable areas early like Everfall or Windsward earned so much money that they could just buy all the best gear from every trading post, even when they dont need it so they were able to easily not only hold the territory since launch, but push on and dominate. Several servers have this issue where the company who got an early foothold reaches an untouchable position.

Healing in this game is the worst of any MMO I have personally played, with clunky ui, laggy spell casting and heaven forbid you play on an ultrawide monitor because the party frames are hard stuck at the edge so it makes it impossible to see what is going on with your character, your cool downs and your parties health at the same time.

I definitely got my monies worth and i don't regret playing but i'll be completely honest if i had joined the game in its current state i am almost certain I wouldnt be able to stick with it to even reach max level which is why i am forced to give a negative review despite a large number of hours played. Its a shame, the game has promise but unfortunately has already lost majority of its player base and given the direction the game is heading with patches this looks highly likely to continue, with random nerfs thrown into each patch but major glaring bugs and problems ignored
Опубликовано 22 ноября 2021 г.. Отредактировано 22 ноября 2021 г..
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