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Közzétéve: 2011. júl. 7., 4:26
Frissítve: 2023. aug. 5., 10:28

Convoluted game, only worth playing if you've already been playing it for the past 10 years or if you have a 2010 potato that can't run better games. I'd rather play OW2 (which is complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) than play this, which says alot. Stop listening to purists who tell you that TF2 is supposed to be an institution or a cult-classic, it's an average game that was cool when it released like 15 years ago but has done little to innovate on the concept since (other than a pay-to-play PvE mode). The only thing keeping it afloat is the diehard fans who spent thousands of hours and are stuck defending it because they decided to dedicate their lives to it.
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