最近兩週 0.1 小時 / 總時數 183.7 小時 (評論時已進行 8.5 小時)
張貼於:2024 年 2 月 16 日 下午 10:22
更新於:2024 年 5 月 6 日 下午 8:04

Absolutely fantastic way to spread freedom. Obviously there's some bugs, but those will be squashed under the boot of Managed Democracy. Server size is the biggest issue, simply because the developers weren't expecting almost 300,000 people playing the game on Steam alone at peak. If you want a squad based PvE experience that's hectic, fun, and thrilling all in one? Well, strap your boots on and chamber a round, Helldiver, because that's exactly what this game is. Spread democracy and freedom with your squadmates, and wipe out the forces of evil from the galaxy. Your Hellpod awaits, Diver. Our forces on Malevelon Creek cry for aid. Will you pick up the rifle? Will you answer the call?

(No seriously, the game is really good. Sure, it has it's problems, but it's certainly a lot better than any AAA release. I highly recommend it.)

Edit to be made: I am changing my stance on this game. SONY has shagged the developers at AHS of a fantastic game by requiring people to submit a PSN account. I give a solid ♥♥♥♥ YOU to SONY and their staff.

Edit #2: The MO has been won, Helldivers. For Democracy!!
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