Formosa, Argentina
campesino bobo
luv u all

I know it sounds crazy, but whenever I touch these sandwiches; you’re gonna laugh at me you're going to think that I’m nuts you’re going to think I’m crazy, when I touch these sandwiches I feel the hands of every person who has touched them before me and after me. And I feel this jolt of like freaking lighting or something from my head to the tip of my you know what. Sometimes while grabbing these sandwiches with my bare hands I just can’t help but throw my head back in ecstasy and moan. So whenever I go and talk to chicks the chicks say to me “What do you do?” and I say “Yes I do grab sandwiches with my bare hands in a factory.” And don’t laugh at me, I feel like a spirit like an orb shoot through my body every time I grab a sandwich. You know a lot of people laugh at me, they beat me up, they give me black eyes, they broke my nose four times. You know, because I like to make sandwiches and I get bullied about it, and I get bullied for it. And they pull my underwear up and doo-doo feces does fall out because of how hard they pull. But will I stop grabbing sandwiches with my bare hands and moving them down the assembly line? Absolutely freaking not, if you know what I mean. Like no, the answer’s no way. This is the only thing that brings my life joy. And you can beat me up, you can threaten to kill me, you can dox me, you can come to my house in a black SUV, I’m not going to stop doing this. I love the people of this country, I love giving them soggy sandwiches, and no I’m not going to stop.
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63 hrs on record
last played on 25 Mar
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Cuzvi 7 Dec, 2023 @ 7:24pm 
El es Dave el gusano, dile hola a Dave.
estiven123Q 3 Dec, 2023 @ 4:45pm 
Motito 20 Aug, 2023 @ 10:01pm 
Os muffins caseiros fáceis de fazer que compartilhamos abaixo são deliciosos. Esta é uma receita básica e simples de muffins, porque não podemos fazer confeitos mais complexos sem primeiro dominar as receitas essenciais. Assim, em Receitas Gratuitas recomendamos que você comece com o básico e, aos poucos, vá aumentando a dificuldade.

Os muffins são ideais tanto para o pequeno-almoço como para lanches e sobremesas, já que podemos acompanhá-los com batidos, café, infusões ou chás. Desta forma, se você quer descobrir como fazer muffins caseiros, continue lendo, anote e mãos à obra.
Ingredientes para fazer Muffins caseiros fáceis:
1 xícara de leite (240 mililitros)
2 xícaras de farinha (280 gramas)
2 colheres de sobremesa de fermento em pó (fermento tipo Royal)
½ colher de chá de sal
½ xícara de açúcar (100 gramas)
2 ovos
1 colher de sopa de manteiga
WiZaRdLR 10 Oct, 2022 @ 4:23pm 
"Select your Heroe"
Pick Guri
"Select your assist type"
Take you for a ride :summer2019boost::summer2019vehiclecockatiel:
SmashuFlashu 9 Mar, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
Gracias Guri querido <3
psycheluger 16 Nov, 2018 @ 10:50pm 