Carnage.... Is.... CHAOS!!!
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余chill 14 May @ 10:00pm 
I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was a Wednesday (maybe Monday to some people) and we were sitting at The Round Table strategizing how to obliterate those pesky aliens with a good friend of ours. Before we initiate a certain mission with a code name of "Spin of Death", somehow we combined our last brain cell to illustrate 2 rockets (totally not in the shape of 2 PPs) in order to blew up their planet and get that W. *TLDR: haha pp funni moments in Alien Swarm (pls don't hate me after this :SaffronCry:)
余chill 14 May @ 12:45am 
A high intellectual gentleman with an exquisite sense of humor :quirrel:
³³hikaru 8 May @ 10:23am 
Carnage in chat
Gavie 20 Mar @ 12:44am 
fortnite 2 :rjumendoka2:
Inepd 11 Mar @ 8:55pm 
Kiyohime 7 Oct, 2021 @ 5:29pm 