You Do Not Need To Know (YDNNTK)   Houston, Texas, United States
Me, Myself, And I

If you want info on my workshop policies, ask (No room in showcase)

If you want to trade with me:
But, to trade with me, why though? If your considering it, you should go get a CAT scan and a MRI AND a pyscological exam... or, just trade!

I work on POC's (Proof of concepts), and anything more fancy might get done, eventually... I like science, math, logic (Read the quotes from famous people down bellow).


"The More You Know, The More Terrified You Are Of The World Around You!"- Me, I Think

"I'm Not Smart, I'm Just Passionatly Curious!"-
Albert Einstien

"Credit Where Crdit Is Due"- My Motto, And A "Well Used" Saying

"A good landing is one where you walk away, a Great landing is one where you can fly the plane after said landing"
- Anonymous

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”- Albert Einstien

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Allbert Einstien

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
― Douglas Adams

“I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.” ― Arthur C. Clarke

“Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you.”
― Terry Pratchett

“Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler.”
― Albert Einstein

"Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.”
― Stephen Hawking

“In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks.”
― Bill Watterson
HIM 3 มี.ค. @ 1: 50pm 
Thanks for existing, man
You're amazing, never change
CTH2004 15 ก.พ. 2024 @ 3: 43pm 
great!my mod sould be in the "well, I can release it" stage sometime this weekend. Probnally
Breadmond 12 ก.พ. 2024 @ 3: 05pm 
Breadmond 12 ก.พ. 2024 @ 3: 04pm 
ok sure yeah
CTH2004 12 ก.พ. 2024 @ 9: 32am 

also, just thought of something, would you be willing to make yours public? 2 reasons:

1. it's a good "simple" one (doesn't require multiple other mods)
2. then I can link to it. After all, credit where credit is due!
Breadmond 10 ก.พ. 2024 @ 9: 03pm 
and neither is yours, it'll happen in due time, I'm sure