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Nylige anmeldelser av the-red-dragon

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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
12.4 timer totalt
Wake up, Lieutenant.
Publisert 26. juni 2020.
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15.5 timer totalt (12.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
...Time, Valve Software?

Is it really that time again?

It seems as if you only just arrived.

Half Life: Alyx is the best looking and most fun VR Game I have ever played. It quickly took over BONEWORKS place and really shows the true potential of Virtual Reality. I am sure that this game was one of the few titles to really revolutionize Virtual Reality and set a basic foundation for future VR games to come.

Unlike Boneworks, the controls for Half Life: Alyx are quite simple and less complex. Busting a bit of realism for more freedom. My ONLY real big complaint about this game is the lack of melee combat and a climb mechanic that BONEWORKS had. For the most part you're pretty grounded.

Now, I don't get motion sickness from VR. But I can see why things were tweaked to make the camera smooth. (Ex: You fall very slow. But fall damage is busted as I died climbing down a ladder manually lol. Also, the lack of a jump mechanic means the teleport feature does have to be used from time to time.)

On a final note, this game is worth the price in full. The ending was not at all what I was expecting and I really hope we don't have to wait another 4 billion years for the next game.
Publisert 14. juni 2020.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
895.3 timer totalt (304.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Stop reinventing the wheel
Publisert 22. mai 2020. Sist endret 27. juni 2021.
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19.6 timer totalt (14.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So far as of making this review, this is the best VR game I have played. The gameplay, story, and soundtrack are just beautiful. BONEWORKS has created the base mechanics that should be in every future VR game. It feels so good to see VR becoming less of a gimmick and I am excited to see how Half Life VR lives up to this.
Publisert 17. februar 2020.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
557.4 timer totalt (33.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It plays and feels just like how it always did.

The ultimate Halo experience. All how you remember it.

And more.
Publisert 19. desember 2019. Sist endret 30. juli 2021.
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140.5 timer totalt (137.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Much like my Hitman 2016 review, this game is just as good as the original but improved. It's made even better with the addition of being able to play the original maps for free (if you owned them in 2016s version).

now for the poopoo parts

1. this game runs like a windows slideshow sometimes. Mostly when first starting missions or when something big suddenly happens. It does smooth itself out after a little while and never got too much in the way

2. I didn't have this problem, but the package system is about as confusing as building the Spitzer Space Telescope with a broken screwdriver while getting yelled at by some Chinese business man with Maxwell House Original Coffee Blend stains on his suit. Just have the base game and its DLC as packs.

3. Contract mode has a limit on targets and does not allow for "map building". EX: placing items in the map and setting custom objectives. Thus, the reason why I don't touch contracts that much. I wanna see someone build a contract that's just some bloke in a box of toasters that drops my frames to 3 in the biggest map in the game.

4. IOI interactive forgot to add the santa side mission in Paris from Hitman 2016. Now you get coal.
Publisert 30. oktober 2019.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
33.7 timer totalt (11.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
My number one childhood game in an absolutely flawless remaster. This does it better than the crash remake in my opinion. (my second favorite childhood game).

The option to go back and forth between original and trilogy music is quite the gift. With that said, the soundtrack is a beautiful recreation. They really cared with this one. Everything is so beautiful to look at and I can feel those sprinkled childhood feelings when running around the areas I spent the most time in. Comparing this game to the original, you can really see how far we have gone since 1998. That being said, I recommend this game to anyone who likes Spyro. It's well worth the price.

On a side note, I would love to see a remaster of the Legend of Spyro series. I quite enjoyed the darker twists and Cynder was a very welcoming character in my eyes. And honestly, I quite enjoyed the stories and gameplay. Kinda wish Cynder was a playable character in reignited but that could mess with dialog and such. Not as simple as making CoCo playable in Crash trilogy. But, yeah. This is a great experience.
Publisert 14. september 2019.
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3.0 timer totalt (2.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The fastest loading game in my steam library.
Publisert 5. juli 2019.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
2.6 timer totalt (0.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's like playing the art class minigame in Bully but 13 years later and Jimmy Hopkins is a furry.
Publisert 25. juni 2019.
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5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
8 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
0.0 timer totalt
Don't give me wrong. I love this character. Which is why I up vote this.

My biggest problem,
I pre-ordered this game with the mindset that Shao Kahn would be a pre-order EXCLUSIVE. But I see it here, available for anyone to buy. Killed my vibe of having a character only a good chunk would have access to.

But hey, I saved $6 didn't I?
Publisert 27. april 2019. Sist endret 28. april 2019.
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Viser 91–100 av 110 bidrag