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✪ Buni The Burrito 9 Dec, 2017 @ 5:40am 
+rep great leader
Friday the 13th 9 Nov, 2015 @ 3:32am 
I wish to meet this guy, great man and great guy to have a conversation with :Toxic_Geralt:
JK 15 May, 2015 @ 4:17am 
As I grieved for my digesting son I felt a ripping sensation than I looked up to see Ivory, the ivory of George Washington's teeth. As George Washington began to chew me, I saw it emerge from his throat it was the ghost of former Conservative Prime Minister and ultimate bachelor Edward Heath! As I bowed down to Heath he entered me through the nostrils, I than became the slightly eyebrowless but still amazingly awesome Edward Heath. Than I escaped and was in a pair of dark trousers filled with pink marshmallows and as I bounced on their bounciness I saw something familiar it was my so, the one who was inside me my Olive! As we came together we hugged as the pants around us exploded from a gastronomic fart. I made it, my son did not. : (