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91.6 hrs on record (43.4 hrs at review time)
Awesome remaster! The graphics are significantly better without loosing on the look and feel of the original. There are many quality of life improvements as well. The only letdown is the removal of true LAN functionality, With DE, you need to verify over an internet connection, instead of being able to run over LAN directly. Other than that, it's an improvement over aoe2HD in any possible way.

For people playing on Linux:
It runs fine through Proton for me, However, to be able to play multiplayer you need to swap a 32 bit version of a Proton-related file to a 64 bit version. After that everything works fine. Check ProtonDB for more info.
Posted 24 May, 2022.
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7.1 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Don't get confused by my hour-count. I've played many more hours via Origin before the game came to Steam.

Apex is a great competitive game, especially with friends! I was already a big fan of the TItanfall series and Apex takes the good things from TF2 without trying to be exactly the same (So TF2 with a big map).

The loot is nicely spread, maps are good and the game runs smoothly! Even on Linux! Yes, that's right: Linux! Respawn enabled Linux support for the EAC system recently! Thank you for doing so, Respawn. This was one of the last games holding me back to delete my WIndows partition!
Posted 8 March, 2022.
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6.5 hrs on record
Loved this little story. I love to play games that take 50-100 hours to complete or take a lot of effort to get into/good at, but sometimes I just want to experience a story that is short and accessible. Firewatch is exactly that.

If you're into relaxing (but thrilling at times), story-driven games that can be completed in one evening, this is the game for you!
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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19.4 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Superflight is an amazingly fun and original game and easily worth the full price. It's the kind of game that you can both play for half an hour to have a break and relax, or play for the whole night by trying to beat your highscore.
Altough it's a singleplayer game, it's great to play with friends when chilling. It needs a certain amount of focus, but only that much that you can still talk wiht them. I like to have the controller in rotation and watch eachother play. This way, everybody gets to play, socialize and have time to drink you beaverage.

Highly recommended!
Posted 16 July, 2020.
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165.1 hrs on record (147.5 hrs at review time)
Insurgency is a one-of-a-kind FPS. Compared to most popular shooters, Insurgency is more of a hardcore and team-focused shooter. It's what you would get if Squad or Arma and Call of Duty had a baby; creating a unique balance between keeping the gameplay fun, while also keeping it challenging too.

To win, you and your team have to capture and/or defend objectives, while killing the enemy team until they've ran out of waves. The more objectives you hold/capture, the more waves your team gets/keeps and the less waves the other team gets. In other words: just killing enemies for a high K/D ratio won't win the game. Keeping focus on the objectives and having a good teamwork and communication with your team will.

Insurgency is a very immersive game. The sounddesign is very good (and can be improved even more with mods from the Steam Workshop) and the HUD is very minimal: There is no mini-map, no cross hair and hitting an enemy with 1-3 shots gets you a kill. This also means you get killed easily, so you'll need to get cover; Run-and-gun kind of play style will almost always end up in you dying. Vanilla servers, like the NWI official servers, don't even have a kill-feed, so the only way to be sure you killed an enemy is by seeing him dying or finding his body. Some community servers do have a kill-feed, join whatever you prefer.

Insurgency may not be a game for everyone, but if you like tactical shooters like CS:GO or you want to try something completely different from what you're used to, I'd highly recommend you to give this game a try. Especially in the beginning you'll probably get killed a lot. This might be frustrating, but the more you get used to the game and start the understand it, the more fun it gets you. Watching some video's for beginners on Youtube is recommended, especially if you don't have a friend to guide you the first time.

The game is well optimized and easy to run, even older systems often have little issue running it. The community is not huge, but at least in my region (Europe) I can always find multiple servers that are filled. Most maps are really good, while others are love-it or hate-it maps. Although I think it's worth the full price, it's often on sale for €2.50 - €5.00.
There is also a successor to this game, Insurgency: Sandstorm. And although I really like Sandstorm too, it doesn't give me the same immersive and hardcore-ish feeling as this one does, but that's my take on it; you might enjoy Sandstorm more. It is worth noting that Sandstorm is a lot harder to run smoothly. Both are worth checking out tho, but this on is my favorite by far.
Posted 23 June, 2020. Last edited 23 June, 2020.
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0.9 hrs on record
Great little game with a great story!
Posted 7 November, 2016.
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14.2 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
Great game, especially for couch-co op! Highly recommened!

The only thing that I would like to see changed is the inventory. A shared inventory across all players would be amazing.
Posted 9 May, 2016.
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17.5 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
Amazing game! The whole amosphere is great, the soundtrack is worth playing it alone and the whole game by itself is very unique.
Would recommend buying this game if you like fast and unique games.
Posted 11 May, 2015.
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8.6 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
The story is amazing! Also thet atmosphere is great. The only bad things about this game are:
When the fps is lower tha 60, the game slows down. This is just bad programming. My rig is broken, so I had to play it on my laptop. Had to lower the resolution to 768p (Instead of 1080p) to get 60fps! This while it doesn't look like a very demanding game. Many games that look way more demanding (Like Half life 2), run way better on my laptop. Also you have to use Uplay. It isn't a big issue for me, but it is somewhat annoying that you have to use 2 programs (Steam and Uplay) to play 1 game. Last but not least: Sometimes the game just wouldn't start at all. If I went to the taskmanager and killed the progress, it would start the game (wtf Ubisoft?).
If you ignore the terrible programming, the game is great. I would love to play it again when i have my PC working again.
Posted 11 April, 2015.
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12.9 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
The whole Half-Life series may be the bes games I've ever played. From Half-Life 1 till Half-Life 2: Episode 2 all games are great! Half-Life 2 is no exception. The whole atmosphere is amazing. The story is great! Really recommended, especially if you start by HL1, then play the HL1 expantions (HL Opposing Forces and HL Blue Shift), then HL2, Then both Episodes!
Posted 29 March, 2015.
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