=pb Cadet (Bolt Boy)
One day as cadet was fighting with his scout brothers, an enemy sniper shot some explosive barrels near the scouts, most of them survived but one, cadet... Injured badly, the scouts brought him to a mad doctor, the mad Doctor helped, but offered to make him stronger and faster by using SIVA, a weird but super non-lethal virus that can make things more superior than they are normally, the scouts accepted, and then scout was rebuilt, they put some chips in some parts of the body like his legs to make them stronger and faster, it was painful, soon instead of his bonk boy put on him, they put on him the bolt boy, these robotic versions of the bonk boy are to help him react to everything in his surroundings and let him know an enemy's threat level, and instead of his code name being cadet (bonk boy) it was....cadet (Bolt Boy)... And that fellas, is MY story! Oh and if you're wondering what the procedure looked like, go on YouTube and search anakin becomes earth Vader scene, but instead, while watching, picture my scout being turned into what he looks like now
Currently Offline
Fallen Bunny Man 9 May, 2021 @ 10:25am 
Me too either. :/
Dr. Fear 8 Nov, 2018 @ 8:04pm 
Sorry, we never really talked or played any games in a loooong time so I'm unfriending ye. Sorry, but here's a cookie! :2015cookie: But if you want to add me back that's cool.
Dr. Fear 25 Dec, 2017 @ 5:54pm 
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Years!
darkflamemaster 17 Nov, 2016 @ 4:31pm 
fan to keep your profile cool
EarlLeFlame 12 Nov, 2016 @ 3:51pm 
man you have a big group