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投稿日: 2020年3月29日 21時07分

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Holy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥. I don't think it's possible to explain how great of a game this was. Half Life, HL2, episode 1, episode 2... It seemed almost impossible for Valve to make a good follow up to those games, especially from a prequel game. I am extremely happy I played through both main games and the episodes before this, as it made the entire game that much more satisfying. This game left me in awe the moment I started playing, no other VR title has yet done that for me. and somehow the game only got better the more I played. The story was good and I enjoyed the last chapter so much, I would have payed much more than the $60 price tag if I knew before I started. I will not spoil anything here, and I recommend if anyone reading this has not yet read/watched the story, they play this game ASAP. Play through the other HL games first though if you can, as the game will be significantly better if you do. This game is easily game of the year quality, and is transformative to VR as a genre. First proper Valve game in 9 years, and first major Half Life title in 16 years. If I am allowed to say so, I think this was worth that wait.
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